Never Give Up—Rock Dog



《摇滚藏獒》(Rock Dog)讲述了生于雪山村的藏獒波弟从小与世隔绝,因为一次偶然的机会接触到摇滚乐后,决心去大城市追求摇滚梦想的故事。


by CC


SceNe A


Angus on Air: So then I came down to the city to Rock and Roll Park, ’cause you know these musicians have taken the whole thing over, mate. And I found a band there in need of a guitar, and then the rest is history.

Radio DJ: Amazing. So any advice for up and coming musicians?

Angus on Air: Play your guts out and...and never stop. Even when your dad says, “Stop!” Don’t stop.

Bodi: Dad?

Dad: Mmm-hmm.

Bodi: Got some great news for you. Got some fabulous news.

Dad: Mm-hmm.

Bodi: I’ve decided to become a musician.

Dad: What? Where did you...Did you break into the...My son, the thief.

Bodi: I...I know. I’m sorry, but see, there’s this guy named Angus! And he was telling me about Rock and Roll Park, and finding my band. And it was, like, the answer to the question of my life, Dad! Do you understand?

Dad: Now I’m gonna have to get a new lock. Like those things grow on trees around here.

Bodi: If you could feel what I’m feeling. Here. (Playing guitar.)

Dad: Stop that. Now. Bodi. That’s enough. Hand it over. Give me the...Bodi! Give me that! Give me...Come here! Hand it to me! You’re not gonna be a musician, Bodi! You’re gonna be a guard. Now, when you’ve come to your senses, you’re gonna march down here and you’re gonna hand over that noisemaker, and we’re gonna pretend this never happened! Agreed? I’ll take your silence as a yes.


rock and roll [rɒk ənd rəʊl] 摇滚乐

musician [mjuː΄zΙ∫(ə)n] n. 音乐家(复数:musicians)

take over [teΙk ΄əʊvə] 取得主导地位(过去分词:taken over)

band [bænd] n. 乐队

guitar [ɡΙ΄tɑː] n. 吉他

the rest is history [ðə rest Ιz ΄hΙstərΙ] 余下的就不多说了

amazing [ə΄meΙzΙŋ] adj. 令人惊异的

up and coming [ʌp ænd ΄kʌmΙŋ] 积极进取的,很有前途的

gut [ɡʌt] n. 勇气(复数:guts)

fabulous [΄fæbjʊləs] adj. 极好的

thief [θiːf] n. 小偷,贼

guard [ɡɑːd] n. 守卫

sense [sens] n. 理性(复数:senses)

march [mɑːt∫] v. 前进

noisemaker [΄nɔΙz,meΙkə] n. 发出嘈杂声的人

pretend [prΙ΄tend] v. 假装

silence [΄saΙləns] n. 沉默


Darma: Bodi?

Bodi: Oh, hey, Darma.

Darma: Are you okay?

Bodi: Yeah, yeah. I’ve just been, um, hanging out with Mr. Scattergood.

Darma: Whoa, whoa! Sorry. Back up. You’ve been hanging with rock legend, Angus Scattergood?

Bodi: Uh, yup.

Germur: Right on. Hanging with Angus.

Darma: He was not hanging.

Germur: Hangus with Angus.

Bodi: Really. We’ve been together all day. Let’s see...uh,we went jogging. Then we had some pizza.

Darma: Right.

Angus: (Yelling) Hey! Come on!

Bodi: Then we came here to the park’cause, you know, he needs a little money for a cab.

Darma: Of course.

Angus: Help me! Help me!

Bodi: He’s right over there. You guys want to meet him?

Germur: Yeah. Yeah, we do.

Darma: Yes, that’s a great idea. Let’s all just go meet Angus!

Germur: Sweet! We’re meeting Angus!

Darma: Don’t get your hopes up.

Angus: Oi! You big twit. Hey! What’s going on...(Angus yells.)

Bodi: And here he is, Mr...Mr. Scattergood?

Wolf: Woo-wee! We did it! We did it!

Bodi: He was right here. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know where he went.

Germur: I believe you, dog.

Bodi: You do?

Germur: I do what? What do I do?

Darma: Look, Bodi, you know, you don’t have to make stuff up to impress us.

Bodi: What? No, no. He was right here. I gotta find him.


hang out [hæŋ aʊt] 居住,在一起(-ing形式:hanging out)

legend [΄ledʒənd] n. 传奇人物

jogging [΄dʒɒɡΙŋ] n. 慢跑

cab [kæb] n. 出租车

twit [twΙt] n. 傻瓜,笨蛋

make sth. up [meΙk ΄sʌmθΙŋ ʌp] 编造,捏造

stuff [stʌf] n. 东西

impress [Ιm΄pres] v. 使人印象深刻


SceNe C

Angus: Rock and roll, mate!

Bodi: I...I can’t believe I did that.

Angus: Yeah, you were on fire! That’s what you were. You were totally on fire! You were in the zone! Did you feel it?

Bodi: I did feel it!

Angus: I felt it. I felt it. You blew up my room! You blew up my room!

Bodi: I’m sorry, Mr. Scattergood!

Angus: It doesn’t matter. It does not matter. Nothing to worry about, all right? The done. It is done.

Bodi: So, that’s the lesson?

Angus: Yeah it is. Why, it’s one of the best I’ve ever given.


on fire [ɒn ΄faΙə] 非常激动

totally [΄təʊt(ə)lΙ] adv. 完全地

in the zone [Ιn ðə zəʊn] [俚语]处于巅峰状态,进入最佳状态

blow up [bləʊ ʌp](使)爆炸(过去式:blew up)


by Sea

Weddings 婚礼

Worksheet 学习清单

1. Match them up!


2. True or false?


a. In Hindu(印度教的)tradition, rain on your wedding day is good luck(运气).

true false

b. In Russia(俄罗斯), the bride and groom are usually given crowns(花冠).

true false

c. In China, brides usually wear a blue dress.

true false

d. In Japan(日本), brides usually wear white clothes.

true false

e. In the UK, the bride often throws(投掷,扔)the cake to the other women.

true false

f. In Iraq(伊拉克), the bride and groom often give out(分发)sweets(糖果)to family and friends. true false

g. In Brazil(巴西), the bride and groom’s emails(电子邮件)are written in each other’s rings.

true false

h. In Greece(希腊), the bride can put a sugar(糖)cube(立方体,方块)in her hair for luck.

true false
