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“Beauty isn't about having a pretty face,” begins a motivational quote.“It's about having a pretty mind,a pretty heart,and a pretty soul.Oh,and pretty nails!”

That may well be Angela Peters's motto.Last July,Peters,36,rolled her wheelchair into a nail salon 1.__________at the Walmart shopping center.But Peters,who has cerebral palsy (脑瘫),was turned away.The salon,she says,told her that they were afraid it would be too difficult to properly paint her nails given that her hands shook.What was meant to be a day of beauty happiness for Peters was now a 2.__________.

Watching the interaction from a few feet away was a Walmart cashier about to take a break.Ebony Harris,40,3_________.Peters as a Walmart regular.Now what she recognized in Peters was a similar spirit.

Harris approached Peters.“Do you want me to do your nails?” she asked.

A smile spread across Peters's face.“Yeah! ”

Harris wheeled Peters into the beauty aisle (过道),where they shopped for nail polish.They settled on a bright blue—a color that would catch every eye.They then made their 4.___________into a neighboring subway,found a table for two,and set up shop.Harris gently took Peters's hand into hers and carefully began painting her nails.

“She moved her hands a little bit,and she kept saying she was sorry,”Harris recalls. “I told her,‘Don't say that.You're fine.'”

“I was a little nervous and was shaking because I didn't want to mess her nails up,” Harris admitted to ABC News.“I told her she's a blessing to us,to anybody,not just me.She makes me look at life and appreciate it much more than I have.”

“When people do us wrong we must 5._________,” Peters wrote on Facebook.“I just want to educate people that people with different challenges,like being in a wheelchair,can have our own business and get our nails done like anyone else.”

Reading Check

Fill in each blank with only one word according to the context.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Fill in the following blanks according tothe text.

1.推轮椅 _________a wheelchair

2.拒绝进入 _________away

3.休息 take a_________

4.(微笑)绽开 (a smile)__________

5.选定 _________on

6.开张 _________up shop

7.做指甲 get nails__________

Ⅱ.Difficult sentence

I just want to educate people that people with differentchallenges,like being in a wheelchair,can have our own business and get our nails done like anyone else.

【点石成金】本句中含有that引导的宾语从句,从句中为can have and get并列的谓语动词。
