四川绵阳中学 付 利

非谓语动词是英语表达中必不可少的部分。 非谓语动词包括不定式、动名词和分词(过去分词、现在分词)。 因为非谓语动词同时兼有多种词类的特点,譬如,从结构上看,它具有动词的典型特点(时态、语态);从句法功能上看,它具有名词(主语、宾语、表语、补语)、形容词(定语、表语、补语)、副词(状语)等词的特点。 所以熟练掌握、准确运用非谓语动词,对提升我们的书面表达有着很大的帮助。

Step 1 句法唤醒

1. (2020·全国乙卷)With thick glasses,eyes filled with wisdom and a mild nature, Mr Li is a genuine scholar.(过去分词)


2. (2020·全国甲卷)Founded in 1950,the farm is famous and attractive,covered with a variety of fruit trees and beautiful flowers.(过去分词)


3. (2020·全国丙卷)Since you are an expert at drama, we hope you would help polish our work,making it more interesting with lively lines and richer plots.(现在分词)


4. (2019·全国乙卷)I'm writingto work as a volunteerfor exhibition activityto be held in your art gallery.(不定式)


5. (2019·全国乙卷)Knowing well about traditional Chinese cultureand a good knowledge of English, I'm sure I can do something for the big event.(现在分词)


6. (2019·全国甲卷)It's necessary for usto practice playing volleyballevery afternoon after school.(不定式)


7. (2019·江苏卷)Secondly,compared with the boring and monotonous school uniforms,students can opt for their favorite style of traditional costumes.(过去分词)


8. (2019·全国丙卷)We'll have fun togethersinging, dancing, and playing games.(现在分词)


9. (2019·北京卷)After returning home, I shared my experiences with my parents excitedly.(现在分词)


Step 2 句法提点







1.His not comingto work on time made me a little anxious.

2. It's niceof youto help me.

3. It's necessaryfor usto learn English well.



1. 作主语

To learn an art is hard. = Learning an art is hard. = It's hard to learn an art.

2. 作宾语



(1)I wish to speak to the manager.

(2)We have decided not to go away after all.

(3)She refused to accept that there was a problem.

see、watch、notice、observe、discover、look at、listen to、hear、have、let、make、sense、feel接不带to的不定式作宾补。

(1)What he said made me think of my childhood.

(2)Have you seen a plane fly over?

3. 作定语

(1)He is always the first to come to school and the last to leave.

(2)We're looking for a room to put these equipment in.

(3)He's a person pleasant to work with.

(4)The swimming game will be held in the swimming pool to be finished next year.

4. 作目的状语;和only搭配,通常作结果状语。

(1)Everyone does regular exercise to keep fit.

(2)He woke up and looked out of the window only to find the world outside completely changed.

5. 作表语

(1)His wish is to become a painter.

(2)When I was young, my dream was to be a garbage collector.


1. 作主语

(1)Working in these conditions is not fun but suffering.

(2)It's no use talking to him. You have to talk with the person in charge.

(3)It is fun playing with children.

2. 作宾语

(1)He tried to keep moving.

(2)She regretted not having followed her mother's advice.

(3)The driver had thought he would escape being punished.



can't help doing... 忍不住…… be/get used to doing... 习惯……

get down to doing... 开始认真…… insist on doing... 坚持做……

set about doing... 着手…… object to doing... 反对……

pay attention to doing... 注意…… look forward to doing 盼望……

3. 作表语

(1)Seeing is believing.

(2)His hobby is collecting stamps.


1. 作宾语补足语

(1)He stood there, watching the man making a sugar dragon.

(2)The man left us standing there alone, unable to find any help.

2. 作表语

The competition is quite exciting.

3. 作定语

(1)a reading room, a sleeping car, a washing machine, a walking stick

(2)Shut the machine making the strange noise.

4. 作状语

(1)Having smoked heavily, he suffered lung cancer.

(2)Not knowing his address, I might as well give him a call.

(3)Having been in prison for many years, he didn't know what was happening around the world.

(4)Don't talk while eating.


1. 作表语

(1)The shop has remained shut for a month.

(2)All of us were moved to tears.

2. 作定语

(1)We only sell used books in our store.

(2)The story written by a student is made into a movie.

(3)The old man, mistreated at home, lived a miserable life.

3. 作状语

(1)Asked about his family, he kept silent.

(2)Seriously injured, he was sent to hospital immediately.

(3)Once released, the CD became a hit immediately.

(4)Given more time and money, we would have done it better.

4. 作宾语补足语

(1)Please speak to make yourself heard.

(2)The masters have to keep the dogs chained to make sure of safety.

Step 3 单句过手


1. 女孩因为不知道选择哪所大学,所以在网上查了很多信息。__________(know) which university to attend, the girl looked up lots of information online.

2. 托尼因为没有被邀请参加聚会,所以很不高兴。

Tony was not happy for__________(invite) to take part in the party.

3. 掌握一门外语需要大量的记忆工作。__________(master) a foreign language takes lots of memory work.

4. 市民们对如何解决水污染问题很关心。

The citizens care about how__________(solve) the problem of water pollution.

5. 我讨厌和他说话。

I hate__________(talk) to him.

6. 你注意到那个人在玩蛇吗?

Have you noticed the man__________(play) with a snake?

7. 他看到门被推开了。

He felt the door__________(push) open.

8. 你的工作是擦窗户。

Your job is__________(clean) the window.

9. 看到小汤米在比赛中跑得这么快,我很吃惊。

I'm__________(surprise) to see little Tommy__________(run) so fast in the game.

10. 他的演讲真感人,在场的听众都被感动了。

All the audience present were__________by his__________speech. (move)

11. 你要去参加明天举行的开幕式吗?

Will you attend the opening ceremony__________(hold) tomorrow?

12. 他参加了昨天举行的开幕式,感到很激动。

He attended the opening ceremony__________(hold) yesterday, .

13. 你认识那个等在门口的白衣女孩吗?

Do you know the girl__________(wait) at the gate?

14. 如果问到你,就说什么也不知道。

If__________(ask), you just say you know nothing about it.

15. 从高处看,这个体育馆更漂亮。

__________(see) high above, the gym looks more beautiful.

16. 看看同学们的眼睛,我看到了同样的兴奋。

__________(look) at the eyes of my classmates, I read the same excitement.

17. 说了很多次,他还是犯了同样的错误。

__________(tell) many times, he made the same mistake again.

18. 他感觉被邀请参加晚宴是一件荣耀的事。

He felt it a great honor__________(invite) to dinner.

19. 你可以用肢体语言来表达自己的意思。

You can make yourself__________(understand) by body language.

20. (2019·江苏卷)李江和苏华正在讨论下个月接待英国学生的时候穿什么。

Li Jiang and Su Hua are discussing__________when__________the British students next month.

21. (2019·江苏卷)鉴于以上的穿传统服装的优点,我们为什么要固执地坚持穿单调的校服呢?

__________, why should we stubbornly insist on wearing the tedious school uniforms?

22. (2018·全国乙卷)首先,我建议你早点到,这样你就能帮助主人准备餐食。

To begin with, I would like to suggest__________so that you can help the host__________.

23. (2018·北京卷)老实说,在另一个不同文化里读书挣学位不容易。__________,__________ is never easy.

24. (2018·北京卷)我坐在桌边,一边泡茶一边解释每一个步骤。

I sat at a table,__________.

25. (2017·全国丙卷)了解到我们校乒乓球队在计划招收新队员,我写信来邀请你加入。

__________that our school table tennis team is planning__________, I'm writing .

Step 4 语篇活用

Ⅰ. 补全信息


假定你是李华,你的英国网友Nate上周五发邮件询问你新学期有什么计划,但你因故未能及时回复。 请你给他写一封邮件,内容如下:

1. 未及时回复的原因;

2. 新学期你的计划。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Nate,

How is it going? I am terribly sorry for 1.__________(没及时回复你的邮件)last Friday. I 2.__________(我上周一直忙于准备一个重要考试). Consequently,3.__________(我没有时间查看邮箱). Please forgive me.

As for my plans, schoolwork is of top priority to me this semester as all the seniors are facing“gaokao”. 4.__________(上课专注、积极向老师请教) would be my major strategies. Meanwhile, 5.__________(为了努力在学习和放松中取得一个平衡), I 6.__________(计划每天做一些体育活动,比如游泳、跑步、打篮球). 7.__________(时间允许的话), I am hoping that I could take an online class 8.__________(提高英语口语和听力) on weekends.

Please accept my sincere apology for this 9.__________(延迟的邮件) and I would appreciate it if you could give me some suggestions about 10.__________(怎样提高英语).

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

Ⅱ. 完整创作

(2020·全国甲卷)上周末,你和同学参加了一次采摘活动。 请你为班级英语角写一篇短文,介绍这次活动,内容包括:

1. 农场情况;

2. 采摘过程;

3. 个人感受。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 题目已为你写好。

题目:My Weekend