

【关键词】听力 数字认定与计算 信息词句 五力




1.认定数据。认定题是指在听力材料中提到多个数字,但结合题干要求,答案是其中之一,无需通过加减乘除计算。例如:2015全国卷高考英语听力:6. How long did Michael stay in China? A. Five days. B. One week. C. Two weeks.

听力原文:Text 6

W: Hi Michael! I heard you just came back from a holiday.

M: Yes. I stayed for a week in China, and five days in India.

W: You do travel a lot, dont you? Last year, you went to Norway, right?

M: Well, Ive been to quite some countries, but not yet to Norway.

Last summer, I toured Russia for two weeks.

结合听力原文,听力中出现3个时间(a week/five days/two weeks),但依据题干要求,问Michael在中国呆多长时间?考生需认真审题,听力时辨清对应的时间与地点,就能确定答案为B. One week.

2.计算数据。计算题是指结合题干要求,对听力材料中提到的几个数字进行简单的加减乘除计算得出听力答案。例如:2015年全国卷高考英语听力:1. What time is it now? A.9:10. B. 9:50. C. 10:00.

听力原文:Text 1

W: What time is your train leaving?

M: It leaves at ten. Ive got fifty minutes left.

W: Youd better hurry, or you wont be able to catch it.

结合听力原文,听力中出现两个时间(at ten/ fifty minutes),依据题干要求,问现在时间几点?考生需听清划线句意,辨清一词多义leaves(离开)与left(留下、剩下):火车出发时间是10点。还有剩余50分钟。因此,选定四则运算中的减法:10:00 – 0:50 = 9:10。





问1:用英语怎幺表达“+”? 答1:plus(加), and (加) , add(加)。


答2:Two plus three is five. (2+3=5)

Two and three makes five. (2+3=5)

Two added to three equals five.(2+3=5)

例证:2012年高考英语全国卷听力:2. At what time will the film begin?

A. 7:20. B. 7:15. C.7:00

听力原稿:Text 2:

M: Hurry up, Jenny. It's already 7. We'll be late for the film.

W: Don't worry, dear. We still have 20 minutes and it takes us only 15 minutes to get there. We'll be there just in time.

听力答题分析:1)数据信息It's already 7.(现在时间已经七点。)/ We still have 20 minutes.(我们还有剩下二十分钟时间。)2)结合题干,选用加法计算:7:00 + 0:20 =7:20。


问1:用英语怎幺表达“-”? 答1:minus(减)。

问2:用英语怎幺表达5-2=3? 答2:Five minus two is three. (5-2=3)

问3:用英语怎幺表“×”? 答3:multiply(乘),by(用于乘除与运算)

问4:用英语怎幺表达 2×5=10?

答4:2 multiplied by 5 equals 10. (2×5=10)

问5:用英语怎幺表达“÷”? 答5:divide(除),by(用于乘除与运算)

问6:用英语怎幺表达10÷2=5? 答6:10 divided by 2 is 5. (10÷2=5)

例证:2010年高考英语全国卷听力2. What was the normal price of the T-shirt? A. $ 15. B. $30. C. $50.

听力原稿:Text 2

W: So what did you buy?

M: A T-shirt. It was a real bargain. I got it half price, saving fifteen dollars.

听力答题分析:⑴ 听力中定位信息:I got it half price, saving fifteen dollars. (我以半价买到一件T-shirt,节省了15美元。)⑵结合题干,the normal price(正常价格),选用乘法计算:15 Х 2 = 30。


above zero (零上);below zero(零下)、minus zero(零下)

例如:英语听力:What will the temperature be tomorrow?

A. -31°C. B. -33°C. C.-34°C.

W: It's freezing cold. The temperature has dropped by 3°c again, reaching 31°c below zero.

M: But the weather forecast says it'll go on dropping by about 2°c tomorrow.

听力答题分析:(1)认真审题:问明天的气温?(2)扑捉听力有效信息:…reaching 31°c below zero.(今天气温达到零下31°c)/it'll go on dropping by about 2°c tomorrow.(明天气温将下降2°c)(3)选用加法计算:(-31°c )+ (-2°c) = -33°

3. by\to、past\to, 相差甚远。

by: 增加了/ 减少了 to:增加到 / 减少到

past:几点过了几分 to:差几分将近几点

例一:(1)The temperature dropped by minus 16 degrees centigrade. (气温降了零下16摄氏度。)(2)The temperature dropped to minus 16 degrees centigrade. (气温降到零下16摄氏度。)

例二:at five past two (2:05) at five to two (1:55)



double (两倍的,加倍的;使加倍);twice (两次,两遍;两倍)

例一:1) a double helping (一客双份的食物 )2) a double share(双份) 3) at double speed (以加倍的速度) 4) Output almost doubled in one year. (一年内产量几乎翻了一番。)

例二:1)We meet each other twice a week/month/year.(我们每星期/每月/每年见面两次。) 2)At 60 he's twice her age.(他60岁,年龄比她大一倍。)


half (半个,一半);quarter ( 四等份之一,15分钟,把……切成或分成四部分;三个月时间;季度;季;季刊);discount(折扣)

例一:1) Half of the students are boys. (一半的学生是男生。) 2) Two and a half hours are allowed for the exam. (考试时间为两个半小时。) 3) go halves (平均分摊):Let's go halves on all the bills. (让我们平均分摊所有的费用。) 4) half as much again (50%的增长):Spending on education is half as much again as it was in 2013.(教育方面的开支比2013年增长了一半。)

例二:1) quarter final 四分之一决赛 2) Please quarter an apple. (请把苹果切成四瓣。) 3) It's a quarter to five now. (现在是差一刻五点。)

例三:1) to get/give/offer a discount 得到/给予/提供折扣 2) to give 10% discount(打九折)


四个偶数英语听力词汇:decade(十年), dozen(一打;十二个), fortnight(两星期),score (20)。

例如:the past decade(过去的十年)/ two dozen eggs (两打鸡蛋)

a fortnight's holiday (两周的假期)/ a score of students (20个学生) / three score years and five (70)


“一减”指一个削减cut down。“三计”指三个总计total(统计),come to(总计达到), add up to(总计达到)。

例一:We need to cut the essay down to 900 words.

例二:The visitors totalled 360. / The visitors came to 360.

The visitors added up to 360.


(1) 1个when: When…? 例证:2016年全国卷英语听力11.When will the woman arrive at the hotel?

(2) 5个what:1) What time…? 2) What is the (…) price of …? 3) What is the (…) number of …? 4) What is the (…) temperature …? 5) What size/percentage of…? 例证:2016年全国卷英语听力19.What percentage of student job seekers have found a job by now?

(3) 7个how:1) How long…? 2) How often…? 3) How soon…? 4) How old…? 5) How much/many…? 6) How fast…? 7) How far…? 例证:2016年全国卷英语听力12. How much will the woman pay for her room per night?



1.“眼”力审题,“耳”听“笔”记。听前(Pre-listening),动用眼力,认真浏览相关的题干和选项,确定听力的重点,使听力具有明确的目的性和选择性,有效提高听力答题的准确性。听时(While-listening),保持注意力高度集中,把握听力重点放在听关键词以及与问题相关的信息上。结合耳力与笔力,注重听力信息的选择性,边听边记。现以2015年全国卷英语听力与数字、计算作为例证:15. How much rent should one pay for the one-bedroom apartment? A. $350. B. $400. C. $415.


15. How much rent should one pay for the one-bedroom apartment?

A. $350.(2 - BDRM) B. $400.(1-BDRM) C. $415.(2-BDRM)

解析:(1)题干信息:关键要素:how much rent (问租金多少)、one-bedroom(单间公寓) (2)标注选项:同义替换法:1代替one, 2代替two; 缩略语:BDRM代表bedroom)。因此,运用定位原则,找准定位信息,将题干、选项和听力内容中定位信息三点相结合,得出此题为认定题,无需计算,正确答案为B. $400.


例证1:2015年全国卷英语听力与数字、计算:17. What percentage of the worlds tea exports go to Britain?

A. Almost 15%. B. About 30%. C. Over 40%.

截取听力原稿中与数字有关的内容如下:Text 10

…Every man, woman, and child over ten years of age has on average over four cups a day. Or some one thousand, five hundred cups annually. About thirty percent of the worlds exports of tea makes its way to London. And Britain is by far the largest importer of tea in the world. …Over a hundred kinds of tea are laid out in a line on long tables...

听力答题策略:(1)静心思维:英译英:about thirty percent=about 30%;the world's exports of tea=the world's tea exports; make its way to=go to。(2)脑力加工:筛选数据:听力独白中共出现4个数据(over four cups a day / one thousand, five hundred cups annually / about thirty percent / over a hundred kinds of tea),而其中与百分比有关的只有about thirty percent。(3)结合常识:London is the capital city of Britain. 4. 综合推断:此题为认定题,无需计算,准确定位答案B. About 30%.


17. What percentage of the worlds tea exports go to Britain?

A. Almost 15%.(≈ fifteen PCT)

B. About 30%. (≈ thirty PCT)

C. Over 40%. (>forty PCT)

解析:percentage/percent (百分数)、export (出口、输

出)、importer(进口商)、almost(几乎、差不多、可用≈表示)、about(大约、左右、可用≈表示)、over(以上、大于、多于、可用>表示)、缩略语PCT: Percent

例证2:2016年全国卷英语听力与数字、计算:19. What percentage of student job seekers have found a job by now? A.20% B.22% C.50%

听力原稿 Text 10

…A latest study on the college job market showed that employers wanted to hire 22% fewer graduates this year than last. The study also showed that just 20% of those who looked for jobs before graduation have found one by now. This is compared to half of students who had looked for a job by this time two years ago...

听力答题分析:(1)关键信息:…have found a job by now (2)信息转换:percentage = % / student job seekers = students who looked for jobs / one = a job (3)匹配数据:hire22% / 20% HFO (单词首字母缩略法): have found one / half of students

(.2 y: two years ago) (4)提取信息:听力中的复合句“The study also showed that just 20% of those who looked for jobs before graduation have found one by now.”与题干吻合,认定数据,确定答案为A.20%。




