The Train火车from Children’s Songs


The wheels of the train go round and round

Clickety-clack, clickety-clack

The wheels of the train go round and round

Clickety, clickety-clack

The engineer toots his horn

Toots his horn, toots his horn

The engineer toots his horn, toots his horn

The crossing gates come right down

Come right down, come right down

The crossing gates come right down, come right down

The people on the train get bumped around

Bumped around, bumped around

The people on the train get bumped around, bumped around


wheel [wiːl] n. 轮子(复数:wheels)

go round [gəʊ raʊnd] 旋转

clickety-clack [΄klΙkətiː΄klæk] n.咔嗒咔嗒的声音

engineer [,endʒΙ΄nΙə(r)] n. <美>火车司机

toot [tuːt] v. 使(喇叭)发出嘟嘟声(第三人称单数:toots)

horn [hɔːn] n. 喇叭

crossing gate [΄krɒsΙŋ geΙt] 道口栏杆(复数:crossing gates)

bump around [bʌmp ə΄raʊnd] 摇晃(过去分词:bumped around)