吉林 孙大有

主题语境:人物 篇幅:339词 建议用时:6分钟

1Just when I start to worry about the fate of the world,along comes a new generation of innovators who are making big changes in the way things are done.

Nikita Rafikov

2Nikita is young,but he has big plans for the future,and he has the ideas to get him there.The 11-year-old developed a way to embed(嵌 入)Green Fluorescent Proteins(GFP)into windows to create efficient lighting.GFP is the protein found in certain jellyfish that creates those cool bioluminescence (生物发光) effects seen in nature photography.By embedding this protein into windows,Rafikov has found a way to light homes without the use of electricity.

Lynnae Shuck

3After a positive volunteer experience at a nearby wildlife refuge,Lynnae wanted to find a way to teach more kids the role of refuges and give them more opportunities to help preserve them.So she carried out the Junior Refuge Ranger program where kids aged 8 to 11 participate in labs,habitat hikes,and birding expeditions to learn about conservation,endangered species protection,habitat restoration,and environmental awareness.

David Cohen

4David Cohen's big idea is the perfect example of how creative kids can be when they are allowed to think outside the box.Cohen was learning about earthworms in science class when he wanted to build a robotic earthworm,after which he wrote the code behind a prototype robot.By loading the robot with heat-sensing technology,GPS,and other life-saving programs,Cohen's robot could be used to find and rescue people safely and efficiently.

Jai Kumar

5Jai likes to invent things,especially things that provide simple solutions to everyday problems.The 12-year-old middle-schooler has created a gaming system for the senior as well as an automatic light dimmer(自动变光装置)that senses sound levels in the school cafeteria.But what landed him on this list of eco-innovators is his window-mounted solar-powered air filtration device designed for developing countries where air pollution is very high.The device uses inexpensive components to purify the air before it enters the houses.

Reading Check

Detail 1.Who has made contributions to protecting wildlife?

A.Jai Kumar.

B.David Cohen.

C.Lynnae Shuck.

D.Nikita Rafikov.

Detail 2.What is a robotic earthworm used to do?

A.Accompany the senior.

B.Search and rescue people.

C.Provide light automatically.

D.Replace the heat-sensing system.

Detail 3.Which of the following made Jai Kumar an eco-innovator?

A.A game system.

B.The windows with GFP.

C.An automatic light dimmer.

D.A solar-powered air filtration device.

Language Study

Discover useful structures in the text

1.Cohen was learning about earthworms in science class when he wanted to build a robotic earthworm,after which he wrote the code behind a prototype robot.科恩在科学课上学习蚯蚓的知识时,想要建造一个机器蚯蚓,之后他编写了一个机器人原型的代码。

【点石成金】本句含有固定句式be doing...when;after which he wrote the code behind a prototype robot为非限制性定语从句。

2.But what landed him on this list of eco-innovators is his window-mounted solarpowered air filtration device designed for developing countries where air pollution is very high.但让他登上生态创新者名单的是他为空气污染严重的发展中国家设计的安装在窗户上的太阳能空气过滤装置。

【点石成金】本句中,what landed him on this list of eco-innovators 为主语从句;designed for developing countries为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰his...air filtration device;where air pollution is very high为修饰developing countries的定语从句。