江苏盱眙中学 陈志强








7.be subject to易受某事(尤指坏事)影响

8.submit to(尤指无可选择时)同意服从(遵守)


1.What is the current status of the ocean being treated unfairly by human?

2.Are there any reasons behind human's self-destructive behaviour towards the ocean?

3.How can we improve the health of the ocean?

Earth is poorly named.The ocean covers almost three-quarters of the planet.Humans have long assumed that the ocean's size allowed them to put anything they wanted into it and to take anything they wanted out.Changing temperaturesand chemistry,overfishing and pollution have stressed its ecosystems for decades.The oceannurtureshumanity.Humanity treats it with disrespect.

Such self-destructive behaviour demands explanation.Three reasons for it stand out.One is geography.The ocean is beyond the horizon and below the waterline.The damage being done to its health is visible in a few places.But for the most part,the sea is out of sight and out of mind.

A second problem is governance.The oceanis subject toa mixture of laws and agreements.Enforcement (强制实施)is hard and motivations often differ.Waters outside nationaljurisdictionsare shared places.Without defined(明确的)property rights or a community investing in their protection,the interests of in dividuals in exploiting (利用)such areas win out over the collective interests in developing them carefully.

Third, the ocean is a victim of other,bigger processes.Theemissionof greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is changing the sea environment along with the rest of the planet.The ocean has warmed by0.7℃since the19th century,damaging coralsand driving creatures to move towards the poles in search of cooler waters.Greater concentrations of carbon dioxide in the water are making it more acidic (酸性的),which tends to harm creatures.

Some of these problems are easier to deal with than others. “Ocean blindness”can be cured by access to information.And indeed, improvements in computing power,satellite imaging anddronesare bringing the ocean into better view than ever before.Work is under way to map the sea floor in detail usingsonartechnology.On the surface, drones can get to remote, stormy places at a far smaller cost.From above,tiny satellites, weighing 1 to 10 kilograms,are used to monitor the fishing ships.

Transparencycanalsorelieve(缓解)the second difficulty of ocean governance.More scientific data ought to improve thesupervisionof new industries.Satellite monitoring can provide clues to illegal fishing activity.Besides,such data make it easier to enforce codes (法规)like the Port State Measures Agreement,which requires foreign ships tosubmit toinspections at any port of call and requires port states to share information on any suspected wrongdoing they find.

Thanks to technology,the ocean's expanse and remoteness are becoming less scaring.Mankind is increasingly able to see the damage itisdoing to the ocean.Whether it can stop it is another question.

——FromThe Economist






1.The damage _______(do) to its health is visible in a few places.

2.The emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere _______(change)the sea environment along with the rest of the planet.

3.The ocean ________(warm)by 0.7℃ since the 19th century,damaging corals and driving creatures to move towards the poles in search of cooler waters.

4.Greater concentrations of carbon dioxide in the water are making it more acidic, ________tends to harm creatures.

5.From above, tiny satellites, _________(weigh) 1 to 10 kilograms, are used to monitor the fishing ships.

6.Besides,such data make _______easier to enforce codes like the Port State Measures Agreement,which requires foreign ships to submit to inspections at any port of call.


1.探求现象背后的原因:...demands explanation.Three reasons for it stand out.

Such self-destructive behaviour demands explanation.Three reasons for it stand out.这种自我毁灭式的行为需要进行解释。这主要有三个突出的原因。




The ocean has warmed by 0.7℃ since the 19th century,damaging corals and driving creatures to move towards the poles in search of cooler waters.19世纪以来,海洋温度已经升高了0.7摄氏度,这破坏了珊瑚,并且促使各种生物向极地地区迁徙,以寻求温度更低的水域。

在本句中,现在分词damaging和driving引导结果状语,表示前面行为所引起的是自然而然的结果,相当于定语从句which damages corals and drives creatures。







