江苏 王 迟


主题语境:饮食与生活 篇幅:337词 建议用时:6分钟

1I love Chinese food.I actually spent the summer in China two years ago teaching English.So I know a thing or two about China.And by a thing or two,I mean everything.

2No, I'm kidding.Living in China for two months in no way means I know everything about Chinese culture—as you can tell from my attempt to fit in by wearing workout clothes and trying to fight a statue.But I did learn a lot about Chinese food, specifically food from the Jiangsu region where I lived.Even though I've already forgotten a majority of what I knew2years ago,I still remember the goodness of Chinese food.

3So I'm going to walk you through a typical meal at a sit-down restaurant in China.Imagine that you're in China and you are about to head into a sit-down restaurant with a group of friends.As I said,it's an experience.

4Unless you read Chinese, you might not be able to read the menu.So you get a little anxious when the Chinese or the American (who thinks he/she can) reads Chinese menus for you.And the waiter brings a pot of hot water (or tea,either way it's going to be hot),and it gets passed around while the waiter passes around little plates and chopsticks.And then the food comes.And your mouth starts to water.

5Don't wait! The food is served on a spinning (旋转) clear table in the center of the room, and as it spins around, everyone pulls out their chopsticks and spoons while the tray (托盘) spins.Do you know how to do when you order a meal in America and your brother gets something that looks even better,and now all you want is his meal?This isn't a problem in China.You are welcome to eat whatever is on the table, and just know that the best foods usually go first.So just go to China and eat some good food on a spinning table.

Reading Check

Detail 1.What did the author do in China two years ago?

A.She was a teacher.

B.She was a journalist.

C.She was a visiting farmer.

D.She was a business woman.

Detail 2.How will you feel when someone reads Chinese menus for you according to the author?



Gist 3.What does the fifth paragraph mainly talk about?

A.American eating custom.

B.Chinese eating custom.

C.The spinning clear table.

D.The best foods on the table.

Inference 4.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?



Language Study

I.Difficult sentences in the text

1.Even though I've already forgotten a majority of what I knew 2 years ago, I still remember the goodness of Chinese food.尽管我已经忘记了两年前我所知道的大部分东西,但我仍然记得中国食物的美好。

【点石成金】Even though 引导的是让步状语从句,从句中,what 引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语。

2.You are welcome to eat whatever is on the table, and just know that the best foods usually go first.欢迎你吃桌上的任何东西,只要知道最好的食物通常是先上的。

【点石成金】本句是一个and连接的并列句。whatever 引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语;that引导宾语从句,在从句中不充当任何成分。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

in no way 决不

tell from 辨别

fit in 适应

even though 即使;尽管;虽然

pass around 传递;传阅

pull out 拿出