组稿策划 周艳霞


My understanding of company and filial piety雪中访亲情更浓

安徽 周贺梓珂

指导老师 汪 菲

In my family,there is a custom during the Spring Festival.We should pay a visit to our grandaunt, whose home lies at the top of a high mountain, showing our respect for her.

It was a cold,wet and snowy morning.“Wakey-wakey,”Mom reminded,“rise and shine, sleepy head,”which dragged me out of my sweet dreamland.If only I could have had a sound sleep the whole morning!

We set out and the winding road was rather slippery because of the heavy snow.So we had to depend on some branches as sticks.The snow made the air colder,which even froze my bones.“How difficult it is to get to the top!”I complained.Suddenly, a rush of icecoldness hit my neck.I looked up,finding my dad was snickering—it was a snowball!Definitely, I couldn't stand it.As a result, a much bigger snowball fell on my beloved daddy's head exactly.We threw snowballs all the way, laughter ranging in the open air and breaking the sleeping mountain.So you see, happiness doesn't come from the outside, but quite the opposite,from the inside.

Eventually, we arrived.When the house came into our sight, we spotted the kind lady had already been waiting for us in the yard.The moment she caught sight of us,she flashed a big smile and led us in enthusiastically.At this time,the snow outside capped mountains,the ground was white, and the flying snowflakes fell on branches of trees naughtily like thousands of butterflies.While inside, we sat together and feasted on the big lunch, warming ourselves by a big stove, which pictured a warm and harmonious scene.Seeing everyone's broad smile, I suddenly realized—what's important is not how cold the temperature is,but how warm the people around you are!

As the saying goes,“Company is the longest confession of love.”Time will never change and stop for any person,so start to accompany your family before it's too late!


My favorite light责任如灯心明净

安徽 殷逸格

指导老师 周艳霞

There are various lights in people's hearts, including me.And I just caught my favourite light lately.

It was one afternoon, the lazy mist curled in the air.After turning off the lamp, I laid on the chair, overcome by heavy boredom, as if the light of my heart also went out.Suddenly,a gentle voice flew into my ears,and it turned out to be my mother's call for dinner.I sprang to my feet and raced to the kitchen.What came first in my sight was the soft light gleaming there, making the whole room cozy.Through this light, I clearly saw my mother's love she poured on me.

After having dinner, I was asked to deliver meals to my father working in the office.I set off with excitement just because I could break free from the shackles of homework.Not long, I arrived at my father's office, finding there was only the light of the computer screen glaring.Through it,I could clearly see my father's sense of responsibility for work.

On the way back home,I passed by the hospital.The bright light clearly witnessed the doctors in white coats running on the corridor to do their best to rescue patients.Seeing the scene,I couldn't help thinking about the doctors throughout the country,who did their part for a solid wall to protect people from the diseases.

I walked on, lost in thought.Whether my mother working in the kitchen, my father working in the office,or the doctors fighting in the hospital,there were such dazzling lights around them.The lights were the embodiment of the responsibility of Chinese people,which shone on every corner around them.

With this in mind,I felt a great shame.And I wanted to turn on such a light of responsibility to break through the darkness that made me feel bored.So after I hurried home, I turned on the lamp I had previously turned off, throwing myself into the homework.Just then,the light in my heart lit up again.And I knew,that's the light I wanted.


The tower of Yangtze River——Zhenfeng Pagoda身经百劫心犹健

安徽 王仲轩

指导老师 陈德胜

In my hometown, there stands a majestic tower on the Yangtze River named Zhenfeng Pagoda, which was built in the Ming Dynasty.It has a long history and has been rebuilt several times.Now I'm going to share the story behind the Zhenfeng Pagoda.

The purpose of building this pagoda was to revitalize the style of study at that time.What's amazing is that since the tower was finished,many top scholars had appeared in Anqing.These top scholars made Anqing an outstanding city at that time.

Zhenfeng Pagoda protected some precious things during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, when some Japanese generals were going to destroy the library of Anqing.Hearing this,one of the library staff hid the books and pictures in the wall of Zhenfeng Pagoda.Finally,they were safe,and still in good condition after 80 years.

After the government began to attach importance to the restoration of cultural relics,Zhenfeng Pagoda started to overhaul(彻底检修)in 2014 and completed in 2015, and then it has become a famous tourist attraction.Unfortunately, Zhenfeng Pagoda's top was blown down by a rainstorm on May 10th, 2021, which made it badly destroyed.Since the design drawing of Zhenfeng Pagoda had long been lost, it is almost impossible to redesign it, so the government started to collect the photos of the top of the pagoda in many ways.Thankfully, many shutterbugs provided their precious photos of Zhenfeng Pagoda, helping experts to redesign the tower top.Now with everyone's hard work,the new Zhenfeng Pagoda is opening soon.It will continue to shine along the Yangtze River.

Zhenfeng Pagoda has experienced thousands of difficulties and dangers, but it has never been knocked down.It is just like our Chinese, always brave to face difficulties and cut through thorns.