





In order to improve socializing skills,lighten the financial burden and also spend spare time,an increasing number of students are doing part-time jobs.Like a coin has two sides,there is a positive aspect and a negative aspect to it.

Some people think that there are many advantages for students to have part-time jobs.Firstly,part-time jobs offer them opportunities to apply what they have learned in school and demonstrate their abilities.Secondly,doing part-time jobs enables them to be more independent of their family and builds up their self-confidence.Thirdly,part-time experiences may be of great help to their future careers.Finally,part-time jobs can broaden their lives and help them know more of themselves and society.

However,some other people hold the view that doing part-time jobs has more disadvantages.The main job of students is to study,not to work.If they have part-time jobs,they may have to reduce their time for sleep,rest,study and activities.For the shortage of time,when you focus on one,you may lose the other.Working several hours a dayconsumesa lot of time and energy and may affect their studies.

As a result,they may find it hard to adjust to what the school expects of them as well as their employers expect,and finally,they may fall behind or fail in their studies.

But remember a positive attitude is the key to everything.Be confident that you can deal with these two items.For instance,you can make a clear timetable and this will remind you of your arrangement and making full use of your time.

Students can choose to take up a part-time job according to their own situations,but they should remember they are students,and their study is theessentialpreparation for their success in society.Thus,the most important thing for them is to keep a good balance between part-time jobs and their study.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Useful expressions

financial burden经济负担

spare time闲暇时间

be independent of不依赖

build up增进;加强

focus on集中于

adjust to适应;习惯

deal with处理;应付

make full use of充分使用

Ⅱ.Difficult sentences

1.Firstly,part-time jobs offer them opportunities to apply what they have learned in school and demonstrate their abilities.首先,兼职给他们提供了运用学校所学知识和展示能力的机会。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,what they have learned in school为宾语从句,作apply的宾语;主句中offer them opportunities为“动词双宾语”结构。

2.As a result,they may find it hard to adjust to what the school expects of them as well as their employers expect,and finally,they may fall behind or fail in their studies.结果,他们可能会发现很难适应学校对他们的期望以及雇主的期望,最后,他们可能会在学习上落后或失败。

【点石成金】find it+adj.+to do sth为固定句式,意为“发现做某事是……的”,it为形式宾语,不定式为真正的宾语。

Reading Check



概要写作(summary writing)是在整体把握原文的前提下,用自己简洁、精练的语言,对原文的主旨大意进行高度的概括,写出一篇语义连贯的短文。概要写作一般可分为以下五个步骤:

Step 1 Read for the genre(体裁)














Step 2 Read for the structure(结构)


Step 3 Read for the key points(要点)


Step 4 Paraphrase(改写)the key points accurately and briefly


1.an increasing number of students可替换为more and more students;“Like a coin has two sides,there is a positive aspect and a negative aspect to it.”可 替 换 为“It has both advantages and disadvantages.”。

第一段可概括为“More and more students take part-time jobs,which has both advantages and disadvantages.”。

2.demonstrate their abilities可替换为capable。

第二段可概括为“After taking part-time jobs,students become capable,independent and considerate.”。

3.reduce their time for sleep,rest,study and activities可替换为take up much time。

第三段可概括为“Others think that part-time jobs take up much time.”。

4.“Be confident that you can deal with these two items.”可替换为“Students should balance their study and work.”。

第四段可概括为“Students should balance their work and study.”。

5.keep a good balance可替换为balance。

第五段可概括为“It's necessary for students to balance work and study.”。

Step 5 Combine the paraphrases to form a coherent(连贯的)summary

两种不同观点用both...and连接;两种观点之间用while连接表示比较;最后用in a word开头做总结,使得文章上下文连贯、有逻辑。



概要写作其实是一种客观的复述,在正确理解原文的基础上,用自己的语言忠实地再现作者的思想。写作内容要全面,既不能漏掉任何要点,也不能随意增加内容。特别需要注意的是,考生不能对原文进行解释和评论,也不能掺杂任何个人想法,或做出任何评判,因此不能出现“I believe”和“I think”等词句。




