江西 赖 妍

主题语境:饮食与健康 篇幅:285词 关键词:life,tea

1Tea may lead to a healthier and longer life.That's according to a recent Chinese study.Chinese researchers found that drinking tea over a long period of time—especially green tea—had associated health benefits.The benefits were more obvious among men,according to the study published in theEuropean Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

2“We found that the protective effects of habitual tea consumption were very obvious across different outcomes for men but only modest for women,”said Dr Dongfeng Gu from China's National Center for Cardiovascular Disease to CNN in an email.“One reason might be that the proportion of habitual tea consumers among men was approximately two and a half times as high as that among women.”

3Among those surveyed, 48% of men were regular tea drinkers compared to 20% of women.In analyzing data from 100,902 Chinese people who had no history of a heart attack,stroke or cancer,researchers found a pattern between groups who habitually drank tea three days or more a week and those who drank tea non-habitually or who never consumed the beverage.

4 After following the groups for seven years, researchers estimated that 50-yearold habitual tea drinkers would develop atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease(动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病)1.41 years later and live 1.26 years longer compared to peoplewho did not make drinking tea a habit.

5But it's not simply about regularly drinking tea.Green tea was found to be especially linked to health benefits.USA Todayreported about 25% lower rates of heart disease,strokes and death were linked to consuming green tea compared to black tea.Among the participants, 49% drank green tea compared to 8% who preferred black tea.There were no significant associations found for black tea in the study.

Reading Check

1.What may be the reason why drinking tea has less obvious effects on women?

A.Women don't like drinking tea.

B.Women have longer lives than men.

C.The number of women drinking tea is lower than men.

D.Many women drink tea less regularly than men.

2.What can we learn from the analyzing data?

A.It is from the people who have a certain disease.

B.It is collected from 100,902 people across the world.

C.It shows long-term tea drinkers live 1.41 years longer.

D.It shows long-term tea drinkers develop a certain disease later.

3.What is the effect of drinking black tea on people's lives?

A.There are no obvious associations.

B.It has more benefits than drinking green tea.

C.People drinking black tea live longer than those drinking green tea.

D.It may cause 25%lower rates of heart disease,strokes and death.

4.Where does the text most probably appear?

A.In a notice.

B.In a notebook.

C.In a diary.

D.In a newspaper.





语篇单词especially adv.尤其;特别 associate v.联系;与……交往 benefit n.好处;优势obvious adj.明显的 protective adj.保护的;防护的 consumption n.消费;消耗量 modest adj.谦虚的;些许的 proportion n.部分;份额 habitual adj.习惯性的;惯常的 approximately adv.大约;近似 survey n.调查;概述 analyze v.分析;分解 attack v.攻击 estimate n.估计;预测 participant n.参加者;参与者significant adj.重要的;显着的重要短语lead to 导致 compare to 与……相比 be linked to 与……连接;与……有联系


1.One reason might be that the proportion of habitual tea consumers among men was approximately two and a half times as high as that among women.其中一个原因可能是,男性习惯喝茶的比例大约是女性的2.5倍。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。that 引导表语从句,two and a half times 表示倍数。

2.After following the groups for seven years, researchers estimated that 50-year-old habitual tea drinkers would develop atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease 1.41 years laterand live 1.26 years longer compared to people who did not make drinking tea a habit.在对这些群体进行了7 年的跟踪调查后,研究人员估计,与那些没有喝茶习惯的人相比,50 岁习惯喝茶的人患动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病的时间要晚1.41 年,寿命要长1.26 年。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。that 引导宾语从句,宾语从句中还有一个who引导的定语从句。




_______________________________________going to the cinema is generally a social activity.


This house is _______________________________________.


_______________________________________will be punished.











