My Cat Cuddles




My cat Cuddles is fat and furry.

My cat Cuddles loves to play with a ball.

My cat Cuddles loves to sit on my lap. My cat Cuddles loves to lick my toes.

cuddle [΄kʌdl] n. 拥抱(复数:cuddles;v. 过去分词:cuddled)

furry [΄fзːrΙ] adj. 毛茸茸的

lap [læp] n. (人坐着时的)大腿部

lick [lΙk] v. 舔

toe [təʊ] n. 脚趾(复数:toes)

chase [t∫eΙs] v. 追捕

My cat Cuddles loves to chase lizards.

My cat Cuddles loves to eat fish.

My cat Cuddles loves to sleep with me.

lizard [΄lΙzəd] n. 蜥蜴 (复数:lizards)

sharpen [΄∫ɑːpən] v. 使锐利

My cat Cuddles loves to drink milk. My cat Cuddles loves to hear me sing. My cat Cuddles loves to climb trees.

claw [klɔː] n. 爪子(复数: claws)

take a bath [teΙk ə bɑːθ] 洗澡

My cat Cuddles loves to sharpen her claws.

My cat Cuddles hates the rain.

My cat Cuddles hates mice.

My cat Cuddles hates to take a bath.

My cat Cuddles hates dogs.

But she loves to be cuddled.


表示喜好,我们可以用love to do sth.或者love doing sth.表示,例如:I love to watch football games. / I love watching football games. 我喜欢看足球比赛。

而表示讨厌的hate用法也一样,可以用hate to do sth.也可以用hate doing sth.,例如:Joe hates getting up early. / Joe hates to get up early. 乔不愿意早起。