王 玲




本堂课的教学内容是人教版新目标《英语》九年级Unit 6 When was it invented?Section B 2a—2e Do you know when basketball was invented?。本单元的话题是inventions。本篇课文的内容围绕“篮球运动”这一主题展开,介绍了篮球运动的历史、篮球比赛的规则、打篮球所需要的设备及篮球的流行趋势。通过学习本篇课文,学生能掌握文章的主要内容及文中所包含的短语和语法知识。在教学中,教师渗透“热爱体育、珍爱生命、为国争光”的德育理念,培养学生的集体荣誉感与爱国主义情操。通过本堂课的阅读教学,使学生初步掌握运用思维导图辅助学习的策略,能把自己所读到的信息进行梳理,并以思维导图的形式呈现;学会抓关键词、找中心句、划分段落层次,从而完成各项阅读任务,并学会发表看法,全面提升综合语言运用能力。



1.掌握以下词汇:Canadian,divide,purpose,basket,the Olympics,hero,professional

2.掌握以下词组:look up to,divide...into...,not only...but also...


(1)Dr.Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them how to play this new game.

(2)The number of foreign players in America’s NBA has increased.

(3)Many young people dream of becoming famous basketball players.

(4)At the same time,they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket.














1.“Teach English in English”:即《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》所倡导的“用英语教英语”的教学方法。在课堂上尽量使用英语教学,为学生创造良好的语言学习环境,使其充分感知、积极体验、大胆实践,把握用英语进行交际的机会。




Step 1:Lead in

T:Do you like basketball?Do you like watching basketball games?

Then show a short period of video about basketball games and lead the topic of this class.


Step 2:Before reading

Free talk:Show some questions about the information of basketball,talk about basketball freely with Ss at the same time.

1.Who is he?(Yi Jianlian)

He was born in 1987 in Guangdong.

He is a professional basketball player.

Many young people look up to him as a hero.

He joined the CBA in 2004.

He began to play for the NBA in 2007.

2.There are______teams in a basketball game.There are______players in each team.(B)

A.2;6 B.2;5

3.What are the professional basketball groups in America and China?

They are the NBA in America and the CBA in China(见图1).


4.Which sentence is right?(A)

A.Basketball is played around the world.

B.Basketball is played only in China and America.

5.Who was basketball invented by?(B)

A.An American doctor.

B.A Canadian doctor


Step 3:Skimming

Ask the students to read the passage silently and try to find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1:The history of basketball.

Paragraph 2:How basketball was invented.

Paragraph 3:The popularity of basketball.


Step 4:Scanning

1.Read Paragraph 1 and find out what these numbers mean.



2.Read Para.2 and find out the answers.

How was the basketball invented?



3.Read Para.3 and try to find out how basketball is popular.整理如表2所示:



4.Learning strategy:Mind-mapping



Step 5:While reading

2c:After learning the reading strategy,ask the students to practice in 2c.Lead them to complete the mind map with the information in the passage.Then check the answers together.



2d:Ask the students to use the mind map to summarize what they remember about the development of basketball.Have the students find out the answers to the following questions.And write down the answers on a piece of paper.Then ask several students to share the answers.

1.Who invented basketball and how is it played?

Dr.James Naismith invented basketball.There are two teams and players on the same team must work together to get the ball into the other team’s basket.At the same time,they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket.

2.When was the first basketball game in history played?

It was played on December 21,1891.

3.Why were the Berlin Olympics important for basketball?

Because basketball became an Olympic event then.

4.What are the professional basketball groups in America and China?

They are the NBA in America and the CBA in China.

5.How popular is basketball?

It is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries.


Step 6:After reading


Students will have a competition about fast reading.The teacher will set an example for them,and then the students challenge it in a certain time.

Challenge your speed!Paragraph 1(25s)

Ask one or two students to read paragraph 1 as quickly,clearly and loudly as possible.Correct their pronunciation when it’s necessary.

Challenge your speed!Paragraph 2(35s)

Ask another one or two students to read this paragraph.Correct their pronunciation when it’s necessary.

Challenge your speed!Paragraph 3(45s)

Ask another one or two students to read this paragraph.Correct their pronunciation when it’s necessary.

2.Group Work

(1)Play a short video about the development of a famous basketball player.

(2)Make a list of good but difficult things about being a famous basketball player.Then ask one or two groups to show their work.Correct the work when it is necessary.

Discuss:Do you look up to him?Are you dreaming of becoming a famous player like him?

Requirement(要求):小组内每个成员在规定时间内写一段话,表达自己要成为一名着名篮球运动员具有哪些优势和不足,以及自己为此应作出哪些努力。小组展示过程中可以运用以下句式:First,I can do things I like best.Second,...Third,...Another thing,...But there are also some difficult things for me.For example,I must...I may...


Step 7:Summary

1.Try to retell the passage together according to the mind-map.

2.Hold on to your dreams,and work hard,one day it will come true.


Step 8:Homework

1.List all the main phrases in the passage and preview for the next class.

2.Read the article“Do you know when basketball was invented?”again.

3.Find all the sentences with the passive voice in the article and circle them!







点 评


王玲老师的这堂课是一堂名师示范课。这堂阅读课设计合理,运用了多种阅读策略,问题设置由易到难,层层递进,逐步引导学生完成各项阅读任务。在本堂课的后半部分,通过竞速阅读让学生对阅读产生兴趣,大胆挑战自己,对提高学生学习英语的信心有很大的帮助。在Group Work环节,学生展示了小组合作生成的小短文,并在课堂上进行了批改,提高了自主学习能力,体现了“以学生为中心”的教育理念,既是教师将课堂还给学生的体现,又达到了学以致用的教学目的。
