浙江 江 丽


Whether you're traveling to a different country for business or study, you must always be prepared to experience and overcome cultural differences and language barriers.Here are a couple of tips on how to help bridge the gap between cultures.

Every country in the world, old or new, has a rich and storied history.They celebrate their own holidays, cook national dishes, listen to their own styles of music and wear clothes appropriate for their culture.Take some time to learn the history,art and customs of the country you'll be visiting.Showing your knowledge of the local customs and history will make those around you realize you truly care about their culture.

Languages are hard to learn.You spent years in grade school learning all the grammar and intricacies of English.Why not spend more time learning a whole new language—especially when so much of the world speaks English already? Even if you can only recite a couple key phrases, it shows that you're mak⁃ing the effort to bridge the cultural gap.

Unfortunately, no matter how much you research a country or how well you know the language, there will always be some culture shocks and confusion.Words, actions or ges⁃tures that are not offensive(冒犯的)to us can be very offensive to someone from another culture.When this happens, it is important to stay patient.Working through these frustra⁃tions together will lead to a smarter and stronger bond between you and your friend from an⁃other culture.

When I learn a new language,or study the history of a culture I'm unfamiliar(不熟悉的)with,I think of it as exploring(探索)a new world.There are so many things that make each culture unique.You have to be open to trying and learning new things in order to fit in well in another country.Always try to think about how they see things from their cultural perspective.

All of this being said,there are so many similarities between people of all nations.We all laugh at the same physical comedy,groan(发牢骚)when we have to clean up our pets'messes,and cry when we lose a loved one.After all,we are all humans.



The following four sentences are the main ideas of paragraph 2 to paragraph 5 in the text.Put the paragraph numbers in the blanks.




Here are a couple of tips on how to helpbridgethe gap between cultures.这里有一些关于如何帮助弥合文化差异的建议。


e.g.It is unlikely that the two sides will be able to bridge their differences.双方不太可能消除彼此之间的分歧。



motherland 祖国

preparation 准备

tutor 导师;助教

recall 回想


qualification 资格;学历

qualified 合格的

ambitious 有野心的;有抱负的

adaptation 适应;改编本

participate 参加

comfort 安慰;安逸

engage 参加

presentation 陈述;报告

involve 包含;涉及

expectation 期望

applicant 申请人

expose 暴露;接触

grasp 掌握

expense 花费

behave 表现

strengthen 加强

deny 否认

optimistic 乐观的

gain 获得

competent 有能力的

competence 能力

cooperate 合作

outcome 效果

motivate 激发;激励

overwhelming 无法抗拒的;巨大的

homesickness 乡愁

adviser 顾问

reasonable 合情理的

surroundings 环境;周围的事物

surrounding 周围的;附近的

depressed 沮丧的

boom 迅速发展;繁荣

envoy 使者

outlook 前景;可能性

departure 离开;启程

dramatic 巨大的;突然的

tremendous 巨大的;极大的

mature 成熟的

acknowledge 承认;答谢


participate in 参加

speak up 明确表态

feel at home 感到舒服自在

engage in(使)从事

get involved in 被卷入……

side with 支持

cost an arm and a leg(使)花一大笔钱

as far as I know 据我所知

as far as I am concerned 就我而言

in summary 总之

culture shock 文化冲击

generally speaking 一般来说

comfort zone 舒适区

step out of 走出

become more confident in 在……变得更加自信

suffer from 遭受

adapt to 适应

adjust to 适应

keep it up 保持优秀成绩;继续干下去

fit in 相适应;相融合

qualify for 有资格

say goodbye to 告别

be familiar with 对……熟悉

be familiar to 为……所熟悉

be exposed to 遭受……;接触……

be surrounded by/with 被……包围

take turns 轮流

feel confused 感到迷惑

keep a balance 保持平衡

have trouble with 在……有麻烦

fall in love with 爱上

cooperate with 与……合作

apply for 申请

be competent in 胜任

travel agent 旅行代理人;旅行社


1.Engaging in exploring splendid Chinese culture gives him a chance to act as a cultural messenger.致力于探索灿烂的中国文化,给了他一个充当文化使者的机会。

2.There is no better opportunity to improve a second language than studying abroad.留学是提高第二语言水平的最好机会。

3.Studying abroad, you make memo⁃ries that will last a lifetime.在国外学习,你会留下终生难忘的回忆。

4.Some peers may not be able to adapt to a new environment of studying and living.一些同龄人可能无法适应新的学习和生活环境。

5.They have to deal with many unex⁃pected hardships since they are away from their parents and homeland.远离父母和家乡,他们不得不应付许多意想不到的困难。

6.Living in another country, even if it is with a host family, means you might be doing things you may not have done in your home country.生活在另一个国家,即使是和寄宿家庭在一起,也意味着你可能要做在自己国家没有做过的事情。

7.You will probably have times when you miss your family, friends, food, and ev⁃erything familiar.有些时候,你会想念家人、朋友、食物和一切熟悉的事物。

8.To begin with, living abroad broad⁃ens your perspective on life—you'll have new friends, new experiences, and amazing stories to tell when you get back home.首先,在国外生活拓宽了你看待生活的视角——你会有新的朋友、新的经历,而且当你回家时,你会有可以讲述的精彩的故事。

9.Furthermore, through your study abroad you will be exposed to a new style of education, new culture and different learning techniques.此外,通过你在国外的学习,你将接触到一种新的教育风格、新的文化和不同的学习方法。

10.Studying abroad is also a process of learning to live independently in a com⁃pletely new environment.出国留学也是一个学习在一个全新的环境中独立生活的过程。


假定你是高二(1)班的班长李华,得知英国学生Chris 下学期将作为交换生到你班学习。请根据以下要点提示,给他写一封邮件。



3.希望Chris 做哪些事情以增进中英学生之间的了解和友谊。



2.词数80 左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Chris,

I'm Li Hua, monitor of Class One,Grade Two.Please allow me to extend our welcome to your arrival as an exchange stu⁃dent on behalf of our class.______________


Li Hua