

Reading Check

To take art to the masses for the project and increase awareness of plastic waste management and the importance of creating a plastic-free environment.

Language Study

1. Located in 2. aims to


Reading Check

1. D 2. A

Language Study

1. once 2. Thankfully


Reading Check

1. A 2. D

Language Study

1. were; willing to 2. why; is that


Reading Check

Companies were required to take care of their own waste, or to pay the government to do with it.

Ordinary people were required to separate their waste into two groups—garbage, and things that are recyclable or reusable, and to buy special blue bags to throw things away.

Yellow garbage trucks come around often in order to make it easy for people to deal with their waste. White recycling trucks always come around with the yellow garbage trucks.Language Study

1. were required to separate; into 2. far behind;far ahead of


Reading Check

1. D 2. A 3. C

Language Study



Ⅲ. 读后创写


Dear Peter,

I'd like to share my experience with you about the waste sorting regulations carried out in Shanghai. I think you must have heard of it, as many media in foreign countries have covered the hot issue.

As a local resident, I felt puzzled in the beginning. After I realized the significance of the policy, I spared no efforts to sort out the waste carefully, playing my part in protecting the environment. Many locals found it difficult to tell the difference between the wet rubbish and the dry rubbish. But all of us took action when we knew garbage classification really made a difference.

What are the methods used in your city? I am looking forward to your reply.


Li hua


Reading Check

1. He lost his parents and was tired of seeing everyone sad all the time.

2. By giving away little toys in public expecting nothing in return but a smile.

3. People who aren't smiling.


Reading Check

1. expect 2. necessary 3. following 4. exams

5. remember/memorize

Language Study

1. so; that; that 2. what; have heard



I. 1. ivory tusks 2. dangerous 3. natural causes

Ⅱ. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B



I. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A

Ⅱ. 1. history 2. grocery 3. free


Reading Check

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T

Language Study

1. into;investing in 2. where


Reading Check

1. B 2. D 3. C

Language Study

1. to; than 2. linking; to


Reading Check

1.The US-China trade war,visa delays,concerns over being shut out of research projects and safety fears.

2. In March, 2019.

3. About 120,000.

4. Robotics.

5. $13 billion.

Language Study

accounts for


Reading Check

1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T

Language Study

1. paid back 2. confused about 3. suited for;realize


Reading Check

1. Penguin Random House.

2. 31.

3. She promoted her book with a hugely popular global tour.

4. In 1952.

5. The former US president Bill Clinton and James Patterson.

Language Study

1. the most successful 2. proved to be


Reading Check

Overtourism refers to a phenomenon of overcrowding at some popular tourist attractions,which is caused by macroeconomic development,business trends and widely use of social media.Measures have been taken to deal with it in some places. Although the phenomenon means more complaints from locals,it has some upsides in a way. (52 words)

Language Study

1. walked out 2. led to


Reading Check

1. C 2. B 3. C

Language Study

1. have a; impact/influence/effect on

2. is home to; depend on


Reading Check

1. In 2011.

2. WeChat lets people message each other via one-on-one texts, audio or video calls.What's more, it isn't dependent on advertising for making money. Last but not least, it has a mobile payment system that has been widely adopted in China, which allows people to shop,play games, pay bills, transfer money, buy personal financial products and order meal deliveries all from within the app.

3. Advertisements/Advertising.

4. It lacks a payment system.

Language Study

1. isn't dependent on/doesn't rely on 2. allows;to




1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B


Ⅰ. 1. come up with 2. At any rate 3. cheering me on 4. Without missing a beat 5. to follow their dreams

Ⅲ. Working with you is a pleasure.





Dear friends,

Do you want to study on a beautiful campus? So it is our duty to make our school comfortable to study in. To complete this task,we should keep the following in mind.

First of all, don't litter about in our school.Otherwise, it'll be smelly and attracts flies. And we should protect our campus environment by looking after flowers and trees around. It's also wise that we reuse everything recyclable, which is money-saving and environmentally-friendly.Finally, please keep classrooms clean, and remember there is no drinking or eating in the classrooms.

Let's all take action now and contribute to building a harmonious campus environment.

Thank you!

Students' Union



Task 1

本文是一篇议论文。 文章主要谈论的是如何成为一个更聪明、更好的购物者。

1. A 细节题。根据第1段可知,作者每周都会收到促销邮件,尽管她知道商家在做什么,但她最后还是忍不住购买, 由此可判断出A项正确。

2. B 推断题。 根据第2段的“There were just so many; what if I picked a wrong one and my husband and I ended up having a terrible time? This quandary...these days.” 可知,作者在选择宾馆时感到很困难,故B项正确。

3. C 细节题。 根据第2段的“If you figure out what’s more important to you ahead of time,you can keep yourself from choosing in a sea of too many choices.”可知,如果你提前弄清什么对你来说更重要, 你就可以避免像大海捞针一样进行选择,故C项正确。

4. A 主旨题。本段谈论的是列一个购物清单的种种好处,故A项正确。

Task 2

本文是一篇说明文。 作者就如何帮助孩子们有效备考给家长提出了一些建议。

1. C 根据下文的关键信息Knowing the best way to study以及谈到的学习的具体方法可判断,选项C符合语境。

2. D 根据下文的 “It doesn’t mean that they must always like the subject.”可知,D项符合语境。

3. A 根据下文的关键信息your child is nervous...to relax in stressful situations 以及Try muscle relaxation可判断, 选项A符合语境。

4. G 结合下一句可推断, 此处应填入G项,形成前后呼应。

5. E 根据下文的 “Hunger can detract from the test performance.”一句可知,此空应填入选项E与之呼应。

Task 3

本文是一篇记叙文。 作者通过列举两位足球运动员对待失败以及人生挫折的故事告诉我们:没有永久的失败和成功,所以我们应该享受成功的时刻,然后继续下一个任务。

1.D 根据上文的Mary Harvey was the goalkeeper和she made a mistake可知,Mary Harvey是一位守门员,她犯了一个错误。 由此推知,她没守住球门,让对方进了球。短语let in意为“让……进入”,符合语境。take in“领会”,bring in“赚钱”,put in“安装”,均与语境不符。

2. C 根据上文可知,Mary犯了错, 让对手进了球。 再根据下文的the world championship was on the line可知, 美国落后一球并且还剩45分钟, 世锦赛处于危险中。down在此处为形容词,意为“(以某一比分)落后的”,符合语境。

3. B 根据下文的help her team win可知,Mary虽然犯了错, 但最后帮助她的团队赢得了比赛。 由此可推知,在中场休息期间,团队弄明白了如何调整(adjust)。

4. A 根据下文的she was able to put the mistakeher and help her team win可知,在下半场,她们在Mary的帮助下赢得了比赛。

5. A 根据文章中的she made a mistake可知,她犯了一个错误。

7. B 根据文章意思, 她把错误抛到脑后,才会帮助她的团队获胜。短语put...behind意为“把……抛到脑后”,符合语境。

8. B 根据下文中的I can’t recall a single thing I learned from winning可知,这是Mary Harvey对作者所说的话。

9. C 根据文章中的 “During the halftime, the team figured out how to.”可知,此处表示如果你失败了, 你必须弄清楚(figure out) 做什么, 然后就去做它。 wonder at“对……感到惊讶”;think back “回想起”;turn to“求助于”。 这三项均与语境不符,故排除。

10. C 根据下文的he was a former almost-star可知, 他是第一位给Arsenal队进球的美国人。 score意为“得分”,符合语境。

11. D 根据上文中的injuries可知, 所受的伤让他的足球生涯中断。 cut sth short意思是“提前结束某事;中断某事”。

12. D 根据下文中的“Failure is not a choice for me, but a. It knocks you down,and you have to go on and getbecause of it.”可知,这是他对作者所说的话。 短语put it to sb意为 “对某人直言不讳”,符合语境。 get it“理解”;make it“成功”;hate it“憎恨它”。

13. C 根据上文的Failure is not a choice for me可知, 失败对他来说不是一种选择,而是现实(reality)。

14. D 根据上文的It knocks you down, and you have to go on可知, 你被困难打倒,你必须继续并变得更加强大(stronger)。

15.A 根据下文的“Daniel was a rising 16 with one of the biggest teams in the world—then, he wasn’t.” 可知,Daniel曾是世界上一个强队的后起之秀,然后,他不是了。 所以可推知失败不一定持久, 名声几乎不会永远持续。

16. A 根据上文中的he was a former almoststar可知,Daniel是一位后起之秀。

17. B 根据文章中的Mary Harvey was the goalkeeper可知,Mary曾是世界上最好的守门员(goalkeeper)。

19. C 根据上文的Neither可知, 此处指的是就像两个人都不把挫折误认为是命中注定的生活的证据一样。

20. D 根据上文的their moment of glory可知,此处指的是享受这个时刻,然后继续下一个任务。

Task 4


这是一篇记叙文。 文章主要介绍了虽然102岁的贝聿铭走了,但是他的作品改变了全世界很多城市。

1. creative 考查词性变化。 根据one of the most 1.________(create) architects of our times可知, 他是我们时代最有创造力的建筑师之一。 由于前面有the most修饰,且后面有名词,所以要用形容词形式。

2. designs 考查名词复数形式。 根据语境,他把东西方的思想结合到他的设计中。 显然要用名词复数形式,表示许许多多的设计。

3. moving 考查非谓语动词。 由于在before之后,所以要用动词-ing形式作状语。

4. when 考查关系副词。 根据句子的结构来判断,此空之后是一个定语从句,修饰先行词in 1940,在从句中作状语,所以要用关系副词when。

5. to return 考查动词不定式。 根据句子的结构可以判断, 此处要用动词不定式作后置定语。

6. founded 考查动词时态。 由于句子中出现了时间状语in 1955, 所以要用一般过去时态。

7. highly 考查词性变化。 根据句子的结构可以判断,修饰influential要用副词形式。

8. and 考查连词。 根据语境,……包括香港的中国银行大厦、 华盛顿特区的国家美术馆东馆、波士顿的肯尼迪图书馆,可知前后是并列的关系,所以要用连词and。

9. for 考查介词。 句中be famous for意思是


10. difference 考查词性变化。 根据句子的结构可以判断,此处要用名词作主语,故填difference,同时be动词形式是is,所以要用单数形式。



Dear Tom,

Learning that you’ll go back home and want to buy gifts for your friends, I’m writing to share with you my suggestions as follows.

Of all the Chinese characteristic gifts,I think Chinese stamps will be the best choice. As you know, stamps are considered as a permanent collection with memorable value. Moreover,stamps cover natural landscapes, Chinese animal signs and major events, from which your friends can have a better understanding of China. Besides, taking up little space makes it easy to carry.

As for how to buy the stamps, you’d better go to any post office in China or its related website to choose some. I’m sure Chinese stamps will be your friends’ favorite.


Li Hua



Critical Thinking

Any answer is possible.