河北 张 煜

主题语境:文化遗产 篇幅:344词 建议用时:6分钟

1Crowds gathered around Zhang Pihe,watching how the Bai woman skillfully folded and rolled the fabric and then wrapped it stitch by stitch,which is an important step in the traditional tie-dyeing technique of the ethnic Bai group in China.

2Hequn Village,a poor village in Sangzhi County,Hunan Province,has attracted many tourists recently with its rich Bai culture.But Zhang,who was introducing visitors to Bai culture,is not a native of the village.Her hometown is more than 1,000 kilometers away in Dali,home to most of the country's Bai population.

3Over 700 years ago,an army of Bai people from Dali came to Hunan to set down roots in Sangzhi,where the residents were once too poverty-stricken and too busy making a living away from home to learn Bai culture.The Bai-style dance,for example,has more than 80 types of moves that are on the edge of being lost in Sangzhi.

4Having been brought up and deeply influenced by Bai culture,Zhang has studied Bai music,dance,tie-dyeing,and other traditional culture.With the intention of promoting her own culture,Zhang left her hometown of Yunnan and moved to Sangzhi County.“I hope to take advantage of the traditional cultural resources of the Bai ethnic group to boost the development of our villages,”said Zhang.

5As soon as Zhang arrived at Hequn Village,she set up the Bai tie-dyeing room,purchased needles,thread,cotton cloth,brushes,and other tools from Yunnan,and began training the villagers in tie-dyeing techniques.She started with the Bai-style octagonal (八角形的) drum and gave local Bai women a systematic lecture on the historical heritage of the music and dance of the Bai ethnic group,teaching each syllable and movement.As a cultural advisor to the Bai cultural projects that will soon be implemented in the village,Zhang and the village committee developed a cultural heritage curriculum for the villagers.

6Now more and more people are returning to their hometowns.Bai culture becomes even more of a“soft power”for revitalizing(复兴)the area.

Reading Check

Inference 1.What's the purpose of paragraph 1?

A.To introduce the topic of the text.

B.To show the influence of Zhang Pihe.

C.To present the background knowledge.

D.To stress the importance of tie-dyeing technique.

Inference 2.What's the major reason for Bai culture's being lost?

A.It is difficult to pass it down.

B.Few people are willing to learn it.

C.People are too poor to understand it.

D.Its variety makes it hard to preserve.

Detail 3.Why did Zhang Pihe move to Sangzhi County?

A.To promote Bai culture.

B.To develop her hometown.

C.To help it get rid of poverty.

D.To search for traditional culture.

Detail 4.What did Zhang Pihe do in Hequn Village?

A.She set up a local school.

B.She delivered inspiring lectures.

C.She encouraged people to return.

D.She taught villagers tie-dyeing skills.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Text-centered chunks

stitch by stitch 一针一线

be home to 是……的所在地

an army of 一大批……

make a living 谋生

with the intention of 抱有……的目的

take advantage of 利用

develop a cultural heritage curriculum 开发文化遗产课程

Ⅱ.Discover the useful structure in the text

Crowds gathered around Zhang Pihe,watching how the Bai woman skillfully folded and rolled the fabric and then wrapped it stitch by stitch,which is an important step in the traditional tie-dyeing technique of the ethnic Bai group in China.人们聚集在张丕和的周围,观看这位白族女士如何熟练地折布、卷布,然后一针一线地将织物包裹起来,这是中国白族传统扎染技术的重要一步。

【点石成金】本句中,watching how the Bai woman skillfully folded and rolled the fabric and then wrapped it stitch by stitch 为现在分词作伴随状语;which is an important step in the traditional tie-dyeing technique of the ethnic Bai group in China 为非限制性定语从句。