
For Chinese people, the most beautiful language of course is Chinese. As the world gets globalized, more and more foreigners learn Chinese. But it is known to all that French is believed to be the most beautiful language in the world. On the one hand, French is very precise, the meaning of every word has only one meaning. Unlike English, most words have several meaning, which sometimes may be misread by people. So for the papers used in the offical occasions, they are usually written in French. Such as the papers used in the United Nations, every word has the very precise meaning. On the other hand, french people are very romantic, the French kiss is famous around the world. It is said that the couples are always seen to kissing in the public occasions in France and it is accepted. All of these make French the most beautiful language.


Nowadays, there is no doubt that Internet plays an important role in people’s life. People can make connections with each other or do business through Internet. Many popular languages have been created. People have different opinions about these words.
On the one hand, some people like to use Internet language to express themselves. They think these words can help them to better communicate. They play fun with each other and these popular languages make them laugh out loudly. The use of network language provides more ways for people to communicate in a funny way.
On the other hand, some language experts have criticized the network languages, because they think it will mislead the young generation to use them in the official writing. China as the old country, has more then 5000 years’ culture, whose language is profound. And some people start to lose interest in learning our culture after using the easy words.
It is in need of enhancing students’ knowledge on Chinese literature, so as to improve their language skills. I am not objecting using the Internet popular language, but we can’t lose fever in learning Chinese.


In China, a lot of people complain that English is so difficult to learn. They even spend a lot of time to study grammar, still can’t speak English fluently. But as China becomes stronger, more and more foreigners start to learn mandarin. Chinese and English are in the different language family, so the foreigners struggle to learn mandarin, and most people give up after a few days’ learning. For some who can speak a little, they complain that Chinese is the most difficult language to learn. There are four tones and it is hard for them to figure out. But there are still some foreigners learn Chinese so well. Therefore, if they can do it well, why don’t we complain. All we need to do is to keep practicing and find the best way to master another language.


English is the International language. My parents let me learn it since I was three years old. But as China is becoming stronger, the world is crazy about learning Chinese. Many successful people have mastered Chinese, so as to have more chances to do business. English and Chinese are the future languages. We must learn them well.


It is said that French is the most beautiful language in the world. I heard it when I was very small, which was from a textbook. At that time, I believed it and kept it in my heart. But as I grew up, I found that it was not true. I learned that every language was beautiful. There did not exist the most beautiful language. Some dialects were going to disappear, because less people use them, even the local people started to stop speaking it. Every language presents some culture and it is the feature of diversity. The world is beautiful because of its diversity. If we learn more language, we know more about the world.


Language is essential; language is what we use to communicate among others. it is something that joins us just as strongly as it separates us. There are many different “languages” in the world but really they are all bound by certain rules, they all have a format that they follow, all of them have nouns, verbs, tenses, and adjectives.

Language is almost like a math, the point of it is that when you speak, you try to reach a conclusion with a different person, and in math you use equations to solve problems and reach conclusions, one is numbers the other is words.


At now , english language become the international language. So , we must hard to improve our english language. There are many ways to improve our language.

We can read english newspapers every day. Reading newspapers can help our to improve the english language. Newspapers have a lot of interesting news. This also can help our to increase our knowledge. When we have a problem of words meaning , we can find the dictionary.

We can ask our teacher and classmates when we have a problem. Example when we don't know how to do the exercise book or practise sheets , we can ask our teachers and classmates. I believe they will help us with a kind heart.

We also can speak english language. In house , we can speak english with our parents and neighborhood. In school , we can speak english with friends and teachers. This is an action to improve our english language.

These are my idea to improve the english language. There are also many ways likes reading storybooks and do more exercise books. We must hard to improve our english language.


无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的`记叙方法。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的交流和语言(Communication and Language)英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。

One of the first things we think about when we hear the word comnmnication is language. There are thousands of languages spoken around the world today. In fact, linguists say that there may be as many as 10,000.

Speaking with others is an important means of communication, but we can also communicate without using words, that is by nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication includes voice quality, eye movement, facial expression and body movements such as gestures and change in body position. But many people do not realize that everyone uses nonverbal communication. Sometimes, we "say" more with our faces and gestures than we do with our voices.

Books, magazines, newspapers, radio, television, and telephone are other means of communication. Today we can also communicate over long distance with the help of communications satellites. Some scientists say that soon machines will be developed for sending messages through the earth. The technology necessary to build these machines is very complex. But the language we speak every day is much more complex than the most modern communications technology.


The cartoon presents a disturbing phenomenon in our society: the prevalence of coined network phrases among teenagers. According to a survey, eighty-five percent of teenagers use coined network phrases in their text messages and e-mails on a daily basis. What’s worse, seventy percent of teenagers have been using network abbreviation in their school work. Though some network languages have come into our vocabulary, the majority of network languages are coined and not commonly used, and some even shallow andd vulgar in content. Educators are much worried that these coined languages will exert a negative effect on the teenagers both in their growth and in their study of the Chinese language.

In my opinion, we should adopt an objective attitude towards the emergence of network language. On the one hand, network language has enriched our language, especially our oral language, making it more colorful. On the other hand, network language has a negative impact on our traditional language. Many network words and phrases are ridiculous in meaning and not standardized in formation, which will severely affect teenagers in their language study. Therefore, some necessary measures should be taken to ensure a healthy development of network language.


