河北 胡金莹

一张小小的纸片能够在折纸爱好者的手中变成各种各样的艺术品,上海大学的学生杜佳磊代表中国队参加第九届 “折纸奥运会”(国际折纸奥林匹克竞赛)并荣获季军。

篇幅:357词 难度:★★★ 建议用时:7分钟

1When the list of winners for the ninth International Origami(折纸艺术) Internet Olympiad (IOIO) was announced, Du Jialei, an undergraduate student from Shanghai University, won third place. Meanwhile, the overall Chinese team ranked second with a total of 16 medals won by the players.

2Founded in 2011 by famous contemporary origami artist, Andrey Ermakov, the IOIO is currently the most influential international origami competition, with a total of 803 players from 59 countries around the world participating in this year's event.

3“You can use only a single piece of paper to create an origami work, and no cutting or joining sections of the paper together should be applied during the process. That's the greatest appeal and also the most arduous part of creating an origami work,” explained Du, who is a student majoring in architecture at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, the fine arts school of Shanghai University based in east China's Shanghai.

4Du also noted that it is even more difficult to design an artwork from a single piece of paper, as the paper's folds need to be planned out very reasonably, with this effort requiring a lot of theoretical and mathematical knowledge. This also explains why modern origami has a high threshold for new participants, with the number of amateurs remaining relatively small. However, this art form is attracting an increasing number of young enthusiasts.

5The award-winning origami artwork of Du, inspired by the emblem of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, was created by the young man based on a quadrate (方形的)paper sheet design. The young artist also added a nautilus (鹦鹉螺) and a sailing ship,which respectively represent the concepts of creativity and hard work for something,among other design features that were added to the main body of the artwork to form an excellent whole upon completion of the piece.

6Du started cultivating an interest in origami early on during his childhood. As a college student, Du said architecture and origami are complementary fields, since origami requires a deeper understanding of spatial design, while the architectural courses that he has taken have aroused even more of his interest in origami-inspired architecture, geometry, and material science.

Reading Check

Language Study

Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

Founded in 2011 by famous contemporary origami artist, Andrey Ermakov, the IOIO is currently the most influential international origami competition, with a total of 803 players from 59 countries around the world participating in this year's event. 国际折纸奥林匹克竞赛由着名当代折纸艺术家安德烈·叶尔马科夫于2011年创立,是目前最具影响力的国际折纸比赛,今年共有来自世界59个国家的803名选手参赛。

【点石成金】本句中的Founded in 2011 by famous contemporary origami artist,Andrey Ermakov 为过去分词作状语;with a total of 803 players from 59 countries around the world participating in this year's event为with的复合结构,player和participate构成逻辑上的主谓关系。

Ⅱ. Text-centered chunks

major in 主修

plan out 精心安排;筹划

have a high threshold for 对……有很高的门槛

an increasing number of 越来越多的

be based on 以……为基础

cultivate an interest in 培养对……的兴趣

early on 在初期