广东 张 燕


Once upon a time there were two beautiful princesses whom had been kidnapped (劫持) by a hostile (敌对的) king. The king arranged to have them taken to a forgotten lake where they were abandoned on a small island. Here they were to remain forever, guarded by a terrifying lake monster.

Only when the wicked king and his court of wizards and fortune-tellers had been overthrown(推翻) did it become known that a brave prince was destined to rescue the princesses.

When the wind carried this news to the island, it filled the princesses' lives with hope. The younger princess, who was much sweeter and more beautiful than her sister, patiently waited for her love, making small decorations from flowers and clay, and singing songs. The older princess, however,didn't enjoy having to wait.

“I'll have to do something to help the prince rescue me. I'll let him know where I am, or what the lake monster's like.”

Determined to help the prince, she set to work, making signal fires, building towers, digging tunnels and a thousand other things. However, the terrible lake monster always did his best to cause her plans to fail.

Every morning she would prepare a different escape plan, but the monster would always manage to ruin it. The escape attempts went on day after day, and always ended with the monster capturing(捕捉) her. A game of cat and mouse between the princess and her guard began. Each escape attempt was more original and ingenious (机灵的) than its predecessor (前任), and each form of discovery was ever more subtle(机巧的) and surprising. They put so much effort and imagination into their plans that at the end of each day the princess and the monster would spend hours chatting like friends,about how they had each prepared their strategy. And when the moon came out they would say farewell, until tomorrow, and the monster would dive back down to the watery depths.

Language Study

Ⅰ. Difficult sentences

1. Here they were to remain forever, guarded by a terrifying lake monster.


分析:本句中were to do表示“将要做”的意思。 guarded by a terrifying lake monster为过去分词结构作状语。

2. They put so much effort and imagination into their plans that at the end of each day the princess and the monster would spend hours chatting like friends, about how they had each prepared their strategy.



Ⅱ. Sentence for writing

Only when the wicked king and his court of wizards and fortune-tellers had been overthrown did it become known that a brave prince was destined to rescue the princesses.

分析:“Only when...did it...”是一个倒装的表达,强调了条件状语。



Reading Check


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Paragraph 1:One day, the monster bid farewell to the princess like this:







Paragraph 2:

However, the monster answered sadly, “I can't leave the island with you.”









要想续写内容与所给材料内容连贯、衔接紧密,我们必须充分了解所给材料大意。 本文是一篇记叙文,文章分析如下:


我们可以基于标题、原文和续写段落首句提供的信息,构思要续写的故事情节。 这一构思分为四步。


通读全文可知,本文主要围绕两位被困的公主和看守公主的怪物展开。 小公主安于现状,一心等待别人来施救,而大公主靠自己去争取出逃的机会。 从文中的描述和续写两段所给出的提示我们可以看出,文章倾向于赞扬大公主的积极主动性。

第二步, 围绕续写第一段所给出的段首句 “One day, the monster bid farewell to the princess like this:”进行提问构思:

(1)What would the monster say?

(2)How would the monster react?

(3)How would the princess react?


分析一下续写第二段所给出的段首句“However, the monster answered sadly,‘I can't leave the island with you.'”可以推断在续写第一段中,怪兽让公主离开,并解释原因,这样才能够解释他为什么违背自己的职责放公主离开。 公主邀请怪兽一起离开,但是怪兽很悲伤,如此安排,确保两段之间衔接合理,情节连贯。

第四步,根据“However, the monster answered sadly, ‘I can't leave the island with you.'”段首句进行提问构思:

(1)Why would the princess invite the monster to leave together?

(2)Why couldn't the monster leave the island?

(3)How would the princess react?

(4)What would be the ending?


在续写的过程中要注意“续”的原则,做到主题、情节、语言风格一致。 具体如下:



