

Ashley Strickland主题语境:太空种植 篇幅:347词 建议用时:7分钟1Humans have been living and working on the space station...

The volcanic eruption is like a heavy snowfall

重庆 李 燕主题语境:自然灾害 篇幅:329词 建议用时:7分钟1One of Russia's most active volcanoes erupted,launching a massive g...

The body language of animals

山东 孙启禄主题语境:肢体语言 篇幅:361词 关键词:body language1Most people don't claim to be able to hold a conversation...


广东 何映桦激活·素养解读实践·读写整合Living heritage: Chinese tea活态遗产:中国茶1Traditional tea processing techniques and a...

Bring sign language to BGT stage

山东 管君茹主题语境:手语表演 篇幅:334词 建议用时:7分钟1 A little girl honored by Simon Cowell at the Pride of Britain Awar...

A chance encounter

江西 孙朝岚你可能永远不知道什么时候一次偶然的相遇会改变你的生活。萨希尔·辛格在印__度_一_家__外__卖公__司送__了一_份外__卖,他_当__时__没_想_到__这_会_带给__他什_么__收...

Coastal redwood trees,one of the oldest living things

浙江 李 畅海岸红杉是地球上现存最高的树木,也是地球上最古老的生物之一。它们曾一度遍布于加利福尼亚州的海岸,但现如今只剩下不到原始面积的十分之一。主题语境:生态环境 篇幅:359词 建议用时:7分钟1...

Joyce earns degree

江西 丁黎明一个人花七十多年的时间去等待自己想要的东西,是不是很漫长?然而,根据乔伊斯所说的,实现梦想永远都不会太晚。主题语境:做人与做事 篇幅:353词 建议用时:7分钟1Seventy-one y...

A little bookworm's growth story

山东 李全忠阅读是一个人生活的一部分,因为它可以增加一个人的知识。主题语境:成长故事 篇幅:348词 建议用时:7分钟1When I was 4 years old, I used to hate r...

Gui Haichao—the first Chinese payload expert in space

四川 蒋建平桂海潮对科学有着浓厚的兴趣,特别是看到“中国航天之父”钱学森致力于航天报国的感人事迹后,崇拜不已,也在心里埋下了航天的种子。主题语境:职业 篇幅:356词 建议用时:7分钟1The voc...


浙江 李 畅主题语境:自然 篇幅:350词 建议用时:7分钟1Scientists have known for years that plants respond to sounds around...


山东 孙启禄主题语境:科技 篇幅:373词 关键词:habitat,volunteers1Four small rooms,a gym and a lot of red sand——NASA reve...


江西 孙朝岚主题语境:医疗支援 篇幅:357词 建议用时:6分钟1Sheng Jian,a surgeon from Wuhan in Hubei Province,had signed up for...

The Earth's most ancient land animal

河南 吕 朗主题语境:动物 篇幅:312词 建议用时:6分钟1Jonathan,a tortoise,is regarded as the oldest living land animal in t...

Try to promote China's cultural heritage

河北 张 煜主题语境:文化遗产 篇幅:344词 建议用时:6分钟1Crowds gathered around Zhang Pihe,watching how the Bai woman skillf...

Of Human Bondage(Excerpt)

浙江 李 畅主题语境:名著节选 篇幅:364词 建议用时:7分钟1Philip was sitting on the floor in the drawing room at Miss Watkin'...

Young innovators who may save the world

吉林 孙大有主题语境:人物 篇幅:339词 建议用时:6分钟1Just when I start to worry about the fate of the world,along comes a...

Chinese artist Wang Mengsha

贵州 陈 鑫主题语境:人物 篇幅:340词 建议用时:7分钟1“I've always been a little lively,charming and strange.Even now,I sti...

Annie Ernaux:Winner of Nobel Prize in Literature

江苏 陈丽霞主题语境:人物 篇幅:346词 建议用时:6分钟1French author Annie Ernaux,who has mined her own biography to explore...

Modern model of sci-tech in China

河北 胡金莹主题语境:人物 篇幅:350词 建议用时:7分钟1If there is a single theme throughout the history of science and tech...


江西 赖 妍主题语境:饮食与健康 篇幅:285词 关键词:life,tea1Tea may lead to a healthier and longer life.That's according t...


山东 李全忠主题语境:服装设计 篇幅:278词 建议用时:6分钟1At Nanning Museum, located in Guangxi, a surprising black skirt dec...


重庆 袁 泉主题语境:饮食文化 篇幅:338词 建议用时:7分钟1Wenchang, a city in Hainan, is the birthplace of Hainanese chicken...


云南 曾 丹主题语境:动物与艺术 篇幅:339词 建议用时:7分钟1Rhythm was always thought to be a skill unique to humans, but new...


重庆 陈德文主题语境:海洋探索 篇幅:334词 建议用时:6分钟1The China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) announced that...
