主题语境:人与社会 篇幅:389词 关键词:justice,deaf

1The 30-year-old Tan Ting gestured quickly with both hands to the screen of the mobile phone.Her arms and fingers changed flexibly.Her face showed anxious expressions from time to time.After the other side of the screen also responded with sign language,she said with both hands.The“voice”kept asking,explaining and making suggestions.This is a silent legal consultation.Both the lawyer and the client are deaf.

2In January,after three years of hard work,Tan Ting finally passed the legal professional qualification examination,becoming the only person among the over 20 million deaf people in China to pass the examination.After the internship,legal help came one after another.At most,more than 30 people approached Tan Ting for advice a day.

3In the process of providing help for the deaf,Tan Ting first encountered a“language barrier”.Tan Ting learned Chinese Sign Language in a special education school,and the order of gestures is the same as that of ordinary speech.Most deaf parties use“natural sign language”,which mainly conveys meaning through gesture changes and facial expressions.

4 At the same time,because she couldn't hear outside voices after she was deaf,Tan Ting seldom spoke anymore.Her vocal cords slowly degraded,which made her use a lot of force for every word she said,and it was also very difficult for her to master the pronunciation correctly.It wasn't until she had a mobile phone that she could practice pronunciation through software that converts speech to text.Through continuous practice,Tan Ting has basically mastered“natural sign language”,and more and morepeople can understand Tan Ting's pronunciation.Now she can use sign language to complete legal consulting work independently,and she can also assist the hearing lawyer to understand the case of the deaf client and cooperate with the litigation(诉讼)work.

5At present,Tan Ting mainly conducts law popularization activities through offline lectures and online live broadcasts.In Tan Ting's view,it is far from enough to rely on one or two people in order to better help the deaf to speak up and help the deaf group participate in social life on an equal footing.It needs support from all aspects and a large number of talents in public legal services.

Reading Check

1.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?

A.How Tan Ting learns sign language.

B.How difficult it is for deaf people to communicate.

C.How Tan Ting gives a legal consultation.

D.How flexible Tan Ting's arms and fingers are.

2.What difficulty did Tan Ting meet with when first providing help for the deaf?

A.She couldn't use sign language.

B.They couldn't hear her speak.

C.Her sign language was not vivid.

D.They couldn't understand her sign language.

3.What does the underlined word“degraded”in paragraph 4 most probably mean?



4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Tan calls on more people to help the deaf.

B.Tan wants more deaf people to consult her.

C.Tan calls on the deaf to participate in social life.

D.Tan expects the deaf to watch her online live broadcasts.





语篇单词重要短语gesture v.做手势flexibly adv.灵活地anxious adj.焦虑的expression n.表情respond v.回答explain v.解释deaf adj.聋的qualification n.资格;学历examination n.考试approach v.接近provide v.供应encounter v.遇到convey v.传达restrict v.限制pronunciation n.发音master v.掌握support v.支持sign language手语make suggestions提建议legal consultation法律咨询pass the examination考试及格special education school特教学校Chinese Sign Language中国手语facial expression面部表情cooperate with与……合作conduct law popularization activities开展普法活动rely on依靠social life社交生活participate in参加online live broadcasts线上直播


1.At the same time,because she couldn't hear outside voices after she was deaf,Tan Ting seldom spoke anymore.Her vocal cords slowly degraded,which made her use a lot of force for every word she said,and it was also very difficult for her to master the pronunciation correctly.同时,由于耳聋后听不到外界的声音,谭婷很少说话。她的声带也慢慢退化,这使得她说每一个字都要用很大的力量,也很难正确掌握发音。

【点石成金】because引导的是原因状语从句,which引导的是非限制性定语从句,she said是限制性定语从句,and it was...correctly和前面的句子一起构成并列句。

2.It wasn't until she had a mobile phone that she could practice pronunciation through software that converts speech to text.直到有了手机,她才可以通过将语音转换成文本的软件来练习发音。

【点石成金】本句是一个强调句,强调的是时间状语从句not until she had a mobile phone。




______________________that we could see the whole scenery of the village.


We spent several days in the countryside, __________________________.






