浙江杭州富阳区新登中学 胡君祥


题材人与自然 记叙文体裁 文章词数 建议用时约340 6分钟


1. deafening /΄defnıŋ/adj. 震耳欲聋的

2. resist /rı΄zıst/v. 抵抗

3. peck /pek/v. 啄

I was watching TV in the living room with my grandpa when a blinding flash of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a deafening sound, and the pictures disappeared with that sound.Before I knew it, a gray-white shadow rushed in through the window and flew over my head.Bang! It hit the wall and slid off the wall to the floor. I was shaking with fear. I came closer and saw that it was a pigeon. It looked at me in fear, trying to open its wings, but powerless.

So I gave it a helping hand. I felt a few drops of warmth on my hands as I lifted it. It was blood! I gently spread its wings and there were a few red feathers inside. “Don't worry,we'll get it out alive,” Grandpa said to me. Then he took some cotton. We dried the blood, cleaned the wound, and then put it under a hairdryer to dry. All went better, for it had no strength left toresist. There happened to be an empty birdcage at home,so I put it in, and added a little water and some grains. After settling it down, I went to take my lunch break.

For the next few days, as soon as I got home from school, I would run to feed the pigeon. Little by little its strength returned. One evening, while I was drawing at the table, I found it was eating biscuits. A few days later, its wound was better; its feathers grew and it became brave. Whenever I sat at the table to eat a biscuit, it did not wait to one side as before, but instead looked up at me for a biscuit. To my joy, I could not only feed it the biscuit, but also touch it with my fingers. To my delight, I gently fingered its head, and it playfully pecked at me. After it completely recovered, I tied an orange rope around its leg to make it look pretty.

Useful sentence pattern

I was watching TV in the living room with my grandpa when a blinding flash of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a deafening sound, and the pictures disappeared with that sound.

分析:be doing...when...意为“正在做某事,这时/突然……”。




1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。Paragraph 1:

Paragraph 2:



要想续写内容与所给短文之间逻辑连贯、衔接紧密,必须充分理解所给材料的大意,掌握作者想要传达的意思。 本文是一篇记叙文,文章分析如下:


基于原文本和续写段落首句提供的信息, 采用围绕中心提问的方法, 构思要续写的故事情节,这种方法一般分为四步:






(1)How did Grandpa let the pigeon fly away?

(2)What did Grandpa say when the author returned home?

(3)How did the author react when he learned the pigeon had flown away?


(1)Was there the author's pigeon in the two pigeons?

(2)How did the author find one of them was his pigeon?

(3)What did the author's pigeon do?

(4)What does the author think about the pigeon flying away again?


在续写的过程中要注意情节连贯和各部分内容的相衔接,即:1. 两段的续写与所给短文的衔接;2. 每段的续写与续写段段首句之间的衔接;3. 续写的两段之间的衔接。 同时要注意语言风格的一致和语法、句型,以及所用词的准确性。