

Reading Check

1~4 CDAB

Language Study

It is critical for us to learn English well to have a better understanding of the world.


Reading Check

1~4 DBCA


Reading Check

Ⅰ.1~4 BCCA


Language Study

1.voyage 2.journal 3.undertake

4.admire 5.considered


Reading Check

1~4 CBBA

Language Study

It turned out that our judgment was en⁃tirely right.


Reading Check


Language Study

Even though he has the least experi⁃ence,he's the best teacher in my eyes.


Dear Henry,

How is everything going?Knowing that you are extremely enthusiastic about travel⁃ing around China through a virtual travel website,I highly recommendwww.virtual⁃travel.com.

The website offers 3D virtual tours of many amazing sights in China.You can reg⁃ister on the website or download the app.In addition,if you want to take photos in a place you are interested in,just click the mouse.Many popular sights,such as West Lake,Mount Tai and the Palace Museum,won't fail to feast your eyes.

I wish you would have a wonderful time.


Li Hua



Reading Check

1~4 DBCC


Reading Check

1~3 DBC


Reading Check

1~4 DACD


Reading Check

1~4 ADCD


Reading Check

1~4 DACD


Reading Check

1~3 DAC



Reading Check

It was established to send schoolbags with supplies to students in need in develop⁃ing countries.


Reading Check

They're very short⁃lived.


Reading Check

It's unclear.


Reading Check

Tea became a necessity for almost ev⁃eryone in the Song Dynasty.


第五章 一位重要的来访者

Reading Check

1.She smiled at Merrick and shook hands with him.

2.She gave Merrick a little book and some red flowers.

3.The Queen sent him a picture of her⁃self,with her name on it.

第六章 在医院的外面

Reading Check

1.The visit to the theatre was very dif⁃


2.He stayed there for six weeks.

第七章 最后一封信

Reading Check

His trying to sleep on his back.



Dear Tom,

I'm glad to share a truly unforgettable travel experience that I had during my last summer holiday with you.

On July 7,my parents and I took a bus to Leshan,Sichuan Province,which is fa⁃mous for the Buddha.The Buddha is really big.Looking up at the large head and the large feet,I felt I was so small.The next day,we climbed Mount Emei,where there are many old temples and wild monkeys.The naughty monkeys were the most excit⁃ing things I experienced there.Toward eve⁃ning we made our way back.We were all tired,but our trip to Leshan was really un⁃forgettable.

I'm looking forward to going there with you next time.


Li Hua


Reading Check

Paragraph 1:

“I think I can wait for my books till next New Year,”he continued.His father looked at him with a blank look.“What hap⁃pened,my son?”Edward explained,“I saw a poor German family with three young chil⁃dren who were in great need of help.They were hungry and didn't have enough clothes to wear.I just couldn't walk away without helping them.”Hearing this,Edward's fa⁃ther felt proud of his son.In fact,he couldn't agree more with Edward.“You are a good boy.Never can we turn a blind eye to those in need.What you have done will make a happy New Year,”his father said.

Paragraph 2:

The next day,Edward was stopped byhis father.“I have a present for you,my boy.”“Wow! It's the pretty books that I loved.Thank you,Dad!”Edward's face lighted up and he couldn't help jumping happily.Holding the books in his arms,Ed⁃ward felt he was the happiest boy in the world.He hugged his father and gave him a big kiss.A few days later,Edward met the poor German family again,and they thank⁃ed him again in their way.He understood the sweetness of helping others.



Task 1


1~4 BDDC

Task 2



Task 3


1~5 DBADA 6~10 BDCCB 11~15 ACCDA

Task 4

第一节 语法填空


1.educated 2.development 3.its

4.until 5.the 6.of 7.visiting

8.financial 9.Activities 10.to have

第二节 书面表达

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm Li Hua,a Chinese student studying in New Zealand.I'm writing to ask for some information about traveling in New Zealand since I plan to spend my summer vacation here.

Could you recommend some popular traveling routes to me? New Zealand is fa⁃mous for its beautiful scenery and places of interest and I want to know more details.Be⁃sides,I'm also interested in the local food,which is spoken highly of among us Chinese students.At last,what else should I prepare for the travelling?

I'd be grateful to receive a reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

Task 5

Paragraph 1:

In a second,all went quiet.I slowly got up,looking around to see if anyone was hurt.However,one person did it faster than me.It was my father.He rushed to us,ask⁃ing us,“Is everyone OK?”His voice was full of anxiety and love.Luckily,all were safe,except my little sister who had injured her left knee.We all surrounded her to check whether she could walk normally.She tried to stand up but failed because of the ache.

Paragraph 2:

When we had no idea what to do,the strange man came back.He said that the mo⁃ment he heard the loud sound,he returned immediately.Seeing what we had experi⁃enced,he said sorry to us again and again.We had to give up our adventure to the hot spring as a result of my little sister's injury.With the strange man's help,we made a little“bed”with the branches,and carried my little sister back finally.What an adven⁃ture!