
【摘   要】 为实现化肥使用量零增长,八步区逐年控制主要农作物化肥使用量,发展绿肥种植,推广秸杆还田技术,增施有机肥,普及测土配方施肥技术,开展集成推广化肥减量增效技术,八步区2018年7月-12月进行了水稻秸杆还田化肥减量增效试验研究。结果表明:水稻秸杆还田,能提高产量,再结合减少化肥使用量,水稻产量最高,效益最好。处理3在植株性状表现、产量、效益等方面均表现最好,因此初步推荐处理3的化肥用量为八步区水稻生产化肥的最使佳用量。

【关键词】 水稻;秸杆还田;化肥;减量增效;产量

Preliminary study on reducing quantity and increasing efficiency of rice straw returning to field fertilizer in Babu district

Chen Huaming

[Abstract]  In order to implement the fertiliser use zero growth, and eight steps area control main crop fertilizer usage year by year, the development of green manure planting, promoting straw counters-field set technology, increasing organic fertilizer, popularizing soil testing and fertilizer technology to carry out the integration promote fertilizer efficiency reducing technology, eight steps zone in July 2018 - December the rice straw counters-field fertilizer efficiency reducing test research. The results showed that rice straw returning to field could increase the yield and reduce the use of chemical fertilizer. Treatment 3 showed the best performance in plant traits, yield and benefits, so it was preliminarily recommended that the fertilizer amount of treatment 3 was the best fertilizer amount for rice production in the eight-step zone.

[Keywords] rice; straw returning to field; fertilizer; reduce quantity and increase efficiency; production


1  材料与方法

1.1  材料

试验田平坦、整齐、肥力均匀,具有代表性,近年未做过肥料试验,面积498m2,前作为水稻。土质为壤土,土壤养分状况为有机质29.8 g/kg,全氮2.01 g/kg,有效磷22.9mg/kg,速效钾41mg/kg,pH5.5。供试作物为水稻,品种为隆两优黄莉占 。尿素:含N 46%,四川生产;普通过磷酸钙:含P2O5  12%,广西鹿寨生产;氯化钾:含K2O 60%,加拿大生产。

1.2  试验方法

试验设3个处理,3个重复,采取完全随机区组式排列,处理1为对照,稻草不还田,化肥按正常用量施用:亩施尿素30.43㎏,普通过磷酸钙33.33㎏,氯 化钾20㎏。处理2稻草全量还田,每亩1500㎏,化肥按正常用量施用:亩施尿素30.43㎏,普通过磷酸钙33.33㎏,氯化钾20㎏。处理3稻草全量还田,每亩1500㎏,化肥施用量比处理1减少12%,亩施尿素26.78㎏,普通过磷酸钙29.33㎏,氯 化钾17.6㎏。化肥施用方式为基肥全部深施,追肥撒施。各小区具体的施肥时期、施用量品种及数量(表1)。

