Jiaozi—Chinese Dumplings



by WJ

Jiaozi (Chinese dumplings) is thought to be the best food by many Chinese people. People in Northern China love making jiaozi during Spring Festival. Originally(原本)called jiao’er, jiaozi was invented(发明)by Zhang Zhongjing, a famous Chinese doctor.

One day in the late Eastern Han Dynasty(朝代), Zhang Zhongjing walked along the Baihe River in his hometown. He found many poor people had ulcers(溃疡)in their ears. He felt sorry for them and decided to help.

After Zhang Zhongjing went back home, he asked his students to build a shed(棚子)as his clinic(诊所). His clinic opened on Winter Solstice(冬至日)and his students gave medicine to the poor for free.

His medicine was called “anti-chill(抗寒)jiao’er soup”. He boiled(煮沸)mutton(羊肉), chili(辣椒)and other medicines. After the materials(材料)were boiled, Zhang Zhongjing took them out and minced(切碎)them. Then, he used dough(生面团)slices(薄片)to wrap(包裹)the stuffing(填充物)and made them into the shape of ears. After boiling the “ears” in water, the jiao’ers and soup were given to the patients(患者).

After a period of time of treatment(治疗), the ulcers in their ears healed(愈合). And Zhang Zhongjing’s donations(捐赠)lasted until the eve of Spring Festival.

Nearly 1,800 years have passed since Zhang Zhongjing’s donations. But his story has been handed down(传承)among the people. People call the food jiao’er, jiaozi or pianshi, and eat them on Winter Solstice and Spring Festival every year to remember Zhang Zhongjing’s kindness.


( ) Making jiaozi during Spring Festival is a custom for the people of Southern China.

( ) Many poor people had ulcers in their ears.

( ) Only the jiao’ers were given to the patients.

( ) Zhang Zhongjing’s donations lasted until the end of Spring Festival.

( ) People eat jiaozi on Winter Solstice to remember Zhang Zhongjing’s kindness.