
pick up new skills学习新技能

cater to teenagers迎合青少年

entertain young ones娱乐年轻人

enrichment classes for kids儿童补习班

work one's way up获得提升

take part in conversations参与对话

cope with stress and anxiety应对压力和焦虑

build children's confidence建立孩子们的自信心explore a variety of possibilities探索各种可能性

keep the children occupied让孩子们有事做

be engaged in a range of exercises参加一系列的锻炼

improve children's social skills提高孩子们的社交能力

spark children's imagination激发孩子们的想象力

cultivate children's aesthetic sense培养孩子们的审美意识

develop critical and creative skills培养批判性和创造性技能

get children hooked on reading让孩子们沉迷于阅读

develop a deeper understanding of the world加深对世界的了解

develop a closer bond with teenagers与青少年建立更紧密的联系

help children excel in examinations帮助孩子们在考试中取得优异成绩

make sense of a host of real-life situations理解现实生活中的许多情况

be exposed to a range of energetic and fun activities参加一些充满活力和有趣的活动


1.Anne'saccount ofher interment,as well asher deep belief in the good of humanityin the light ofatrocities,has become one of theworld's most widely read books.安妮对她葬礼的描述,以及她对人性在暴行面前的美好信念,使这本书成为世界上阅读最广泛的书籍之一。

2.Katiedonatedher cabbagetoa soup kitchenwhereit helped to feed more than 275 people.凯蒂把卷心菜捐给了一个施食处,这个施食处养活的人超过275个。

3.Today,Katie's Krops donatesthousands of pounds of fresh producefrom numerous gardens to organizationsthathelppeople in need.如今,Katie's Krops把许多菜园里数千磅的新鲜农产品捐赠给机构,用来帮助有需要的人。

4.Studyingat the Royal Institute for Blind Youth in Paris,Louis invented a system of reading and writing for the blind involving raised dots,whichtodayis known asBraille.在巴黎皇家青年盲人学院学习期间,路易斯发明了一种盲人阅读和书写系统,包括凸点,这就是今天的盲文。

5.In 2000, just after turning 4 years old,sheinformedher motherthatshe wanted to start a lemonade stand toraise money fordoctors to help other kids,likethey helped me.2000年,刚满4岁的她告诉母亲,她想卖柠檬水,用来为医生筹集资金,帮助其他孩子,就像他们帮助我一样。

6.Ryan's determinationled toRyan's Well Foundation,whichhas completed more than 900 projects around the world,bringing access toclean water and sanitationtomore than 800,000 people.瑞安的决心促成了瑞安水井基金会的成立。该基金会在世界各地完成了900多个项目,为80多万人提供了清洁用水和卫生设施。

7.Rosa Parksis credited withstarting the civil rights movement in Montgomery, Alabama,in 1955 when she refused togive upher seat ona segregated bus.1955年,罗莎·帕克斯拒绝在种族隔离的公交车上让座,由此引发了阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市的民权运动。

8.Dylanis in his early 20snow and is currently working as a software engineerin addition tocontinuing his work with the Acacia and the UN.迪伦现在20岁出头,除了继续在金合欢和联合国的工作外,目前还在做软件工程师。



