
1. humanoid /΄hjuːmənɔɪd/ n. 仿真机器人;类人动物

2. fork /fɔːrk/ v. 走岔路;分岔

3. entail /ɪn΄teɪl/ v. 牵涉;需要;使必要

4. anonymity /ˌænə΄nɪməti/ n. 匿名

5. phase /feɪz/ n. 阶段;时期

Geomiq, a UK based machining start-up, is currently offering £100,000 to look for a “kind and friendly” human face that could be used for a new line of human-looking robots. Geomiq,who is working on behalf of an unnamed privately-funded robotics company, is inviting applications from the public who would like to be the face of a new state-of-the-arthumanoid.The company will select a face and thenforkit over thousands of humanoids that it has developed.

“A few weeks ago we were approached by a robotics company asking if we could help it with the finishing touches of a state-of-the-art humanoid robot it's been working on. Details of the project are scarce due to a non-disclosure agreement we've signed with the designer and investors, but this is what we do know,” Geomiq said in a blog post about the project.

“The company is searching for a ‘kind and friendly' face to be the literal face of the robot once it goes into production. This willentailthe selected person's face being reproduced on potentially thousands of versions of the robots worldwide.” While Geomiq didn't provide specific details, the project which has been in development for five years will see humanoids act as a “virtual friend” for elderly people. It is set to go into production in 2020 and will soon be readily available to the public.

The private company in question said it wantedanonymitydue to the nature of the product. The project has been funded by a number of independent VCs as well as a top fund based in Shanghai. The selected candidate will get a fee of £100,000 to license the rights to his or her face. “We know that this is an extremely unique request, and signing over the licenses to your face is potentially an extremely big decision,” the company added.

If you are interested in being the face of state-of-the-art humanoid, you can email a photo of your face to faces@geomiq.com.If your face is selected for the next phase, you will be given full details on the project.However, if you aren't chosen, you will not be contacted.



1. Why did Geomiq provide few details about the project?

A. The project hasn't been totally completed.B. He has signed a contract with the company.

C. The required face for the robot is hard to find.

D. It is a potential rule to share less information in business.

2. Who will benefit from the humanoids according to paragraph 3?

A. Children.

B. Businessmen.

C. Housewives.

D. The old.

3. What can we know from the last two paragraphs?

A. The project has received funds mainly from the public.

B. The selected candidate will get full details on the project.

C. You'll receive an email from the company if you aren't chosen.

D. The private company wanted anonymity because of government regulations.



Sentence for writing

If your face is selected for the next phase, you will be given full details on the project. 如果你的脸被选中进入下一阶段,你将会得到项目的全部细节。

【信息提取】本句中主句为you will be given full details on the project,从句为If your face is selected for the next phase,体现了“主将从现”的用法:当主句采用一般将来时的时候,时间状语从句/条件状语从句常采用一般现在时。
