广东 李奕群


1When I worked in a nursing home, I learned the true meaning of the national fund Blue Box. The Blue Box is not just a container into which coins are put. It is the repository of dreams, prayers and efforts of generations. I learned this at a storytelling activity in the nursing home. One day, to stimulate memories among the participants in my group,I brought a tray of objects. I set out a pair of small candlesticks, a couple of seashells, a lace-edged handkerchief, a blue box, and other odds and ends on the tray and passed it around. The residents would finger the objects, and then pass the tray on. When their turn came, they'd share a personal story that one of the objects had brought to mind.

2That day, an assistant had brought Clara to the group. Clara had suffered a stroke that left her paralyzed on one side and somewhat aphasic: She understood language but had trouble finding the correct words when she wanted to speak. Storytelling was the most inappropriate activity of all, for it focused attention on her language disability.

3When the tray went around the room, Clara grabbed the blue box in her good hand and held it to her chest tightly, refusing to relinquish it. Since no one else took an object off the tray, there were complaints from the other participants. “Anyone can tell a story about any object—these or any others,” I said. The complaints died down. Then the stories began. One woman told how the seashells reminded her of going to the beach every summer Sunday as a child. Another described the lacy handkerchief she carried when she fell in love with a soldier. The next person was Clara, but the person beyond her,knowing Clara never participated in a group, cleared her throat. Clara waved the blue box and said, “Mine, mine.” Another old woman, a former social worker, said, “Clara wants to speak! ” Clara nodded, and the room became silent.

Reading Check



1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Paragraph 1:

Slowly, Clara began her story that happened during the Great Depression.


Paragraph 2:

“The collected money helped offer shelters to many homeless people,” Clara said proudly and the room was silent.


Step 1 语篇研读


本文是一篇记叙文,其主题语境为“人与社会”。 克拉拉是一位特殊的客人,她中风偏瘫还患有一定程度的失语症,她参加了养老院的讲故事活动,她抓着一个蓝色的盒子,想要说出她的故事。 全文结构如下:



Characters Clues Personalities/Feelings Clara●Clara had suffered a stroke that left her paralyzed on one side and somewhat 1. .●Clara waved the blue box and said, “Mine, mine.”●“The collected money helped offer shelters to many homeless people,” Clara said 2. and the room was silent.brave, determined and 3.I●One day, to stimulate memories among the participants in my group, I brought a tray of objects.●“Anyone can tell a story about any object—these or any others,” I said.responsible and 4.other participants●There were 5. from the other participants.●The complaints died down.●The next person was Clara,but the person beyond her,knowing Clara never participated in a group, cleared her throat.unsatisfied and 6.

Step 2 情节构思

根据续写第一段的段首句和续写第二段的段首句可知, 克拉拉讲的是她筹钱帮助经济大萧条时期无家可归的人的故事。我们可以预测,当克拉拉得知经济大萧条时期无家可归者的窘境时,她十分担心,于是她想方设法地为他们筹钱,帮助他们渡过难关。 推荐表达:ache for、collect money for、bring those days back。


1. How did Clara tell the story?

2. What happened during the Great Depression?

3. What's the function of the blue box?


1. Clara was deeply worried about the homeless people.

2. Clara collected money for the homeless people.


1. How did other participants feel when they heard the story?

2. What did Clara do after telling the story?

3. What did people think of Clara after listening to the story?

Step 3 语言打磨




1. It is the repository of dreams, prayers and efforts of generations. (Para. 1)连贯的动作动词的使用使文章的细节描写更加具体。2. When the tray went around the room, Clara grabbed the blue box in her good hand and held it to her chest tightly, refusing to relinquish it. (Para. 3)


repository of dreams 梦想的储藏室

prayers and efforts of generations 几代人的祈望和努力

bring sth to mind 想起;记起

have trouble doing sth 做某事有困难

focus attention on 集中注意力于……

grab sth in one's hand 把某物抓在手上

die down 逐渐平息

remind sb of sth 使某人想起某物

participate in 参加



There were complaints from the other participants. 其他参与者开始抱怨。

The complaints died down. 抱怨逐渐消失。


finger the objects 触摸物体

pass the tray on 传递托盘

hold sth to one's chest 将某物抱在某人的胸前

refuse to relinquish sth 不愿让出某物

take an object off the tray 从托盘里拿走一样东西

clear one's throat 清了清嗓子

wave the blue box 挥舞蓝色盒子