

·Access to Primary Care Appointments Following 2014 Insurance Expansions 2014年《患者保护与平价医疗法案》实施后对全科医生预约就诊率的影响

·Minding the Gap: Factors Associated with Primary Care Coordination of Adults in 11 Countries 患者与全科医生间协作不良的相关因素——基于11个国家的成年患者的调查研究

·Thirty-Minute Office Blood Pressure Monitoring in Primary Care 社区医疗机构患者自动化测量诊室血压30分钟的效果研究

·Oral and Topical Antibiotics for Clinically Infected Eczema in Children:a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial in Ambulatory Care 门诊患儿口服和外用抗生素治疗临床感染性湿疹的可行性随机对照试验研究

·Cannabis and Young Users——a Brief Intervention to Reduce Their Consumption (CANABIC):a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in Primary Care 全科医生短暂干预对年轻人吸食大麻的影响——一项基于群组的随机对照试验

·The Effects of Training Institution Practice Costs, Quality, and Other Characteristics on Future Practice 医生培训机构培训成本、质量及其他因素对医学生将来行医的影响

·Parents′ Expectations and Experiences of Antibiotics for Acute Respiratory Infections in Primary Care 家长对全科医生应用抗生素治疗急性呼吸道感染患儿的效果期望及实际治疗情况的调查研究

·Patient Attitudes and Participation in Hand Co-Washing in an Outpatient Clinic before and after a Prompt 门诊患者在提示前、后对就诊前、后医患均洗手的态度及参与度调查

·Patients Typing Their Own Visit Agendas Into an Electronic Medical Record: Pilot in a Safety——Net Clinic 患者在其电子病历中加上就诊日程信息的效果——基于某个“医疗安全网”诊所的试点研究

·Systematic Diabetes Screening Using Point-of-Care HbA1cTesting Facilitates Identification of Prediabetes 应用糖化血红蛋白即时检验设备诊断前驱糖尿病,系统筛查糖尿病

·The Challenges of Measuring, Improving, and Reporting Quality in Primary Care 社区医疗服务质量的评估、改进及报告中存在的困难
