浙江 胡君祥


1.master /'mɑːstə(r)/ n.硕士

2.postgraduate /,pəʊst'ɡrædʒuət/ n.研究生

3.immerse /ɪ'mзːs/ v.沉浸在

Life is full of ups and downs, including ups and downs of career, emotion and study.When mymother told me this, I always didn't believe it made any sense to me because I always thought my life would be smooth all the time.But when I look back on my life, I find that everything I have got through is just so-so.

I would like to share something I experienced last year with you.I have been dreaming about earning amaster's degree and I have been always working hard so as to realize the dream.Through continuous efforts, I eventually succeeded in passing the NationalPostgraduateEntrance Examination.The time I got the good news that I was admitted to my dream school, I couldn't be happier and I even thought I was the most fortunate person in this world.And during the whole following summer holiday, I wasimmersedin imagining my colorful graduate life.In order to test my independence, I made up my mind to go to the city where my school was located on my own one day ahead of schedule.

I arrived at the hotel I had booked in advance alone the day before the new term began.But unluckily, I had caught a bad cold several days before the journey and it got even worse after riding throughout the day.I found that I had a fever and then I took some pills to reduce the fever.But the temperature rose very high, and all that night I had great difficulty in falling asleep.I felt very lonely

and helpless, unable to do anything but shed tears, and considered it as the most difficult challenge that I had ever faced.However,when I thought of my parents' experiences of difficulties, I told myself“tomorrow is another day”, and then I got the courage to overcome the difficulty and finally I got up and took the taxi to see a doctor at 2:00 am.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Difficult phrase in sentences

When my mother told me this, I always didn't believe itmade any senseto me because I always thought my life would be smooth all the time.


分析:本句中,make sense to sb意为“对某人有意义”。

Ⅱ.Useful sentence patterns

1.The time I got the good news that I was admitted to my dream school, I couldn't be happier and I even thought I was the most fortunate person in this world.


分析:本句中的The time为连词短语,意为“当……时”。

2.I felt very lonely and helpless, unable to do anything but shed tears.


分析:本句中的unable to do anything but shed tears为形容词短语作伴随状语。

Reading Check





Paragraph 1:

In the hospital I was examined carefully.

Paragraph 2:

When my parents saw me, they rushed to me right away.



要想续写内容与所给短文之间逻辑连贯、衔接紧密,必须充分理解所给材料的大意,掌握作者想要传达的意思。 本文是一篇记叙文,文章分析如下:

要素 理清给出的短文 构思续写短文梗概 构思理由Who the author and her mom the author and her parents What On the first day when the author went to the graduate school alone, she was tired and fell ill.However, the author remembered her parents' experiences of difficulties and gained courage from it.She decided to go to the hospital by herself.The author was told to be hospitalized.The doctor called the author's parents to accompany her.The author's parents rushed to the hospital to see her.The author realized that as long as there is a loving family, there is no challenge that cannot be overcome.When the day before the author enrolled in college after the author was hospitalized The title of the article “The power of parental love”suggests that the author got love from her parents and had a new understanding of life.Where in the hotel in the hospital Theme Parental love is powerful.Parental love is powerful.


基于原文本和续写段落首句提供的信息并结合以上阅读分析, 采用围绕中心提问相关问题的方法,构思要续写的两段故事情节,一般分为三步:




(1)What was the result of the author's visit to the hospital?

(2)How did the author feel when she learned the result?

(3)What did the author's parents do for her?


(1)What was the author's mood and behavior after seeing her parents?

(2)What did the author's parents say to her?

(3)What did the author understand about life from the love and care of parents?

