江苏河海大学 李劲松



His family was subjected to a hideous attack by the gang.他一家子遭到了匪帮的可怕袭击。


This is something of a chore and is quite easy to forget to do.这种事情有点繁杂,而且很容易忘记做。


On thescooterwe sang some of the old songs.在摩托车上,我们唱起了老歌。


She drove with reckless speed,slalomingin and out of the stalled cars.她发疯似的开车,在抛锚的车辆间绕进绕出。


Investment in new product development is an essential ingredient of corporate success.注入资金开发新产品是公司成功的必要因素。6.offshoot(Para.2)n.(组织等的)分支;分支机构

The company was originally anoffshootof Bell Telephone.该公司原本是贝尔电话公司的一家分支机构。


Strikes have cost£20 million in lostrevenues.罢工造成的损失达2,000万英镑。8.slaughter(Para.4)v.屠宰(动物)

Lack of chicken feed means that chicken farms are having to slaughter their stock.饲料不足意味着养鸡场将不得不宰杀鸡。


a night of riotous jollity狂欢的夜晚

10.expat(Para.5)(short for expatriate)n. 居住在国外的人;侨民

Britishexpatsliving in Spain生活在西班牙的英国侨民11.vend(Para.5)v.售卖

I believe that those whovendthese computing systems and sell about 20 to 30 a year will find that the cloud becomes a new and more lucrative channel.我相信,对那些每年推销20至30套数据处理系统的人来说,云计算将成为更具营利性的经营途径。


a qualification which isequivalentto a degree相当于学位的资历

African cities are tasty markets for fooddelivery apps.The continent has 21 of the world's 30 fastest-growing urban areas,where an expanding middle class boasts smartphones and spare cash.These cities also havehideoustraffic,so it's achoreto drive a car to a restaurant.But deliveryscooterscanslalomthrough jams.

These were theingredientsthat made possible the rise of several food-deliverystart-upsin Africa.Jumia Food delivers meals to urban dwellers in 11 countries.In South Africa Mr D Foodcompetes withUber Eats,anoffshootof the Americanride-hailingapp.Tupuca has been bringing meals to residents of Angola's capital, Luanda, since 2016.

Like its peers Tupuca began by connecting hungry users with restaurants.Delivering prepared food stillaccounts formost of itsrevenue.The firm's 140 drivers make 17,000 deliveries a month for consumers who spend an average of$40 per order.Since October,however,users of the Tupuca app have begun to see other options alongside pizzas,burgers andsushi.They can buy coal, petrol, fruit and vegetables.Or they can purchase live animals,such as chickens ($7 for a big clucker, $5 for a middling one), pigs ($124 and$103) or goats ($82 and$64).

①To offer these animals,Tupuca has teamed up with Roque Online,a start-up named after Mercado Roque Santeiro,a huge,open-air informal market in Luanda that was closed by the nanny state(保姆式国家)in2011.②Roque Online employs an army of runners whotrack downthe best produce.③They buy the goat, say, take it to a driver and, before too long, the animal is on its way to a party (where it will beslaughteredamid greatjollity).

Erickson Mvezi, Tupuca's CEO, says the new feature is“breaking down barriers between informal and formal markets”.Luanda has asizeablemiddle class,plus plenty ofexpatsand a richelite.But it also has millions of poor people living inslumswedgedbetweenskyscrapers.More than a third of households have at least one person living by informal vending.Through Tupuca and Roque Online they can sell to more people.

In the West many peoplefretthat thegigeconomy encourages insecure work.But in sub-Saharan Africa,where the informal economy isequivalentto more than a third of GDP,about twice that in rich countries.By opening bigger markets for vendors,technology may help them grow richer,one goat at a time.No kidding.

——From The Economist







句子序号 句义概括 句间关系① Tupuca has teamed up with Roque Online. 段落主旨句② Roque Online tracks down the best produce. 主要措施③ The animal is sent to the consumer by the driver. 例证的细节



词汇复现01 start-up品句会意/stɑːtʌp/n.初创企业Thousands and thousands of start-ups have poured into the computer market.成千上万家新成立的公司涌入了电脑市场。

词汇复现 品句会意02 ride-hailing/raɪdheɪlɪŋ /n.打车服务Since new regulations on ride-hailing services have come into force across China,drivers have been applying for the accreditation examination.自从网约车服务的新规定在中国生效起,网约车司机已经在申请认证考试。03 sushi /'suːʃi/n.寿司a sushi bar寿司店04 sizeable /'saɪzəbl/adj.相当大的a sizeable amount of money数目可观的一笔钱05/eɪ'liːt/n.(社会)精英;上层人士In these countries,only the elite can afford an education for their children.在这些国家里,只有上层人士才供得起子女上学。elite 06 slum /slʌm/n.(城市中的)贫民窟;贫民区She was brought up in the slums of Leeds.她是在利兹的贫民区长大的。07 wedge /wedʒ/v.把……挤入The phone was wedged under his chin.电话夹在他下巴下面。08 skyscraper/'skaɪskreɪpə(r)/n.摩天大楼The skyscraper towers into the clouds.那幢摩天大楼高耸入云。09 fret /fret/v.苦恼;焦虑不安She's always fretting about the children.她老是为孩子发愁。10 gig /ɡɪɡ/n.(尤指临时的)工作;零工a gig as a basketball coach临时篮球教练11 compete with They found themselves competing with foreign companies for a share of the market.他们发现自己在与外国公司争夺市场份额。12 account for占(一定数量或比例)Afro-Americans account for 12%of the US population.非裔美国人占美国人口的12%。13 team up with合作;(与某人)结成一队You can team up with one other class member if you want.如果你愿意的话,可以找一个同学组成一组。14 track down追踪到;追查到I finally managed to track down the book you wanted in a shop near the station.我终于在车站附近的一家店里找到了你想要的那本书。



1.zigzag v.作之字形行进;曲折进行(n.之字形;锯齿纹)

slalom v.进行障碍滑雪赛;曲折前进(n.障碍滑雪赛)

e.g.The path zigzagged down the hillside.小路沿着山坡蜿蜒而下。

e.g.Once, before any of us kids had a license, we spent an entire afternoon piloting someone's old car in reverse,trying to slalom between the trees in a field.一次,我们这帮小孩都还没拿到驾照的时候,我们用人家的老轿车倒了一整个下午车,试着在一片田野的树木间穿来穿去。

2.chore n.日常事务;令人厌烦的任务

errand n.差事;跑腿

e.g.Shopping is a real chore for me.对我来说,购物真是件苦差。

e.g.He often runs errands for his grandmother.他经常给他的祖母跑腿儿。


revenue n.(公司、机构的)收益;收入revenge n.报复;报仇

e.g.advertising revenue广告收入

e.g.She wanted revenge for the insult.她想报受辱之仇。



e.g.conduct n./'kɒndʌkt/举止;行为


produce n./'prɒdjuːs/农产品








1.To offer these animals, Tupuca has teamed up with Roque Online, a start-up named after Mercado Roque Santeiro, a huge, open-air informal market in Luanda that was closed by the nanny state in 2011.

句子主干是 “Tupuca has teamed up with Roque Online.”,To offer these animals是不定式表目的,a startup是Roque Online的同位语;named after Mercado Roque Santeiro是过去分词作后置定语, 修饰a start-up;a huge,open-air informal market in Luanda是Mercado Roque Santeiro的同位语,that was closed by the nanny state in 2011是定语从句,修饰market。从这个例句可以看出,英文句子中往往用同位语来解释一个东西,而不全用定语从句,更不常用一个简单句跟在句子后面解释。

2.More than a third of households have at least one person living by informal vending.

句子主干是 “More than a third of households have at least one person.”,living by informal vending是现在分词作后置定语,修饰one person。household指一个家庭,同住一所房子的人,也可指家务;还可作形容词,指家喻户晓的。

e.g.Today,fashion designers are household names.如今,时装设计师们家喻户晓。











