

cereal 谷物

legume 豆类

spice 香料

poultry 家禽

seafood 海产品

noodle 面条

pastry 糕点

delicatessen 熟食

herb 香草;药草

vegetable 蔬菜

fruit 水果

meat 肉类

fish 鱼

nut 坚果


boil 煮

fry 油炒;油炸;油煎

grill 烤

roast 烘烤

steam 蒸

bake 烘焙

stew 炖

poach 水煮

broil 烤

sear 烧灼;烤焦


wok 锅

knife 刀

spatula 刮铲

mortar 研钵

pestle 研杵

grater 擦菜器

skillet 平底煎锅

colander 滤器;漏勺


feast 宴会

banquet 宴会

picnic 野餐

barbecue 烧烤

buffet 自助餐


dairy product 乳制品

local gastronomy 地方美食

traditional taste 传统口味

folk dish 民间菜肴

culinary diversity 烹饪多样性

gourmet heritage 美食遗产

food etiquette 饮食礼仪

eating tradition 饮食传统

ethnic flavor 民族风味

dietary custom 饮食习俗

family recipe 家庭食谱

food origin 食物起源

home cooking 家常菜

signature ingredient 特色食材

cooking celebration 烹饪庆典

culinary secret 烹饪秘诀

authentic dish 正宗菜肴

festive cuisine 节日美食

culinary custom 烹饪习惯

regional recipe 地方食谱

baking tradition 烘焙传统

food celebration 食品庆祝活动

street food scene 街头食品景观

taste of home 家乡的味道

measuring cup 量杯

mixing bowl 搅拌碗

chopping board 切菜板

family dinner 家庭晚餐

street food fair 街头美食节


1.While food sustains life,it also serves as a symbol of hospitality and cultural identity.食物既维持生命,也作为好客和文化身份的象征。

2.As we enjoy various cuisines,we not only taste different flavors but also explore diverse cultures.当我们品尝各种各样的菜肴时,我们不仅尝到了不同的味道,也探索了不同的文化。

3.When immigrants bring their culinary traditions to new lands,they create a melting pot of flavors and cultures.当移民将他们的烹饪传统带到新的地区时,他们创造了一个多种口味和文化的大熔炉。

4.Though food preferences vary across the globe,the universal language of cuisine connects people from all walks of life.尽管世界各地的食物偏好不同,但烹饪的通用语言连接了来自不同生活领域的人们。

5.If you explore the history of any dish,you'll find a tale of migration,trade,and the blending of cultural influences.如果你探究任何一道菜的历史,你会发现一个关于迁移、贸易和文化影响融合的故事。

6.In many cultures,the type of food you eat and the way you prepare it can tell a lot about your background and values since these practices have been developed over centuries and reflect the geographical and social factors that have influenced a society.在许多文化中,你吃的食物类型和你准备食物的方式可以透露出很多关于你的背景和价值观的信息,因为这些实践是在几个世纪的发展中形成的,并反映了影响一个社会的地理和社会因素。

7.The tradition of having family meals,where relatives sit together at a table and share food,strengthens the bond between family members and creates a space where stories and values are passed down,showing the importance of food in maintaining cultural ties.家庭聚餐的传统,即亲戚们一起坐在餐桌旁分享食物,加强了家庭成员之间的联系,并创造了一个传递故事和价值观的空间,这显示了食物在保持文化联系中的重要性。

8.Regional cuisines,which often showcase locally sourced ingredients and traditional cooking methods,serve as a mirror of the community's lifestyle and environmental conditions,illustrating how culture and food are intrinsically linked.地方菜肴通常展示当地采购的食材和传统烹饪方法,反映了社区的生活方式和环境条件,说明了文化和食物在本质上是相连的。









Dear David,


Li Hua