河北乐亭第一中学 胡金莹


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1.diabetes n.糖尿病

2.dietary adj.饮食的

3.sodium n.钠

4.proportion n.比例;份额

5.consumption n.消耗

6.legume n.豆科作物

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In this section,you will hear a passage.After you hear the passage,you should read the three choices of A,B,C,and mark the best answer to each question.

1.How many deaths were linked to unhealthy diet in 2017?

A.10 million. B.11 million. C.12 million.

2.When did the Global Burden of Disease start to be carried out?

A.In 1990. B.In 1919. C.In 1090.

3.Which country has the lowest proportion of diet-related deaths?

A.Uzbekistan. B.Israel. C.Brazil.

4.What kind of food wasn't consumed enough?

A.Meat. B.Sugar. C.Milk.

5.How many grams of nuts and seeds should people eat?

A.12. B.20. C.21.



1.Eating too much sugar and salt can result in heart disease,and diabetes.

文 本 解 说


In 2017,11 million deaths worldwide were linked to people eating diets high in sugar,salt and processed meat.

Those foods were partly to blame for heart disease,cancer and diabetes,as a new study found.

The study is called the Global Burden of Disease.It followed eating trends in 195 countries from 1990 to 2017.The findings were reported in the publication The Lancet.

Researchers considered 15 dietary elements,such as diets low in fruits,vegetables,whole grains and milk.They also looked at diets high in red meat,processed meat,sugar-sweetened drinks and sodium.

The study found that Uzbekistan had the highest percentage of diet-related deaths.

Israel had the lowest proportion of diet-related deaths,while the United States rated 43rd in the study.

Consumption of foods such as nuts and seeds,milk and whole grains was on average too low,the researchers found.

Chris Murray is director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington,which led the work.

“Poor diet is responsible for more deaths than any other risk factor in the world,”he said.

The study found people ate only 12 percent of the recommended amount of nuts and seeds—an average intake of 3 grams a day.For good health,experts say,you should eat 21 grams of nuts and seeds every day.

The study also found that people drank more than 10 times the recommended amount of sugary drinks.

Another study published in January suggested an “ideal diet”for the health of people and the planet would include a doubling of the consumption of nuts,fruits,vegetables and legumes.Such a diet would also include reducing by half the amount of meat and sugar consumed.