江西赣州南康区第三中学 江海连


题材 体裁 文章词数 建议用时心理健康 说明文 约360 7分钟


1. encounter /ɪn'kaʊntə(r)/ n. 相遇

2. merge /mзːdʒ/ v. (使)合并;并入

3. clinically /'klɪnɪkli/ adv. 临床地

4. relapse /rɪ'læps/ v. (病)复发

5. grumpy /'ɡrʌmpi/ adj. 脾气坏的;性情暴躁的

The most popular course in the history of Yale University designed to teach students how to become happier was available online.1 After taking the course, we're convinced that anyone who adopts and practices the strategies that Santos suggests can truly become happier. Here are the suggestions.

Increase social connections

Reconnecting with a friend can boost happiness, so can a meaningfulencounterwith a stranger.“One of the most complex things we can engage with is another person's mind,” said Juliana Schroeder,an assistant professor at the University of California,and one of the researchers cited in the course.2

Perform acts of kindness

Volunteering to help someone or buying a coffee for the person behind you in line can make you happier.You just feel good about yourself as a person.Ian and I held doors open for people, let extra carsmergein front of us on the highway, and helped col-leagues solve computer problems. The reactions we got made us feel better about ourselves, helped us take the focus away from our own worries, and they didn't cost us anything.3 Unsurprisingly,healthier people tend to be happier.


Exercise causes hormonal changes in the body that make you feel good and help interrupt negative thoughts. According to research cited in Santos's course,clinicallydepressed people who exercised regularly improved just as much as those who took anti-depressants. And after ten months, the exercisers were less likely torelapse. Most people who exercise will tell you they feel better.

Get enough shut-eye

Just as short-changing your sleep can make yougrumpy, making time for sleep can boost your mood. A lot of people know that sleep is good, but some are forced to sacrifice sleep because they have other things taking up their time.5

A. Turn to doctors

B. Burn some calories

C. Kindness brings other benefits, too.

D. My friend Ian and I decided to see what it was all about.

E. Perhaps surprisingly, kindness improves overall physical health.

F. After learning the course, both Ian and I decided to get more sleep to improve our mood.

G. Ian loves chatting with waiters more after we learned about the benefits of such interactions.

Reading Check

Fill in each blank by choosing a proper sentence from the sentences below the text.

Language Study

Sentence for writing

Volunteering to help someone or buying a coffee for the person behind you in line can make you happier.

【信息提取】该句中Volunteering to help someone or buying a coffee为动名词形式作主语。
