河南 庞先庆

主题语境:人与自我 篇幅:352词 建议用时:7分钟

1Yuan Longping,a Chinese agriculturalist,was born in Beijing in 1930. 1 And since then he has devoted himself to agricultural education and research.

2He was an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,Director General of China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Center. 2

3Professor Yuan was a pioneer in hybrid rice research and made remarkable achievements in this area,first developing hybrid rice in the world.His achievements greatly solved the food shortage and were provided as a solution to the worldwide starvation. 3

4Yuan Longping started the research on indica hybrid (杂交籼稻) in 1964.Yuan Longping made a breakthrough in 1973.Yuan Longping is the first scientist who successfully altered the self-pollinating characteristic of rice and realized large-scale farming of hybrid rice. 4

5At present,as much as 50 percent of China's total rice fields grow Yuan Longping's hybrid rice species,and yield 60 percent of the rice production in China.Due to Yuan's hard work,China's total rice output rose from 5.69 billion tons in 1950 to about 20 billion tons in recent years,and about 300 billion kilograms more have been produced over the last twenty years. 5

6He was awarded many international awards,such as Gold Medal Award for the Outstanding Inventor of the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization,Science Prize of United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization,Rank Prize for Agronomy and Nutrition of the United Kingdom,Medal of Honor for Food Security and Sustainable Development of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization,and Fukui International Koshihikari Rice Prize of Japan.



A.This earned him the title“Father of Hybrid Rice”.

B.The annual yield is enough to feed 60 million people.

C.Professor Yuan graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.

D.It is regarded as the fifth invention after China's Four Major Inventions.

E.In 1979,their technique for hybrid rice was introduced into the United States.

F.Also,Yuan was Honorary President of the Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences in China.

G.He came up with an idea for hybridizing rice in the 1960s,when a series of natural disasters had caused many deaths.







1.Professor Yuan was a pioneer in hybrid rice research and made remarkable achievements in this area,first developing hybrid rice in the world.

【点石成金】此句意为“袁教授是杂交水稻研究的先驱,并且在该领域取得了显着成就,在全世界范围内率先研制出杂交水稻”。句中的连词and 连接两个并列谓语;现在分词短语first developing hybrid rice in the world 在句中作状语,表示原因。make remarkable achievements in 意为“在……(领域或方面)取得显着成就”。

2.His achievements greatly solved the food shortage and were provided as a solution to the worldwide starvation.

【点石成金】这是一个简单句,意为“他的成就极大地解决了粮食短缺问题,并为全球饥饿问题提供了解决方案”,其中and 连接两个并列谓语。句中的a solution to(doing)sth是固定词组,意为“……的解决方案”。

3.Yuan Longping is the first scientist who successfully altered the self-pollinating characteristic of rice and realized large-scale farming of hybrid rice.

【点石成金】这是一个复合句,意为“袁隆平是第一个成功改变水稻自花授粉特性,实现杂交水稻规模化种植的科学家”。主句Yuan Longping is the first scientist 是主系表结构,who successfully altered the self-pollinating characteristic of rice and realized large-scale farming of hybrid rice 是关系代词who 引导的限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the first scientist。




_______________________________,Ann moved to a small town in Vermont.


_______________________________scientific investigation.


_______________________________,which fields will make major breakthroughs?







Father of Hybrid Rice—Yuan Longping