江西 丁黎明

主题语境:紧急救援 篇幅:326词 建议用时:7分钟

1Rescuers pulled an American researcher out of a Turkish cave early Tuesday, more than a week after he became seriously ill 1000 meters below its entrance,officials said.

2Teams from across Europe had rushed to the Morca cave in southern Türkiye's Taurus Mountains to aid Mark Dickey, a 40-year-old experienced caver who became seriously ill with stomach bleeding.

3Dickey, who is from Croton-on-Hudson, New York, is a well-known cave researcher and a cave rescuer himself who had participated in many international expeditions.He and several other people were on an expedition to map the 1276-meter deep Morca cave system.

4Dickey became ill on Sept. 2, but didn't notify people above ground until the next morning. He was first treated inside the cave by a Hungarian doctor who went down the cave on Sept. 3. Teams comprised of a doctor and three to four other rescuers took turns caring for him.The cause of his illness was not clear.

5The rescue began on Saturday after doctors, who administered IV fluids and blood, determined that Dickey could make the difficult ascent.He was too frail to climb out himself, so rescuers carried him with the help of a stretcher (担架), making frequent stops at temporary camps set up along the way before he finally reached the surface early Tuesday.

6The biggest challenges for the rescuers getting Dickey out of the cave were the steep vertical sections and navigating through mud and water at low temperatures in the horizontal sections. Before the evacuation (撤离) could begin, rescuers first had to widen some of the cave's narrow passages,install ropes to pull him up through vertical shafts on a stretcher and set up temporary camps along the way.

7Lying on the stretcher, Dickey said it was amazing to be above ground again, and thanked the Turkish government for saving his life with its rapid response.He also thanked the international caving community and Turkish cavers,among others.

Reading Check

Detail1.Why did teams from across Europe rush to the Morca cave?

A.To help Dickey climb out of a cave.

B.To aid Dickey to explore the cave.

C.To cure Dickey of stomach bleeding.

D.To rescue Dickey.

Detail2.How did the rescuers save Mark Dickey from the cave?

A.They carried him on a stretcher.

B.They installed ropes to pull him up.

C.They climbed with him on their backs.

D.They guided him through narrow passages.

Detail3.How many days did this rescue take?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

Detail4.What was one of the biggest challenge for the rescuers getting Dickey out of the cave?

A.Setting up temporary camps along the way.

B.The steep vertical sections of the cave.

C.Widening some of the cave's narrow passages.

D.Too much mud and water in the cave.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

The rescue began on Saturday after doctors,who administered IV fluids and blood,determined that Dickey could make the difficult ascent.在医生们为迪基输液和输血,确定他可以完成艰难的攀登后,救援工作于周六开始。

【点石成金】句中的who 引导的是一个定语从句,who 在从句中作主语,先行词为doctors;句中的that引导的是一个宾语从句。

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

1.The reality of mothering is________very different from the romantic ideal.

2.To explain the difference briefly,the accountant________a bookkeeping system.

3.Although her illness is________,her condition is beginning to stabilize.

4.The stranger's question surprised me so that I________lost my tongue.

5.His long life________a series of evolution.