四川 付 利


Step 1 真题回放

(2020·全国乙卷)There aremany respectablepeople around us. Mr Li is one of themost respectedteachers. With eyes filled with wisdom and the mild nature, he is agenuinescholar.

I couldn't follow the teachercompletelyin English classwhenI became a senior three student.One day, I was tooexhaustedto concentrate on what he was teaching.Unfortunately, I was invited to share my own ideas. I couldn't say one word. Much to my astonishment, Mr Li instructed and encouraged mepatiently. Sotouchedwas I that I decided to spare no effort to study hard.

NowI'mconfidentabout my English.I amreally gratefulto him for what he has done for me.


Step 2 语法唤醒

一、 形容词





1. 一般放在所修饰词之前

(2019·全国乙卷)In a nutshell, I'm theexactperson you need.


2. 后置定语:放在所修饰词之后

I met someone quitetalkativeat the party.



1. I'mcloserto Jim than to Peter.


2. The film isthe most brilliantone I've ever seen.




1. Thank you for yourinvitingdishes. I feelinvitedto come again.

感谢你做的诱人的菜肴。 我很想再来你家。

2. Hissatisfiedfacial expression suggested that the news must besatisfying.



副词在意义上和形式上具有自己的特征。 在意义上,副词用以说明事件发生的时间、地点,行为的方式、程度,说话者的态度、观点。 副词具有明显的修饰和强调功能。


1. 时间副词,说明动作发生的时间,如:since、immediately、right now、in no time、tomorrow等。

2. 地点副词, 说明动作发生的地点, 如:outdoors、indoors、everywhere、upstairs、outside、out、here、there等。

3. 方式副词, 说明动作发生的方式, 如:wildly、kindly、patiently、hard、cautiously、slowly、suddenly等。

4. 程度副词,用来描述动作、行为或者状态程度的副词,如:hardly、enough、extremely、completely、almost、pretty、a lot等。

5. 频度副词,指一定时间内动作发生的频率,如:usually、often、sometimes、never、always、consecutively、frequently、constantly、now and then等。

6. 评论副词,对主句中陈述的观点进行评价的副词,如:luckily、exactly、naturally、thankfully、hopefully、honestly、narrowly、generally等。

7. 连接副词及副词短语,主要用来连接句子或者从句,如:

所以:consequently、therefore、hence、as a result


但是:however、though (句末)








并 列 连 词:and、both...and...、not only...but also...、as well as、in addition、besides、apart from、for one thing...for another、what's more等。

转折关系:however、while、but、yet、still、instead、on the one hand...on the other hand等。

选择关系:or、or else、otherwise、either...or...、neither...nor...等。

因果关系:so、for、then、therefore、hence、as a result、as a result of等。

递进关系:more importantly、what's worse、worse still等。


Step 3 单句过手

1. ( 2020·全国甲卷)我将永远从这次经历中受益。

I'll benefit from the experience____________.

2. (2018·全国丙卷)体育馆设施很棒,下课后吸引了众多的学生。

equipped, the stadium attracts a great many students after school.

3.(2017·全国乙卷)课堂上,你主要学习唐诗。 唐诗体现了中国传统文化,而且深受中国人喜爱。

In the class, you will____________learn Tang poetry, which reflects traditional Chinese culture and is____________loved by Chinese.

4. (2017·全国甲卷)我真诚地希望您能腾出时间来参加这个艺术展。

I____________hope you can set aside some time for the art exhibition.

5. (2016·北京卷)所有的人都因为这些意外的礼物感到开心,尤其是孩子和老人。

All were very happy with those unexpected gifts,____________little kids and elderly people.

6. (2016·江苏卷)网上投票变得日益流行起来。

Online voting becomes____________popular.

7. (2015·北京卷)我们围着老手艺人专注地观看,然后我们开始自己尝试。 老人在我们身边转来转去,耐心地帮助我们。

We stood around the craftsman and watched____________.____________

we started to give it a shot ourselves. The old man walked around and helped us .

8. (2016·天津卷)给我们留下深刻印象的不仅是你们的热情,还有你们的团队精神。

It's____________your enthusiasm____________your teamwork that impress us.

9. (2015·浙江卷)毫不犹豫地,我决定跟着他们,而且那天我们的确过得很有意思。

____________, I decided to follow them and we did have lots of fun that day.


____________, some drivers, cyclists and pedestrians do not think it vital to obey traffic rules.

11. ( 2019·全国乙卷)I'm confident that I'm qualified for the job.____________(首先), I have a good command of both English and Chinese.____________(其次), I have relevant experience and know the duty of a volunteer better.________(再者), I can explain Chinese paintings in detail and offer help to whoever is in need.________(总之), I'm the exact person you need.

12.(2018·全国乙卷)I do have some suggestions for you.________(第一), to show your politeness, you should arrive on time and never be late.________(另外), you'd better bring some gifts that don't have to be of great value.________(还有), it's chopsticks that we Chinese use when we eat,________(所以) you'd better practice using them in advance.________(最后但同样重要的), while chewing, you need to avoid making noise.

Step 4 语篇活用

假定你是某国际学校学生李越,学校图书馆需要购置一批新书,现向学生征求意见。 请你用英语给图书馆管理员Tony老师写一封邮件,内容包括:

1. 推荐书目;

2. 推荐理由。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Tony,

Hearing that our library is scheduled to buy some new books,________________

I'd be grateful if you could consider my appeal.


Li Yue