
摘  要:四吡咯锌配合物可有几种不同的几何结构,如锌卟啉配合物、四联吡咯锌配合物、三联吡咯锌配合物、二联吡咯锌配合物和单吡咯锌配合物。研究π共轭效应对此系列四吡咯锌配合物吸收光谱性质的影响具有重要的学术意义,且可为新型四吡咯锌类材料的设计方面提供有价值的参考。


中图分类号:O641         文献标志码:A         文章编号:2095-2945(2019)35-0053-02

Abstract: Tetrapyrrole zinc complexes can have several different geometric structures, such as zinc porphyrin complexes, tetrapyrrole zinc complexes, tripyrrole zinc complexes, bipyrrole zinc complexes and monopyrrole zinc complexes. The study of π conjugation effect on the absorption spectral properties of this series of tetrapyrrole zinc complexes is of great academic significance, and can provide a valuable reference for the design of new tetrapyrrole zinc materials.

Keywords: tetrapyrrole zinc porphyrin complex; π conjugated structure; absorption spectral properties




1 几何结构和前线分子轨道性质



2 电子吸收光谱



3 结论



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