
1. commit /kə'mɪt/ v. 承诺

2. soothe /suːð/ v. 缓和;安慰

3. assorted /ə'sɔːtɪd/ adj. 各种各样的;混杂的

If you have a favorite hobby or activity,volunteering for a related cause can make a big difference in your life.

Stretch your marathon miles

Give cuddles to newborns

It's a sad fact of modern times that many infants are born addicted to heroin or opioids,and need to go through withdrawal. The withdrawal process for these littlest beings is long, painful, and filled with suffering; worse still, many of these newborns have no adult to soothe them through this process.

Ease loneliness of the elderly

Imagine you rarely having someone to talk to.Multiple studies show that friendship can prolong life, as well as improve the quality of it. All too often, the simple joy of human interaction disappears for people as they age.Things you can do include visiting seniors in assisted living facilities or in hospice centers. You can also volunteer through local organizations, such as ElderFriends, or Elder Helpers.

Like other plastic, bottles, bags, cans,cigarette butts andassorteddebris, those tiny,plastic tanks that are littering city streets end up in the ocean—and it's killing wildlife. Fish,ocean mammals and birds mistake tiny bits of plastic for food, and eat it. You can make a difference by volunteering to clean up waterways,such as rivers and oceans, through the Ocean Conservancy's year-round efforts.Join a neighborhood cleanup campaign, or start your own.

A. Plan a party

B. Protect ocean wildlife

C. Always help those in need.

D. Human beings develop on connection.

E. There are many ways you can combat that reality by volunteering for the elderly.

F. Holding, cuddling, singing and speaking to drug-addicted babies help them recover quickly.

G. If you love running marathons for charity, consider becoming a running partner for a sight-impaired runner.



Fill in each blank with a proper sentence with the sentences below the text.



Sentence for writing

Imagine you rarely having someone to talk to. 想象一下,你很难找得到人可以倾诉。

【信息提取】imagine sb doing...意为“想象某人做……”。

【句式仿写】她想象着自己走进办公室,递上辞呈。 (辞呈resignation)________________________