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We've all left the house and found ourselves wondering: Did I shut the door? Did I turn off the kitchen lights?If these moments of doubt crop up a lot in your day⁃to⁃day life,a smart home system could save you a great deal of stress and worry. Here's an introduction to smart house technology features.

Flexible home control: The key to your smart home

The primary advantage of a smart home is that you can flexibly control and automate (使自动化)your smart house technology.Using an application on your smartphone or tablet, you can control everything like your lighting, heating and sound systems with maximum convenience. If your mobile device isn't at hand,your smart home is equipped with other ways to control your smart house technol⁃ogy—including voice control.

Smart lighting control is one of the most common applications of smart house tech⁃nology. Smart lights can be controlled individually from the comfort of your sofa or com⁃bined into groups so that you can set the mood—whatever kind of atmosphere you want to create.

Make your guests feel welcome:Door communication goes mobile

In a smart home,you can see who's at your door before you open it—and even commu⁃nicate with visitors from your garden, the supermarket or your office. Modern smart house technology makes your door communication system mobile and gives you that extra level of peace of mind when unexpected visitors arrive.You can also operate your door communica⁃tion system remotely and invite guests in before you get home.

Smart blind(卷帘)systems:For more security and comfort

Smart blind systems are designed to improve comfort,convenience and security.With smart house technology, you can adjust your blinds to suit your needs by using intelligent wall switches to give you a little more privacy.Depending on the level of the sun,the out⁃door temperature and the time of day, your smart house technology can also provide the right amount of shade in your rooms to reduce the burden on your air condition⁃ing system and save energy.

Intelligent home control technology is developing at a rapid pace. No matter whether you're in new or old buildings, in houses for rent or in your own home, modern home tech⁃nology is rapidly becoming the standard and will soon naturally enrich your everyday life.

Reading Check

Ⅰ.Skim the text and answer the following questions.

1.What's the purpose of this text?


2.How many smart house technology features are mentioned?


3.What's the author's attitude to modern home technology?


Ⅱ.Fill in the table according to the text.

Smart homes Technology Home control Function Flexible home control can control everything like lighting,1.and Mobile door com⁃munication sound systems.Door communication goes mobile, making it convenient for you to 2.with visitors no matter where you are.Smart blind systems Smart blind systems can improve comfort, convenience, security and 3.energy.

Language Study

Difficult sentence

Depending on the level of the sun, the outdoor temperature and the time of day, your smart house technology can also provide the right amount of shade in your rooms to reduce the burden on your air conditioning system and save energy.根据日照强度、室外的温度和一天中的(不同)时间,你的智能家居科技(卷帘)还可以为你的房间提供适当的阴凉处,以减轻空调系统的负担和节省能源。

【点石成金】该句中的Depending on the level of the sun, the outdoor temperature and the time of day 为现在分词作状语,your smart house technology 作主语,can also pro⁃vide 作谓语,to reduce the burden on your air conditioning system and save energy 为动词不定式作状语。