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题材 科技发明 体裁 说明文文章词数377 难度 ★★★ 建议用时7′

It is often difficult for farmers to identify diseases quickly enough to protect their crops.Now,some farmers are using a simple device directly in the field to find viruses before they spread.

In Tanzania,several viruses are a threat to cassava(木薯)crops.Farmers struggle to identify the diseases in an urgent effort to avoid severe crop damage. If they do not know what is attacking their crops,they cannot decide the best way to fight the disease.

A device from British technology company Oxford Nanopore is changing that. The device extracts(提取)DNA from plants and helps farmers identify what is harming their crops so they can change to more resistant crops.

Laura Boykin,who works with the Cassava Virus Action Project,brought the device to a Tanzanian farm owned by Asha Mohamed.“We are here collecting leaf punches from infected material to test,to do a DNA extraction and then start sequencing (排序)in the field.”

The testing identified a number of viruses in the cassava fields near Mohamed's farm.The process also discovered that plants considered resistant to disease had a very low viral(病毒性的)level.Once the viruses were identified, Asha Mohamed was given two kinds of seeds that are resistant to the diseases.

In another case, DNA was collected from a pawpaw (木瓜)tree farm in Kenya.With that test,the technology was able to identify diseases affecting Naomi Mumo's crops. “All my pawpaws were affected by a disease,and I didn't know what kind of disease it was.But now,I have people who have identified the disease using new technology within a very short time.”

Laura Boykin and other researchers returned to Mohamed's cassava farm nine months later.She said the new plants were very healthy and had produced a large,successful crop. “After nine months of her growing the improved varieties, we are back here, and today we harvested her cassava plants and she went from zero yield to 35 tons per hectare,which is massive.”

The speed at which farmers identify diseases can mean the difference between the success and failure on large areas of crop land.Now,the use of such simple and easily transportable DNA sequencing devices is making that possible.

Reading Check

1.How does the device help to recognize crop diseases?

A.By checking the related viruses. B.By taking out DNA from plants.

C.By collecting the soil in the field. D.By researching the infected crops.

2.Which word can best describe Naomi Mumo's attitude to the new technology?

A.Shocked. B.Puzzled. C.Satisfied. D.Skeptical.

3.What can we infer from what Laura Boykin said in paragraph 7?

A.Mohamed has made a big fortune by planting cassava.

B.Mohamed has benefited little from the new technology.

C.Mohamed has grown varieties of new plants in her field.

D.Mohamed has changed her life in less than nine months.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Important vocabulary in the text

1.identify v.确认;识别

2.device n.设备

3.urgent adj.紧急的

4.severe adj.严重的

5.resistant adj.有抵抗力的

6.process n.过程

7.transportable adj.可运输的

Ⅱ.Sentence for writing


【点石成金】第一空应填入what,what引导宾语从句,且在从句中作主语;第二空应填入to fight,当名词为way、ability、chance等抽象名词时,通常用动词不定式作定语。