江西龙南中学 方小兰


题材文章词数科技与中国学生360 难度 ★★体裁建议用时新闻报道6′





A Chinese student sparked a debate earlier thisweek afterhermotherdiscovered the teenage girl bought a robot and trained it to imitate her handwriting so she can finish her homework.

The teen spent 800yuan,about$120,on the robot that copied her handwriting,Qianjiang Evening Newsreported.She then used the robot to copy Chinese phrases dozens of times for an assignment that required students to repeatedly write Chinese characters to help them learn how to read and write.

She finished her Chinese writing assignment in two days.Her mother,sensingsomething was going wrong,discovered the robot in her daughter's room and reportedlysmashedthe machine.

The mother thentook tothe popular social media platform Weibo to complain about her daughter'stactics.She received doubt from others in her post: “It can help you with homework, but can it help you on tests?”

Severalusers, however, applauded the teen's creative idea to quickly finish her assignments that was given during the Lunar New Year break.“Give her a break.How meaningful is copying anyway?” one commenter asked,The New York Timesreported.Another person said,“The difference between humans and other animals is that they know how to make and use tools.This young lady already knows how to do this.”

Xie Xun, the creator of the robot, said it was designed to be a machine that could help people complete drafts of drawings,but it was also able tosimulatepeople's handwriting.“The machine is very easy totake apartandassemble,and it can be used after putting the program into the computer.”

A retailer(零售商)on Taobao,China's biggeste-commerce platform,said the writing robot can write at about 40 words per minute,and most of his customers are students.He said it is not difficult to distinguish between a person's handwriting and that of the writing robot because the robot's writing is flawless (完美的).

Xie said that he had not expected it would be used in such a way by students.And children are good at using technology,which might be a good thing as it stimulated(激励)their interest in exploring it.

Reading Check

1.How did the Chinese student finish her homework?

A.By using a robot.

B.By imitating others'handwriting.

C.By making and using tools.

D.By turning to her mother for help.

2.What's the author's attitude towards the handwriting robot in this text?





Language Study

Ⅰ.Important vocabulary in the text



3.take to开始从事;喜欢

4.take apart拆开

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences.


The mother then _______ the popular so cial media platform Weibo _______her daughter's tactics.


The difference _______humans_______other animals is _______they know how to make and use tools.


And children are good at using technology, ________might be a good thing_______it stimulated their interest in exploring it.