贵州 陈 鑫

主题语境:人物 篇幅:340词 建议用时:7分钟

1“I've always been a little lively,charming and strange.Even now,I still feel like I'm six or eight years old,very simple and pure,so I especially hope that in my paintings,I can reflect these kinds of innocent feelings.Maybe when I am 80 or 90,I will still be a lovely little grandmother,”Wang Mengsha said.Chibi Maruko,Doraemon and ancient Chinese figures can often be seen in a single image.Wang's works reflect the post-80s generation and resonate (共鸣) with young people,but post-60s collectors also love them.

2Winning the title of The Top 100 Most Favorite Artworks of the Year by Bazaar Art magazine in 2011,Wang's paintings are approbated by Chinese art lovers as well as the Western world.One of Wang's paintings,The Shade of Blossoms,was chosen to be a permanent exhibit at the collection of the University of Cambridge,one of the most prestigious (有声望的) universities in the world.“As a contemporary Chinese artist,I'm very honored that my painting was selected by one of the world's top universities.It shows that Chinese art is going global and our country is standing on the world stage and speaking freely,”Wang said.

3Born in the early 1980s,Wang Mengsha grew up in Wuxi,in eastern China's Jiangsu Province.Influenced by the long-standing cultural atmosphere of the nearby Taihu Lake and her father,a traditional Chinese painter,she was nurtured in Chinese ink and brushwork since childhood.She grew up in the south of the Yangtze River,and the pavilions,small bridges,flowing water,and people in this region have deeply affected her.

4Wang believes the relaxed lines and the rhythmic color blocks are warm and comforting.They offer the viewer relief from stress.The arrangement is like the essence of Chinese painting,very emotional.

5Wang's overseas education has influenced her perception of Chinese and Western art and helped her develop a more connected perspective.Her ink painting works are neither conservative nor superficial imitations.In this new era,her works offer an innovative twist on the spirit of contemporary Chinese ink painting.

Reading Check

Inference 1.What's the purpose of paragraph 1?

A.To tell Wang Mengsha is a lovely artist.

B.To stress art has no difference among people.

C.To show Wang Mengsha's works are popular.

D.To explain it is important to be simple and pure.

Vocabulary 2.What does the underlined word“approbated”in paragraph 2 mean?





Gist 3.What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about Wang Mengsha?

A.She was born into a family of artists.

B.She should owe her success to her father.

C.She was deeply influenced by her hometown.

D.She always describes her hometown in detail.

Inference 4.What can we know about Wang Mengsha's works?

A.They can help to reduce pressure.

B.They start a new era of Chinese ink painting.

C.They are strict about the drawing style.

D.They are similar to traditional Chinese paintings.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Text-centered chunks

reflect innocent feelings 反映纯真的情感be selected by 被挑选long-standing cultural atmosphere 悠久的文化氛围be nurtured in 在……中成长offer the viewer relief from stress 让观众从压力中解脱出来

Ⅱ.Discover the useful structure in the text

Winning the title of The Top 100 Most Favorite Artworks of the Year byBazaar Artmagazine in 2011,Wang's paintings are approbated by Chinese art lovers as well as the Western world.王蒙莎的画作在2011 年获得《芭莎艺术》杂志评选的“世界100 件年度至爱杰作”称号,得到了中国和西方世界艺术爱好者的认可。

【点石成金】本句中,Winning the title of The Top 100 Most Favorite Artworks of the Year byBazaar Artmagazine in 2011 为现在分词短语作状语,逻辑主语Wang's paintings与win之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系。