
1.intermittent /ˌɪntə΄mɪtənt/ adj.间歇的

2.approach /ə΄prəʊt∫/ n.方法;靠近

3.fast /fɑːst/ v.斋戒;禁食;节食

4.hype /haɪp/ v.夸张地宣传




In this section, you will hear a passage.After you hear the passage, decide whether each of the statement is correct (A), incorrect (B) or not mentioned (C).

1 2 3 Fasting is an ancient human activity.Intermittent fasting hardly helps people lose weight.On fasting days, some people may permit themselves around 600 calories.A B C A B C A B C



1.What does intermittent fasting set limits on?

A.Where people eat.B.What people eat.C.When people eat.

2.What's Melissa Breaux Bankston?

A.An instructor.B.An expert.C.A teacher.

3.What's the dropout rate of the fasting group?

A.Sixteen percent.B.Thirty-eight percent.C.Twenty-nine percent.

4.What kind of people may find intermittent fasting easy?

A.People who are too busy to have meals.

B.People who are too lazy to have meals.

C.People who are too fat to have meals.

5.Which is the suggestion from health experts?

A.Intermittent fasting is suitable for people on some medications.

B.Children should think twice before trying intermittent fasting.

C.People with a history of eating disorders should consider intermittent fasting.


间歇性进食似乎已经成为许多人的选择,但它是否真的对人们的健康有益呢? 让我们到文章中寻找答案吧!

The latest diet trend in America is also an ancient human activity.The activity is fasting, or not eating food for a set amount of time.Social media apps and Facebook groups are appearing for people who dointermittentfasting or fasting on a part-time basis.

Like other diets, intermittent fasting helps you lose weight by setting limits on eating.But instead of limiting what you eat, it limits when you eat.One of the more popularapproachesto intermittent fasting is called time-restricted feeding.It is not as difficult as some of the other approaches, since the fasting period can include the time you spend sleeping.The basic idea of time-restricted feeding is to limit eating to an eight-hour period.You thenfastduring the day's other 16 hours.Many people make the eating period shorter or longer.Some eat just one meal a day.

In other approaches, people fast for several days during a week.On fasting days, some people may permit themselves around 600 calories.Whatever the approach, people are not supposed to overeat when they stop fasting.Melissa Breaux Bankston is a CrossFit instructor in New Orleans,Louisiana.She tried intermittent fasting as a way to reduce her snacking.“I wanted to limit the amount of time that I spent eating,” she said.Studies on the potential health benefits of intermittent fasting are still limited, including its effectiveness with weight loss.

For now, limited research suggests it may not be any better for weight loss than reducing calorie intake over the long term.“It's really another way of fooling your body into eating less calories,” said Krista Varady, who studies intermittent fasting at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Courtney Peterson, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, also studies intermittent fasting.She suggested the benefits of intermittent fasting are not as great as some might suggest.“Unfortunately, intermittent fasting gets a littlehyped,” she said.

Some health experts say intermittent fasting might be too difficult for many people.They point to a study of 100 people where those placed in a fasting group lost about the same amount of weight as those on diets that restricted calories.The fasting group had a dropout rate of 38 percent, compared with 29 percent for the caloric-restriction diet group.“But intermittent fasting may be easier for people who already skip meals when they are too busy,” said Varady.

People interested in intermittent fasting should talk to their doctors before trying it.Health experts do not recommend intermittent fasting for children, people on some medications and people with a history of eating disorders.