

When it comes to sand art,the image that comes to mind is that of an intricately(杂乱地)carved sculpture(雕刻)or design sketched on a beach surface.Though 1.__________(impress), they are transient (短暂的)masterpieces that disappear with the first large wave or splash of rain.However,24-year-old Tim Bengel's sand art is permanent.That's 2.__________the German artist uses the grit(粗沙)to“paint”his masterpieces on canvas(画布).


While the final product is certainly beautiful,what is even more so is the way it is created.

Bengel begins by 3.__________(cover) a blank canvas with a special adhesive(黏合剂)that dries extremely slowly,giving the artist enough time to draw the 4.__________(desire) image.He then begins “painting” with grains of black sand and in some cases,gold foil.It takes him anywhere from 200 to 300 hours to complete each work of art.

5.__________is most interesting about Bengel's process is that only the artist knows what the final image will be.To the rest of the world,the canvas appears to be a mess of black sand.It is only when Bengel sprinkles(撒)white sand over the canvas and then dramatically sweeps off all the excess grit that the masterpiece6.__________(appear)!

The talented artist,who is currently studying art at the University of Tubingen,says his interest in the subject began after he 7.__________(visit)the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart art museum as a child.Bengel was so inspired that he came home and began trying to reproduce the paintings he had seen at the museum.After winning an art 8.__________(compete) at this school at the age of 18,Bengel knew that it was the career he wanted to pursue(追求).But the young man also realized that to be successful,he would have to develop his own unique style.

A few years ago,he came up 9.__________his sand art idea.But as you can imagine,painting something that you cannot see even after it is completed is no easy task.Bengel says his first few paintings were a total disaster.But after some practice,he managed 10.__________(perfect) his sand art skills and soon created the masterpieces that have made the young artist world famous.





Reading check


Language study

1.That's because the German artist uses the grit to “paint” his masterpieces on canvas.

【点石成金】本句是一个含有表语从句的复合句。主句是That's...,because引导的是表语从句。That is because...“那是因为……”,because后的从句表原因。That is why...“那就是(为什么)……的原因”,why后的从句表结果。



2.While the final product is certainly beautiful,what is even more so is the way it is created.

【点石成金】本句是一个含有让步状语从句的复合句。while“虽然”引导让步状语从句,常用在句首。主句中含有一个what引导的主语从句和一个定语从句it is created。



3.What is most interesting about Bengel's process is that only the artist knows what the final image will be.

【点石成金】本句是一个含有主语从句的复合句。What is...是主语从句,that引导的是表语从句,what the final image will be是宾语从句。



4.It is only when Bengel sprinkles white sand over thecanvasand then dramatically sweeps off all the excess grit that the masterpiece is appeared!

【点石成金】本句是一个It is...that...引导的强调句,强调的是when引导的时间状语从句。It is...that...引导的强调句可以强调谓语动词以外的其他成分,强调人时可以用who或that,强调其他成分时一律用that。强调含有not...until...的句子时,要用it is not until...that...


