四川 蒋建平(特级教师)

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1.blast /blɑːst/ v.发出刺耳的高音

2.upbeat /'ʌpbiːt/ adj.乐观的;快乐的

3.intertwine /,ɪntə'twaɪn/ v.纠缠;缠绕

4.ambiguous /æm'bɪɡjuəs/ adj.不明确的

Weblasttheupbeattunes for parties and workouts at the gym, and we save the low-key ballads for romantic or pensive moments.It's hardly a new idea that music isintertwinedwith our emotions.But how have our favorites changed over the decades, and what do these changes say about America's shifting emotional landscape?

Music is a form of naturalistic data that, much like popular television, literature, and sales of consumer goods, scientists can sample for insight into our minds and values.Researchers E.Glenn Schellenberg and Christian von Scheve set out to examine songs popular in America during the last five decades, using a selection selected from Billboard Hot 100 charts.Schellenberg and von Scheve wanted to learn how emotional signals in music, such as tempo (slow or fast) and mode (major or minor key), have changed since 1960.

The most striking finding is the change in key.Songs written in a major key tend to sound warm and high-spirited, while songs in a minor key can sound darker and more sad.Over the last few decades, popular songs have switched from major keys to minor keys.Broadly speaking, the sound has shifted from bright and happy to something more complex.The study also finds America's popular songs have become slower and longer.Even more interesting, our current favorites are more likely to be emotionallyambiguous, such as sad-sounding songs being fast or happy-sounding songs being slow.

Another possible explanation for the changes in popular music is that contemporary music reflects the hardships and tragedies that our society has endured.However, Schellenberg and von Scheve believe that the steady increase in duration and decrease in tempo doesn't support the idea of growing difficulties fully because it would mean our problems have increased steadily over the last fifty years.Perhaps popular songs have become more complex over time because Americans are becoming more diverse and individualized in their musical tastes.

Though we can only guess about the specific causes of this evolution in music, Schellenberg's initial observations have helped to open the door to research on the link between emotions and music consumption.Perhaps someday we'll learn more of the secrets behind the music we love and the times we live in.

Reading Check

1.Why did Schellenberg start the study?

A.To select America's favorite music.

B.To examine the creation of music.

C.To explore changes in music.

D.To change music styles.

2.What can we learn from the findings?

A.Older songs are often more sad-sounding.

B.Popular songs have become warmer and shorter.

C.Current favorites tend to be composed in a major key.

D.Recent hits are likely to be longer and more complex.

3.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.The influences of the study.B.The diversity of musical tastes.

C.The features of America's society.D.The causes of the music changes.

4.What is the author's attitude to the study?


Language Study

Useful expressions

set out to do 开始做;着手做

switch from...to...从……转换到……

tend to do sth 倾向于……

broadly speaking 大致地说

Cultural Background


美国音乐起源于印第安人的音乐。 美国音乐经过长期发展,到20世纪初才具备独特的美国风格,并取得了与西方各国音乐文化同样重要的地位。在此之前,美国境内存在着生活在这块土地上的各个民族或种族的音乐,也存在着欧洲音乐家从欧洲各国带来的音乐。



album 专辑

genius 天才

tour 巡回演出

band 乐队

catchy 悦耳易记的

tune 曲调

audience 听众

musician 音乐家

director 指挥

compose 作曲;创作(音乐)

composer 作曲家

lyrics 歌词

beat 节拍

composition (音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品

melody 旋律

rhyme 韵律

tempo 拍子;(乐曲的)速度

melodious 悦耳的

pleasant 悦耳的;吸引人的

relaxing 令人放松的

soulful 深情的

jazz 爵士乐

rock and roll 摇滚乐

blues 布鲁斯音乐;蓝调

traditional music 传统音乐

classical music 古典音乐

light music 轻音乐

dancing music 舞曲

pop music 流行音乐

folk music 民间音乐;民谣

country music 乡村音乐

national music 民族音乐

folk songs 民歌

art ballad 艺术民谣


1.He is a famous musician, whose music has influenced his audience.他是一位着名的音乐家,其音乐影响了他的听众。

2.He has a talent for music and has recorded many albums.他具有音乐天赋,录制了很多专辑。

3.It was music that made him full of confidence and courage for life.是音乐使他对生活充满信心和勇气。

4.People are impressed with his catchy music and optimistic attitude to life.人们对他悦耳的音乐和乐观的人生态度印象深刻。

5.I have fallen in love with music, so my aim is to form a band with my friends.我已经爱上了音乐, 所以我打算和我的朋友组建一个乐队。

6.Our band is made up of four students altogether, one being the singer and the rest playing the guitar, the keyboard and the drums.我们的乐队总共由四个学生组成,一个唱歌,其余的弹吉他、电子琴和打鼓。

7.In addition, what we are also fond of is rock music, some of which I'd like to make on my own.此外,我们还喜欢摇滚音乐,并且我想自己创作一些摇滚音乐。

8.We are wondering how we keep a balance between study and the band and what we can do to make it a successful band.我们想知道如何保持学习和乐队之间的平衡,以及我们能做些什么来让它成为一个成功的乐队。


假定你是李华,想与来自本校不同班级的同学组建一支乐队。但是你们仍有许多问题没有解决,请你就这些问题给知名音乐人Mr Cousins写一封电子邮件,寻求帮助。内容如下:







Dear Mr Cousins,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua