
第一部分 语言基础(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 单句语法填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1.Xie Lei also found many courses included students'________(参与) in class as part of the final result.

2.He ________(回想起)that she always came home late on Wednesdays.

3.I have to give a ________(报告)in class this afternoon.

4.The family continues to be the primary source of care and ________(安慰)for people as they grow older.

5.Do you think the film ________(改编本)was faithful to the book?

6.I see you are an ________(有雄心的) young lady. I wish you could make greater progress in the future.

7.In this job,experience counts for more than paper ________(学历).

8.The beauties of the West Lake in spring were beyond his ________(期望).

9.The most important criterion for entry is that ________(申请人) must design and make their own work.

10.I sat in the car and they came over and I ________(暴露)myself.

第二节 完成句子(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1.难怪许多人来这里休息和放松。(no wonder)____________________come here to seek rest and relaxation.

2.理解一篇文章的细节对学好英语来说很重要。(动词-ing形式短语作主语)____________________is important to learn English well.

3.随着孩子们的年龄增长,他们对周围的事物越来越感兴趣。(as引导的时间状语从句)____________________, they become more and more interested in the things around them.

4.他们不买这辆车的原因是他们负担不起。(The reason why...is that...)____________________they can't afford it.

5.很奇怪没有人知道他去哪儿了。(It is+adj.+that结构)____________________where he has gone.

6.你是如何激励人们努力而高效地工作的?(motivate)How do you ____________________and efficiently?

7.这项计划竟出乎我们意料地获得了成功。(expectation)The plan has succeeded ____________________.

8.这是她第二次订阅《中国日报》。(It is/was the first/second/...time that...)____________________China Daily.

9.我第一次见到她时就觉得她很好,很诚实。(the first time)I thought her nice and honest ____________________.

10.交通信号灯告诉我们何时能过马路。(疑问词+to do)A traffic light tells us ____________________.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)



Everyday wear like casual shirts, T-shirts, and jackets, embroidered(刺绣)with traditional patterns from the Yi ethnic group,staged a striking show at recent New York Fashion Week. Chinese designer Wang Tao's new youth collection, decorated with Yi embroidery, a Chinese intangible cultural heritage, was a definite hit on the night of the fashion week.

The audience was amazed by both the beautiful and mostly hand-embroidered colorful patterns and the perfect balance of modern and traditional elements. Leah Coulter, a student at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, who dressed the models for the show, said the collection was a mix of the old and the new and loved all the patterns and embroidery, which aroused her interest in the unique handicraft dating back thousands of years.“I need to learn more about its history,”Coulter said.

“It's not something new in the fashion world to involve China's intangible cultural heritages as elements of design,”Wang said,“but it's not easy to make them into true fashion.Intangible cultural heritages should not always be displayed in museums or only appear on souvenirs. I hope to break the stereotype (刻板印象) through using the Yi embroidery and make them everyday fashionable items.I think fashion is the best way to introduce culture.”

Wang's design ideas can be traced back to both her global experience as a fashion designer in Japan, the UK and China, and her unique educational background. Before receiving her second degree in fashion from Japan's top fashion institute Tokyo Mode Gakuen, she majored in history at ECNU(East China Normal University)in Shanghai. In order to create her collection,Wang and her team went to Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture(自治州)in southwest China's Yunnan Province and deeply studied the culture and history of Yi's craftsmanship to gain insight into the essence,delicacy and symbolism of Yi embroidery.But Wang's employing the patterns, colors and techniques of Yi embroidery in her contemporary fashion designs is not a simple imitation.The combination of modern and traditional parts can't be too striking for it to be widely accepted as everyday wear, Wang said,adding that her goal is for people,regardless of gender,color or nationality.

1.What made Wang Tao's design appealing to the audience?

A.The totally hand-embroidered costumes in Yi culture.

B.The brilliant combination of traditional and modern parts.

C.The remarkable design of Chinese intangible cultural heritages.

D.The diversity of ethnic cultures displayed in youth clothes.

2.Which of the following contributes to Wang's design ideas?

A.Her aspiration to be famous worldwide.

B.Her educational background of fashion at ECNU.

C.Her working experiences in some European and Asian countries.

D.Her travelling experiences across ethnic regions in Yunnan Province.

3.What is the text mainly about?

A.A culture back to life.

B.China's intangible cultural heritages.

C.A talented Chinese designer.

D.The application of China's ethnic elements in fashion.


There are big cultural differences between the US and the UK, despite having many similarities. People talk differently, and not just in the accent or words, but in the general meaning.

Americans are very friendly.They will talk to strangers in a store,laugh with someone at a bar,and help their neighbours as necessary.Many expatriates(侨民)have reported difficulty in making really close friends like they had in the UK. The friendliness is only on the surface.

Many Americans are very family-centred. Family life includes endless school musicals, after-class sports, birthday parties and the like. Many new expatriates report exhaustion trying to keep up with all the things to do with the kids when they come to the US.

Most Americans have never been abroad.The United States is a huge country.Go and look at a map of the US to get an idea. Many Americans feel they simply haven't seen enough of their own country to consider travelling abroad to see another country. In addition, many people just don't get enough holiday time to make it worthwhile travelling abroad, with holiday or“vacation”time often being as few as 7-10 days a year, and sometimes that includes sick days.

Most Americans are proud of Scottish or Irish or German or Italian ancestry, even if it has been centuries since anyone in their family lived abroad. Many Americans like to remember this not because they like the old country but because they like to show that their family came from immigrants (移民) who dreamed of a better life in America. By pointing out that fact,many feel they are meeting their ancestors'wishes and dreams.

Making friends can be daunting. While for some in their 20s, they can reach out to those who are also just starting out and form some lifelong friendships. For some who are older,in their 30s and 40s,with kids and a family,meeting others can be difficult.

4.What do expatriates think of Americans?

A.They are ready to help others.

B.They seem to be friendly to others.

C.They are fond of working with foreigners.

D.They easily make friends with others.

5.Why do most Americans seldom travel abroad?

A.They have short holiday time.

B.They are short of money for trips.

C.They think it worthless to travel abroad.

D.They like their own country's scenery better.

6.Why are most Americans proud of their British ancestry?

A.They love the old country.

B.They appreciate British culture.

C.They think their ancestors made history.

D.They think they're realising their ancestors'dreams.

7.What does the underlined word“daunting”in the last paragraph probably mean?

A.Discouraging. B.Interesting.

C.Surprising. D.Exciting.


I'm a 22-year-old young man and came to China four months ago for the same reasons most people of my age have.They want to see the world and expand their minds.To explore more about China,I am currently teaching English in Guangdong.

China hasn't been the expected.Before I came,I was not aware of the level of ongoing development within the country. High-rise buildings, flat screen televisions, well-equipped classrooms and so on. I found myself pleasantly surprised. Like other foreigners, I saw the funny side of the language barrier and tasted the chicken feet. I gave in to the flow of Chinese culture and haven't looked back since, but it wasn't until today that I realized how naturally similar it is to my own.

When the Chinese take a photograph, they won't say“Cheese!”like we do back home in the UK. Instead, they say the word“Eggplant (茄 子)!”. Amused at first, I suddenly realized that I had no reason to be critical.Cheese?Eggplant?Any difference?

China is home to one of the oldest and greatest cultures in the world.It is in this country that I have witnessed some of the most beautiful scenes that the human race can offer.We all share a way of life, no matter where we're from or where we go. It's my conclusion that though we shout random foods at a camera, at least, we're all shouting words from the same category.How different can we really be?

So,instead of grasping your own culture,take a break and allow the culture of another country to embrace you.You may be surprised at the amount of similarities you find,just as I was this afternoon in sunny,southern China.

8.Why did the author come to China?

A.To copy others.

B.To make a living.

C.To learn Chinese.

D.To satisfy his curiosity.

9.What made a pleasant surprise for the author in China?

A.The rich culture.

B.The way of taking photos.

C.The unexpected modern life.

D.The funny scenes in communication.

10.What lesson did the author learn through his experience in China?

A.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.

B.People should all shout“Cheese!”at a camera.

C.People of different cultures share some similarities.

D.The more you travel,the more you appreciate your home.

11.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A.English or Chinese?

B.Cheese and eggplant

C.The importance of travel

D.The long culture of China


Finding a suitable name for a baby is a big matter in China. When picking out a Chinese name, parents usually select two or three characters that have a careful thought, but when deciding on an English name, many of them struggle. That's where Jessup and her company, Special Name, come in. In the last few years, Jessup has helped name 677,900 Chinese babies,and earned over$400,000 in the process,more than enough to pay her college fees.

Jessup came up with the idea for Special Name in 2015,after accompanying her father on a business trip to China. One of her dad's business partners, Mrs Wang, asked her to help choose an English name for her daughter. Jessup felt honoured and quickly realised the importance of choosing a proper name in Chinese culture.The woman wanted people to be surprised by the things her daughter could achieve, so Jessup suggested the name“Eliza”after the character Eliza Doolittle from the playPygmalion. Mrs Wang seemed delighted with Jessup's choice.“If Mrs Wang needed this service, maybe other parents would need it as well,”Jessup thought.

After returning to the UK, Jessup borrowed £1500 from her parents and paid a web designer to build a website. She then spent her free time filling up a database with around 4000 English names, associating them with five major personality characteristics, like honesty and optimism.

In the beginning, Jessup offered the service for free to promote the website, but later,she started charging fees.The business is almost completely self-sufficient,requiring only a small team in China that manages technical operations. She updates the database each month,allowing her to focus full-time on studies.

12.What's the purpose of Special Name?

A.To help Chinese teens go abroad.

B.To strengthen children's personalities.

C.To pick an English name for a Chinese baby.

D.To make a deal with Chinese parents.

13.What inspired Jessup to set up Special Name?

A.A suggestion from a business partner.

B.Her interest in Chinese culture.

C.A Chinese mother's request.

D.A character from a play.

14.What did Mrs Wang want her daughter to be in the future?

A.A woman with achievements.

B.A famous actress.

C.A successful businesswoman.

D.A Western culture expert.

15.What can we infer from the last paragraph about Special Name?

A.It offers free service.

B.It's updated every day.

C.It's operated completely by itself.

D.It is easy to manage.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)


While you are studying or working abroad, sharing an apartment with people from other cultures is a great way of getting the most out of a period of the beginning. 16 .Here are some tips to make the process go smoother.

17. Understand people who have not grown up in the same country or context as you can sometimes translate some of your behavior in the wrong way.To avoid this,seek advice from your friends and family to find out more about what type of person you are, and what you might come across when it comes to people who don't know you.You might also consider conducting little research on what type of stereotypes other cultures might hold about the people of your own country.

18. Now that you know that people are all different, be understanding when you get to know them.Try to be open-minded so that you can start off on the right foot.This will promote communication with them. To get to know each other better, plan to spend some time doing what each of you likes to do in your spare time.You can cook meals together,go out to the town,listen to music,take a weekend trip and plan some board games.

Moreover,the other person might be from a place where people do not usually do these activities. 19 ,but sometimes it can take some initiative to actually make it happen.

People are more similar than you think most of the time. We grow up in such a large world with so much information everywhere and sometimes we can be misled into thinking something that we should not believe, but we have the opportunity to make up our own minds. 20 .You don't know where people come from and what their story is.

A.So be kind

B.Don't be shy

C.Be understanding and patient

D.And this is what you may encounter

E.This is a situation to which it will take some time to adapt

F.The opportunities to learn from each other are endless

G.Start by being aware of your own culture,values and attitudes

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I participated in an exchange program where a Spanish student came to live in my home for a few weeks and then I went to live in hers in Spain. I was somewhat 21 but mostly excited about the coming experience.

After the 22 excitement, cultural differences began to affect me, 23 me to feel anxious and homesick. What made culture shock difficult to 24 was the language barrier.My Spanish skills were not at the level of being able to express how I feel 25 .

The most difficult challenge was the 26 and meal time. I usually ate dinner at 6:00 pm in America,but in Spain,we ate it at 10:00 pm when I was very 27 !I was a picky eater, and while I ate meat, I still wasn't very 28 with it. But there was a lot of meat in Spanish 29 .Almost every meal was filled with rich unknown foods.

One night, I asked what we were going to 30 . Since I didn't know the Spanish word“conejo”they used, the entire family started acting like rabbits at the dinner table in an effort to help me understand its 31 .I was shocked.Sometimes I just wanted to curl up in my room alone and 32 a pizza,but not the pizza they had in Spain.

Despite the stress caused by some new and unusual foods, I _______33 them very much when I left Spain. This trip taught me how to be 34 and leave my comfort zone, and how important it is to 35 new things.

21.A.optimistic B.frustrated C.motivated D.nervous

22.A.ultimate B.abnormal C.initial D.gradual

23.A.enabling B.causing C.helping D.forcing

24.A.inquire about B.subscribe to C.figure out D.deal with

25.A.clearly B.gently C.intensely D.elegantly

26.A.clothing B.transport C.food D.shelter

27.A.sleepy B.hungry C.occupied D.depressed

28.A.careful B.familiar C.satisfied D.combined

29.A.cuisine B.nutrition C.flavor D.style

30.A.gain B.grasp C.eat D.present

31.A.source B.category C.function D.meaning

32.A.prepare B.order C.boil D.deliver

33.A.missed B.supported C.hated D.blamed

34.A.committed B.critical C.flexible D.reliable

35.A.recommend B.try C.resist D.handle

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


It is incredibly rare to find a foreigner working as the director of a nursing home in Shanghai. But the fact that Anastasija Puzankova can even speak Liantang, a Chinese dialect 36. ________(speak) only by residents in a small town in southwestern Shanghai,makes her one of a kind. Puzankova's main 37. ________(responsibility) include supervising the nursing staff, 38. ________(attend) internal training and overseeing administration.

As she can communicate 39. ________(fluent)with her colleagues in Mandarin (普通话), there was no need for her to even pick up the dialect. But driven by the desire 40. ________(understand)her residents better,she spent a year learning the dialect.

“I had always wondered how the elderly were getting along 41. ________others, or if they were well cared for.I realized that I could better serve them and understand their concerns if I spoke their dialect. They need more care and attention 42. _________we think.We have to try our best to make them happy and feel at home,”she said.

Puzankova traveled to Shanghai as part of 43. ________exchange program in 2004.Little did she know that this 44. ________(mark) the beginning of a new life in China.After graduation, Puzankova joined a health care company that specialized in medical equipment and genetic tests,45. ________she developed a passion for the field.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (满分15分)

假定你是李华,你校即将举办“中医药文化”主题活动,你打算邀请交换生Jim 参加。请你用英文给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:






参考词汇:中医药traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)

Dear Jim,






Li Hua

第二节 (满分25分)


For nearly four months,the little dog,Indiana,fortunately survived in the woods with a wounded shoulder. She'd been mistaken for a wolf and shot while running outside with her mother,Dakota.An animal control officer said they were the most strongly bonded pair he'd ever seen and the two dogs refused to leave each other's side, even while trying to escape being caught.

As a result of the gunshot, Indiana lost both her leg and her mother, for the two were sent to different adoption groups. While Indiana was learning to walk on three legs down south,Dakota was 1000 miles north in New England.The first adoption family returned Dakota two days later. They said the dog couldn't bond with humans, kept them up all night,and wasn't suitable to live in a home. Eventually, Dakota found her forever home with me on Long Island.I have experience with such dogs,and Dakota,a husky (爱斯基摩狗),just needed attention and someone who understood how to approach her. I always let her come up to me.I gave her the time and space to explore and feel comfortable.She soon let me put a collar on her and would lie on the sofa with me quietly.

When I, accidentally, read the post of Dakota's first adopter, it mentioned that the little dog Dakota had been running with was shot, and, I thought, killed. I'm a broadcast news journalist, so I always did some surveys and, by chance, heard a story from a South Carolina TV news outlet about a dog that recently had her front leg cut off because of an old gunshot wound. And anyone who wanted to adopt Indiana was required to have a six-foot fence because she kept jumping over the one at the care shelter in South Carolina. There was no mistaking it—she looked exactly like Dakota. Indiana wasn't killed by the gunshot,just badly injured.

注意:续写词数应为150 左右。

Paragraph 1:

While Dakota loved me and her new home,she still missed her kid.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

I decided to bring three-legged Indiana to my home.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________