山东 孙启禄




1Isn't it incredible when a last-minute decision changes someone's life in a major way?

2On the day after the New Year,Allison Scott and her friend,Alfred Valdivia,Jr.,made a last-minute decision to head up to Big Bear Lake in California for a camping trip.They packed up their equipment and brought along their dog for the planned night,never once imagining that they were actually setting out on a rescue mission for a man they'd never met.

3Allison and Alfred picked a camping spot between Big Bear Lake and Angelus Oaks.They were relaxing when,suddenly,a low-flying plane caught their attention.As the plane went by,they heard a man's voice calling out for help somewhere nearby.Curious,they tracked the sound to a ridgeline,and at the bottom of the hill,a man named Eric was stranded(使滞留).

4“We end up finding him,and my friend is looking over the ridge (山 脊) and calling out,‘Hey I see you,’”Allison recalled.“He had a stick with a water bottle on it trying to signal.He couldn't walk.His feet were extremely swollen and infected just from walking so much.”

5Allison and Alfred climbed down to Eric and learned that he'd set out from his home in Oceanside two weeks earlier.No one knew where he was,and no one was looking for him.He didn't own a cell phone,either.He'd managed to survive for the past 14 days eating only a half a jar of salsa he'd brought along for the hike.

6Eric told Allison and Alfred it was a“miracle”that they'd discovered him.He was extremely weak and hungry.Allison used her cell phone to call 911,and within 15 minutes a rescue helicopter arrived to airlift the starving man to safety.

7Once Eric had been safely evacuated,Allison and Alfred continued on their camping trip as planned,but with a very cool story to tell when they returned!



1.What did Allison and Alfred decide to do?

A.Perform a rescue mission.

B.Spend the night camping.

C.Celebrate the New Year.

D.Look for a camping spot.

2.To whom did Eric call out for help actually?

A.People on the plane.

B.Someone near the lake.

C.Allison and her friend.

D.People at the camping site.

3.Why did Eric have a stick with a water bottle on it?

A.He wanted to get some water.

B.He wanted to use it to help him walk.

C.He wanted people to see it and discover him.

D.He didn't have enough money to buy a phone.

4.Which of the following words can best describe Eric?







1.They packed up their equipment and brought along their dog for the planned night,never once imagining that they were actually setting out on a rescue mission for a man they'd never met.他们收拾好装备,带着他们的狗,计划过夜,从未想过他们实际上是去为一个素未谋面的人执行救援任务。

【点石成金】They packed up their equipment and brought...night是句子的主干,其中packed up 和brought 是并列谓语,never once imagining...met 是动词-ing形式作状语,that they were actually...met是that引导的宾语从句,they'd never met是限制性定语从句。

2.Eric told Allison and Alfred it was a“miracle”that they'd discovered him.埃里克告诉艾莉森和阿尔弗雷德,他们发现了他,这真是个“奇迹”。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。Eric told Allison and Alfred 是主句,后面部分是省略了that 的宾语从句,其中it 是形式主语,that they'd discovered him 是主语从句。




Mary stood in the middle of the classroom,____________________

on the wall.


_____________________he finished the 5-kilometer crosscountry race without any help.






