广州 朱咏梅




2.动作、情感描写太夸张。有些同学为了套用老师平常要求背诵的句式表达,强硬地给文章中的人物安排不合适的情感、动作,这使得故事情节相当突兀,例如,当描写学生因为做错事情而接受老师的批评的时候,需要描写其害怕的心理活动,可是有些同学直接把面对大型凶猛动物时害怕的表达搬了过来,运用了“At the sight of the teacher,I froze with terror,too scared to move an inch.”这一句子。这个句子的表达就有点夸张。因此,在续写过程中,动作、情感描写要切合原文的语言,合乎逻辑。








I was turning ten in the summer of 1995.On a warm evening while we were at dinner table,my mom announced we were taking a trip to Niagara Falls when the summer vacation started so that we could celebrate my birthday there.

It all sounded incredibly good until Mom said we would be driving to Canada.As was often the case, my dad would do all the driving when my mom managed the directions.But Dad often took wrong turns along the way and Mom would not stop complaining.

I didn't like the car rides and looked over at my 6-year-old sister, Marlene.She giggled at me and rolled her eyes.Driving in the car meant I'd share the back seat with my sister,who would never stop making noise unless she was asleep.

“Hey, can we take a plane there instead?”I asked with mouthfuls of hamburger and French fries.Sometimes,when Dad had a day off from work,we would drive out to Idlewild Airport to watch the planes take off and land.I always hoped that one day I could get to sit in my own seat on one of those planes.It would be so cool to get high up the beautiful sky.

“Sorry, honey, maybe next time,”my mother replied as she and my father exchanged glances.I turned to my sister, hoping she would say she wanted to get on a plane too, but she simply stuck her tongue(舌头)out at me and giggled again.

Don't they get it?I was in desperate need of a plane ride,and I needed something cool to talk about with my friends when we got home.“Sitting in the back seat of the car sucks,”I blurted out(脱口而出).

“Jay!”my mom shouted.“Watch your mouth!”

“OK,sorry,but I really want to go by plane,”I said.

“This conversation is over,”my dad growled.“Finish your eating and go to your room.”


Paragraph 1:

We left two days later on Saturday morning in our car.__________________________



Paragraph 2:

I was told to wait until we checked in our bags at the airport.______________________





Who my mom,my dad,my sister and I When in the summer of 1995 when I was turning ten What discussing whether to go to Niagara Falls for my birthday by car or by air Where at home Why In my opinion,the advantages of travelling by air outweighed its disadvantages.How My parents refused my request and decided to go there by car.



1.On a warm evening while we were at dinner table, my mom announced we were taking a trip to Niagara Falls when the summer vacation started so that we could celebrate my birthday there.在一个温暖的晚上,我们在吃饭的时候,我的妈妈宣布暑假开始的时候,我们将要去尼亚加拉大瀑布旅行,以便我们能在那里庆祝我的生日。

文中对环境的描写用了warm这个词,而且这次旅行的目的是celebrate my birthday,这就为后文的续写奠定了基调——一定是以“我”为主的一次旅行。

2.It all sounded incredibly good until Mom said we would be driving to Canada.这一切听起来都非常好,直到妈妈说我们会开车去加拿大。

这里用副词incredibly 来修饰good这个形容词,说明“我”对自己生日的安排很满意,又用一个until引导的时间状语从句,点出了美中不足的地方。因为这次的旅程是专门为庆祝“我”的生日而准备的,所以后面“我”为自己争取坐飞机去那里也就合情合理了。



Driving in the car meant I'd share the back seat with my sister, who would never stop making noise unless she was asleep.开车意味着我要跟我的妹妹分享后面的座位,她不会停止制造噪声除非她睡着了。

Driving in the car为现在分词作主语,现在分词的使用避免了句式的单一,并且后面用了一个定语从句who would never stop making noise unless she was asleep,进一步说明了“我”不想开车去瀑布的原因。


“Sorry, honey, maybe next time,”my mother replied as she and my father exchanged glances.“对不起,亲爱的,可能下一次(我们再坐飞机去吧,这次不行)。”妈妈回答道,与此同时她和爸爸交换了一下眼色。

这句话用as 引导的时间状语从句对人物的动作进行细节描写,为后面的续写做了铺垫。读到这里,让人不禁深思:为什么爸爸妈妈要交换眼色呢?前面对话的描写和后面动作的描写让人思考妈妈这句话暗含的意思是什么。如果我们能注意到这些写作特点并将其运用到后面的续写中去,那么我们就能做到续写文章与原文的语言风格类似。


I turned to my sister, hoping she would say she wanted to get on a plane too, but she simply stuck her tongue out at me and giggled again.我转向我的妹妹,希望她能说她也希望坐飞机,但是她仅仅向我吐了吐舌头并且再次咯咯地笑了起来。

本句中,hoping she would say she wanted to get on a plane too 用了非谓语作状语和宾语从句,表达了“我”希望妹妹能站在自己这边劝说父母改变出行方式,但是妹妹仅仅向“我”吐了吐舌头,而且再一次笑了,这让人觉得她的笑内含深意,也为后面的续写奠定了基础。


“Jay!”my mom shouted.“Watch your mouth!”...“This conversation is over,”my dad growled.“Finish your eating and go to your room.”“杰伊!”妈妈大喊。“注意你的言辞!”……“谈话结束了,”我爸爸咆哮道。“吃完回到你的房间去。”

妈妈的shouted 和爸爸的growled 暗示着“我们”这次的讨论不欢而散。这也为后面故事的反转做了铺垫,这样看起来后面的续写故事的基本走向就比较清晰明了了。


续写第一段段首句是“We left two days later on Saturday morning in our car.”(两天之后的周六早上我们开自己的车出发了。)。看似故事的发展是按照父母原来确定好的路线——开车出行。但是如果仅看到第一段段首句而忽视了第二段段首句,就会掉进陷阱,导致续写第一段与后面的线索衔接不顺畅。因为续写第二段段首句“I was told to wait until we checked in our bags at the airport.”[我被告知(继续)等待直到在机场办理我们的行李托运手续。]暗示了后面“我”的生日愿望——坐飞机去瀑布那里——很可能得以实现。




Paragraph 1:

We left two days later on Saturday morning in our car.Sighing with disappointment, I helped carry the suitcase to the trunk of the car.There I was speechlessly sitting in the back with my sister, who was shouting loudly to express her excitement of the trip.Murmuring in a down voice, I tried to practice picturing to my friends how wonderful my car trip would be though it was not.After what seemed like a lifetime, I felt extremely relieved when Marlene finally fell asleep beside me.Looking out of the window, I caught sight of a large plane flying overhead.How I wished I were on that plane! Suddenly, I noticed my father drove past a sign which read“Airport Parking”.Confused,I looked at my mom, hoping she could tell me what was going on.Wearing a mysterious smile on Dad's face,he asked us all to get off our car with all our belongings.

Paragraph 2:

I was told to wait until we checked in our bags at the airport.Seeing the puzzled look on my face, Mom happily explained,“Surprised, honey? It's not our plan to go Niagara Falls by car, just as you can see.We want to give you the choice and pretend to do the opposite in order to give you an unforgettable birthday!”My dad also wished me a happy birthday as he bent down to kiss my head while Marlene threw her arms around me,winking and giggling once again heartily, which revealed that even my sister also knew the whole plot.Tears of joy welled up in my eyes and I couldn't help hugging them tightly,crying,“Thank you! I love you.”Words failed to express my emotion at that time.What touched me most was the great love, patience and tolerance from my family.I will never forget this memorable birthday!



Emily came from a musical family.Her father was a famous pianist in his early years and later was a music instructor.Her mother, was a performer and composer.Emily's older brother was a cellist and part of the church's choir.However,Emily wasn't like her brother.She was unable to play any instrument.

“You have to be an instrument that you're playing.Why aren't you able to do it?”Emily's father said to her, advising her to learn to play the piano.From time to time, her mother would show the wish that Emily could develop her ability to perform on the stage.It seemed that the whole family was pushing her to play music.Every time this happened, it was a massive pain for her.Emily felt that she wasn't part of her family.It was her dream to become just like the rest of them.However, no matter how hard she tried, she was unable to make it.

“Being different doesn't mean that you aren't blessed with any potential or talent,”said Sarah,a teacher of Emily.“Maybe there is something interesting that I can do,”Emily thought.Every evening, Emily spent time sketching or drawing and painting in her bedroom.Her paintings showed her father on the piano and her brother on the cello as well as her mother performing on the stage.Her paintings were vivid and the emotions were real.The paintings revealed how much her family was devoted to music.The paintings also revealed the things Emily was skilled at.

But her family did not even know.The only thing they knew was that Emily was unable to sing and play one musical instrument.And they weren't happy with her at all.Emily was a lover of her loved ones,and she loved them dearly.She wanted to be the pride of the family someday.How could this happen when she wasn't able to do what they asked her to accomplish?


Paragraph 1:

The answer was found when Sarah saw her gift for the arts._______________________





Paragraph 2:

When her parents saw her artwork,they were moved deeply._______________________













