陕西 李凤梅

主题语境:人与自然 篇幅:385词 关键词:plants,balconies

1Farming was considered part of the rural charm in the past. But now, farms have come to the concrete jungle and they can even be found high up on balconies.

2According to a report released by a Chinese e-commerce platform,sales of vegetable seeds in the first quarter doubled compared with the same period last year.Sales of products such as nutrient soil and gardening tools have tripled (成为三倍) since April of last year. Out of all the people buying farming tools and seeds, most were born after 1995.

3Zhang Chao, 17, from Anhui Province, is a young“urban farmer”. The senior high student said his fondness for planting was formed in primary school when he lived with his grandpa in the countryside.

4“Spending his whole life as a farmer, my grandpa liked to plant seasonal vegetables in our backyard garden when he was older,”Zhang said.“Inspired by his passion, I also learned to grow my own vegetables.”

5Though farming is a labor-intensive process including ploughing, fertilizing and watering, Zhang said he still had a sense of achievement when he saw seeds gradually turn into seedlings and later plants.“It has brought me good memories,”added Zhang.

6Although Zhang recently moved to a place without a yard, he continues his hobby with a balcony garden. He bought strawberry and tomato seeds.“Growing fruits and vegetables not only brings delicious food and enhances food security, but it also reminds me of the happy times with my grandpa,”said Zhang.

7Unlike Zhang,Fang Minke,a college student,considers planting a garden a good way to relax and develop patience. Having many academic responsibilities, the 18-year-old girl sometimes feels stressed. To help put some spark back in her life, she started planting vegetables on her balcony in 2021.

8After she spends long hours on homework, she likes to walk around her balcony garden.“Seeing the various colors and breathing fresh air, I feel closer to nature and refreshed,”Fang said.“The vegetables and herbs may not be the main food on our table, but they will surely add a touch of flavor to our dishes and spice up (给……增添趣味) our busy days.”

9Planting vegetables is now more than just a way to survive.It also brings joy and purpose to young people's lives.

Reading Check

1.What is paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.The development of the economy.

B.The farm products of people growing.

C.The increase in sales of farm products.

D.The popularity of urban planting.

2.What inspired Zhang Chao to get interested in planting?

A.His experience in primary school.

B.His experience in senior high school.

C.His own love for vegetables and fruits.

D.His grandpa's love for growing vegetables.

3.Why did Fang Minke start planting vegetables?

A.To save some money. B.To kill her spare time.

C.To make her room beautiful. D.To make herself more energetic.

4.How does the whole text mainly develop?

A.By giving examples. B.By making comparisons.

C.By listing reasons. D.By providing exact figures.-





语篇单词consider v. 考虑;认为 release v. 公布;释放 platform n. 平台 double v. 加倍 product n. 产品 inspire v. 鼓舞;激励 passion n. 激情;强烈的情感 process n. 过程 achievement n. 成就 gradually adv. 逐渐地 delicious adj. 可口的 develop v. 培养 patience n. 耐心 responsibility n.责任 nature n. 自然 refresh v. 使恢复精力 survive v. 生存purpose n.目的重要短语according to 根据;按照 compare with 与……相比较 such as 例如 a sense of achievement 成就感 remind sb of 使某人想起 feel stressed 感到有压力的 add...to 把……加到……上 bring joy to 给……带来欢乐


1.Though farming is a labor-intensive process including ploughing,fertilizing and watering, Zhang said he still had a sense of achievement when he saw seeds gradually turn into seedlings and later plants.尽管耕作是一个劳动密集的过程,包括耕地、施肥和浇水,但张说,当他看到种子逐渐长成幼苗,再后来长成植物时,他仍然有一种成就感。

【点石成金】Zhang said 是主句,he still had a sense of achievement 是省略了that 的宾语从句,when引导的是时间状语从句,Though引导的是让步状语从句。

2.“Growing fruits and vegetables not only brings delicious food and enhances food security,but it also reminds me of the happy times with my grandpa,”said Zhang.张说:“种植水果和蔬菜不仅能带来美味的食物,提高粮食安全,而且还能让我想起和爷爷在一起的快乐时光。”

【点石成金】said Zhang 是句子的主干,引号内是直接引语,直接引语是由not only...but also...连接的并列句。




____________________________________,I do believe he will succeed one day.


Practising Chinese kung fu can not only build oneself up,_______________________________.


假定你是中学生李华,最近你发现你们小区的许多人都在自己家的阳台上种植蔬菜,请你以“Planting vegetables on the balconies”为题写一篇短文,内容包括:









